Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4712: Help me kill him

Once, when the twelve posters were about to escape from this space and time, the man in white suddenly performed a terrifying secret technique, and instantly dragged the twelve posters into one strange world after another. in.

In these strange worlds, the twelve posters encountered a large number of attacks from the Yingui tribe.

In these unfamiliar worlds, the strength of these ghost tribes became even more terrifying.

The twelve posters finally escaped from these unfamiliar worlds after experiencing a hard battle.

After they escaped from these unfamiliar worlds, they found that they had returned to the depths of the previous time and space and were about to escape again.

By now, these twelve posters have a deep understanding of how terrifying and difficult the Yingui clan in front of them is, and they also thoroughly understand that the highest leader of the dark clan back then, the black tyrant, is the top master in the world. , Why do you still want to whisper to the Yingui clan in front of you and ask the dark clan to let go.

That's because Hei Ba knows the horror of the Yingui tribe in front of him.

In fact, although the strength of these four old posters is powerful, they are still not as powerful as the black tyrants of the dark race.

Even the black tyrants have to bow their heads for a terrible existence. Of course, these four old posters will feel very headache when facing the Yingui tribe.

However, under the resistance of the four old posters, the Yinguizu couldn't control these twelve posters for a while.

"These guys are really hard to do!"

The ghost clan couldn't help sighing.

At this time in the fire world, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast continued to improve their fire control skills under the guidance of the ancestor of the Huoyuan Beast, making a qualitative leap.

Among them, the fire source beast has made the most progress. His fire control technique has at least increased a thousand times! He now faces the eight young posters of the Years Tower, and can easily fight, and even win the battle.

Lin Fei's fire control technique has also made a huge improvement compared to the previous one. It can be said that Lin Fei's current fire control technique is even stronger than the previous fire source beasts. I don't know how long it has been since.

at last.

"Well, Lin Fei, your current fire control technique is barely enough, and you should be able to enter the forbidden area of ​​our fire source beast clan.

Go, I will take you to our forbidden area to see if your mental energy is improved there. "

The Fire Origin Beast ancestor said to Lin Fei.

"Thank you senior!"

Lin Fei was very excited. Under the guidance of this fire source beast ancestor, Lin Fei's fire control technique has made great progress. Now he wants to take himself to the forbidden area of ​​the fire source beast clan to cultivate mental energy and let Lin Fei Very grateful.

Lin Fei understands that this is an opportunity that can be met but not sought for himself.

Next, under the leadership of the fire source beast ancestor, the three left the fire world together and walked towards the depths of this space and time.

"What are they doing?"

At this moment, the white-clothed man looked at the three Lin Fei and looked a little confused.

"Young man, you can't leave this time and space, I advise you to give up resistance.

There is nothing wrong with being my assistant like Liu Qi. "

The man in white looked at Lin Fei and said in a loud voice.

"I am not interested in being your assistant, I am interested in **** you."

Lin Fei answered the gaze of the man in white.

Lin Fei knew that it was impossible for this Yingui clan to let him go, because he was afraid that he would come back to deal with him when his mental energy increased in the future.

Therefore, this ghost clan will definitely prevent himself from leaving this time and space, and will also find a way to subdue himself and become his clone.

Under this situation, Lin Fei didn't have to be polite to this Yingui tribe, just tore his face.

"You can't kill me now, so you can die of this heart."

The white-clothed man smiled and said that no matter what the circumstances, he seemed to be calm and calm. He was never irritated, even when he was angry! Although this Yingui clan is good at using negative emotions to control others, he never seems to have any negative emotions himself, and always has a plain face, not sullen or angry.

"Yes, I really can't kill you now.

However, I still have huge room for improvement. In the future, sooner or later, I will have the ability to kill you.

In fact, you know this by yourself, don't you? "

Lin Fei sneered.

"Young man, you are a little blindly confident.

My ghost clan was born to dominate all living beings in the world.

You humans are just a weak and pitiful race, and you, even more of a young kid, can kill me depending on you. "

The face of the man in white sank.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fei couldn't help being indifferent.

Finally, for the first time, Lin Fei saw a change in the expression on the face of the man in white.

Before, he always had a calm and unconcerned expression.

Now, he finally showed an expression of displeasure.

"Haha... Yingui clan, you are really afraid that Lin Fei will settle accounts with you in the future.

It seems that in this world, there are also things that scare you. "

The ancestor of the fire source beast laughed and said.

"Don't worry, I will not give him a chance to continue to grow."

The gaze of the white-clothed man stared at Lin Fei, and said in a loud voice.

Then, he turned around and walked over to the twelve owners of the Suiyuelou.

"I can let you go, but you have to do one thing for me."

The white-clothed man looked at the twelve posters of the Suiyuelou and said in a loud voice.


What are you talking about! "

The twelve posters of the Years Tower couldn't help being overjoyed, and one of the old posters immediately asked.

During this period of time, they tried their best and tried their best. Until now, they have not been able to escape this time and space. They have long been exhausted physically and mentally. Now they are very excited to hear this ghost clan say that they can be let go.

"Master Yingui tribe, as long as you don't embarrass us, if it is something we can do, we will definitely help!"

Another poster added.

"It's very simple. Help me catch the human young man, or kill him."

The Yin Gui clan pointed to Lin Fei in the distance, and said to the twelve posters of Suiyuelou.

Originally, the twelve posters of the Suiyuelou, in this space and time, their sense of consciousness was limited to a certain extent, and the fire source beast ancestors used a fire attribute law to cover Lin Fei and the fire source beast. When I got up, the twelve posters never saw Lin Fei.

Now, with the Yingui clan pointing this way, the twelve posters saw Lin Fei, and they could see clearly.

"It's Lin Fei! The fire source beast is also here!"

The twelve posters all shouted at the same time.

The reason they entered this time and space was originally to hunt down the source of fire beast and Lin Fei!

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