Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4707: Rush to kill

"Old Ancestor, why did this Yingui clan find our Huoyuan Beast clan?

Is it true that our fire source beast clan has enemies with him? "

Fire Source Beast asked.

"Do not.

Our Huoyuan Beast clan has no hatred against this Yingui clan.

It's just the bad luck of our fire source beast clan.

Or in other words, it was because our fire source beasts were too powerful, so he liked it.

This ghost clan will go everywhere to look for some powerful races or some particularly powerful forces in the world. If they fancy it, he will destroy the door and turn all the members of the race or force he likes into his clone.

The Yingui tribe is the most proud creature in the world and the most powerful desire.

His greatest ideal is to turn all powerful creatures in the world into his clones and follow his commands.

The reason why he came to our fire source beast clan was because he saw the strength of our fire source beast clan, and wanted to turn all of our fire source beast clan into his clone. "

The old man said.

"Damn beast!"

The fire source beast couldn't help being full of anger when he heard it.

"I must seek revenge from him!"

The fire source beast said angrily, killing infinitely.

"With your current strength, it is impossible to get revenge.

Don't say it's you, even I can't take revenge.

One condition must be met to kill this ghost clan.

That is, to have a strong mental energy.

Mental energy is the nemesis of the Yingui tribe! "

The old man said.

When speaking, his gaze looked at Lin Fei.

"Powerful mental energy! Patriarch, do you mean that only Lin Fei can kill that ghost tribe?"

Fire Source Beast asked.

"Not bad.

Lin Fei is the most powerful person I have ever seen.

Moreover, I can see that Lin Fei is very talented in terms of mental strength.

Lin Fei, if you can continue to increase your mental energy, I believe that one day, you can kill that ghost race. "

The old man said.

"Senior, of course I will work hard to cultivate mental energy.

It's just that, in the cultivation of mental energy, you must pay attention to perception and can't be anxious.

Cultivation of mental energy, if the more impatient, the progress may be slower. "

Lin Fei said.

"Not bad.

I understand this truth.

Mental energy, known as one of the most partial and difficult energy in the world, is indeed very difficult to cultivate. "

The old man nodded and said.

"Lin Fei, during this period of time, you first practice the fire control technique, and after your fire control technique has made a qualitative leap, I will take you to a place, where, maybe it will improve your mental energy, There are relatively big benefits."

The old man said to Lin Fei.


Should I improve my fire control skills before I can go to that place? "

Lin Fei was taken aback when he heard the old man's words.


That place is the forbidden area of ​​our fire source beast clan. There are very terrible fire attribute energy and fire attribute laws. Only our fire source beast clan can enter that forbidden area.

The creatures of other races are very dangerous if they force them in.

Lin Fei, if you practice the core fire control technique of our fire source beast clan to a certain height, then it is possible to enter that forbidden area. "

The old man said.

"So that's the case.

Well, during this period of time, I will definitely practice the fire control technique. "

Lin Fei nodded.

At this time, in the distance, those Yingui tribe army were still besieging the twelve posters of the Suiyuelou.

However, the twelve posters began to gain the upper hand.

Killing those Yingui tribe army suffered heavy casualties and kept exploding.

Batch after batch of Yingui tribes, like cut rice, fell in batches.

"Not bad.

Your strength is very strong.

It is estimated that in the outside world, there must be a big man who dominates one side.

However, you should not enter here.

In this world, it is easy to enter, but it is difficult to get out. "

Liu Qi has always looked very rested, staring at the twelve posters with plain eyes, and said lightly.

"Damn it, take your life!"

An old poster roared and rushed towards Liu Qi.

He had already killed Liu Qi many times before, but immediately, a large number of Yingui tribes would rush out from behind Liu Qi, continuously culling the old host.

The strength of this old poster is indeed very terrifying, and in every action, he bombards and kills the large-scale Yingui tribe, and keeps approaching Liu Qi.

"Well, very good.

These twelve creatures must be the ones who dominate the outside world.

Especially those four, their strength, although slightly weaker than the three rulers of the Dark Clan back then, is not much different.

If I can subdue them and become my clone, then my strength will be greatly improved.

When the time comes, he will use these twelve clones to prevent the human boy named Lin Fei from leaving. "

In the distance, in the hell, the man in white looked at the twelve posters with a satisfied expression.

"Hey, although Liu Qi has become my clone, his sense of autonomy has always been there.

I can't really subdue him.

This is the most regrettable.

Originally, Liu Qi was my subordinate, the most powerful clone.

However, it is a clone that I cannot fully control. "

The man in white shook his head and sighed.

"Hehe, fellow Liu Qi, I let him try the strength of those twelve creatures, and let him take the opportunity to subdue these twelve creatures.

However, he did not try his best.

He is against me everywhere.

Forget it, I'll do it myself. "

The white-clothed man watched for a while and knew that Liu Qi couldn't really help him deal with the twelve posters.

Therefore, the white man stepped out of **** and walked in the direction of the twelve posters.

Soon, the man in white came to the front of the twelve posters.

The twelve posters were fighting the Yingui tribe who was constantly rushing over. Unexpectedly, a white-clothed man suddenly appeared before him.

The eight young posters are nothing.

However, the four old posters looked at the white-clothed man who suddenly appeared in front of them, but they were shocked.

" seem to be..." One of the old posters seemed to think of something. He pointed his finger at the man in white and tremblingly wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

"I remembered too! I seem to have heard the three dark masters of the dark clan talk about you!"

Another old host suddenly opened his voice and exclaimed.

Then, the other two old posters seemed to think of something, staring at the man in white with horror, their bodies trembling slightly.

"Yin ghosts go wherever they go, kill them all! It's you, you are the ghost clan!"

Finally, an old poster called out with a frightened voice.

"Yin Ghost Race!"

When the other three old posters heard this, they all trembled and took a few steps back in shock.

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