Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4721: Increase in mental energy

"I don't know how Lin Fei is."

At this moment, in the forbidden ground, the Fire Source Beast looked at the sky fire mill and said.

He was a little worried about Lin Fei. He heard Lin Fei's screams very clearly.

Now, in the midst of the fire that day, suddenly there was no sound.

He didn't know what happened to Lin Fei now.

"Do not worry.

Lin Fei is very safe now.

The sharpening of the sky fire is of great benefit to him.

Now his mental energy is constantly improving.

Let's not disturb him for now.

I believe that he will surprise us soon. "

The Fire Origin Beast Ancestor said.

His divine consciousness is much stronger than the fire source beast, and he can clearly perceive Lin Fei's current situation.

"That's great!"

Huo Yuan Beast could not help but feel relieved after hearing what the ancestor said.

"Don't worry about Lin Fei.

Let's practice seriously.

Lin Fei's talent is better than you. What you should worry about is yourself. "

The Fire Origin Beast Ancestor said.

"Ancestor, don't worry, I will practice seriously."

Fire Source Beast said.

Then, the fire source beast began to practice desperately.

Outside the forbidden area.

"I thought that I could conquer a few strong clones, but unexpectedly, let them leave."

The Yinguizu was very upset and said.

The twelve posters of the Years Tower were all good at strength, which made him very satisfied. Unexpectedly, all of them escaped in the end.

"We stay here, and we must not let the human boy named Lin Fei escape."

The Yinguizu stared at the forbidden ground and said.

His face, which has always appeared to be light and windy, has obvious anger at this time.

The posters of the Years Tower successfully escaped from this time and space, making him feel very annoyed.

"I always have a bad feeling, what exactly does the fire source beast want to bring Lin Fei into this forbidden area?

I hope nothing will go wrong. "

The Yin Gui clan looked into the forbidden ground, worried for no reason.

"You can see that you are very jealous of Lin Fei."

Liu Qi said with a smile.

"Not bad.

I am indeed a little jealous of him.

Therefore, I will wait here. After he comes out, I will personally take him into my clone, or kill him directly.

More often, I won't let him threaten me. "

The Yin Gui clan admitted directly and nodded.

Time passed slowly.

I don't know how many years have passed.

In the fire.

Lin Fei, who had been sitting cross-legged, like an old monk entering a calm state, suddenly opened his eyes.

"My mental energy has increased thousands of times at least!"

Lin Fei was very excited.

After receiving a period of tempering in the skyfire mill, Lin Fei's mental energy has improved greatly! At the same time, Lin Fei felt that if he continued to stay in the fire mill, he estimated that his mental energy would not be greatly improved.

Thus, Lin Fei ended this time of tempering.

"Lin Fei is out!"

In the forbidden ground, the ancestor of the fire source beast suddenly looked at the sky fire mill and said.

"Oh! Lin Fei is coming out!"

The Fire Source Beast was practising the art of controlling fire. After listening to the ancestor's words, he immediately looked towards the sky fire mill, revealing a surprise.

In the midst of the fire, Lin Fei stood up and walked outside step by step.

After a while.

Lin Fei walked out of the sky.

"Haha, Lin Fei, it seems that your harvest is good."

The Fire Origin Beast ancestor felt Lin Fei's breath and said with a big smile.

"Senior, thank you very much! Heavenly Fire Grinding has indeed greatly improved my mental energy."

Lin Fei came to the front of the fire source beast ancestor and said gratefully.

"Lin Fei, show your current mental and energy attainments."

The Fire Origin Beast Ancestor said.


Lin Fei nodded.

Boom...The next moment, Lin Fei directly displayed the world of mind power, one mind power world after another, quickly condensed at an astonishing speed. In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of mind power worlds condensed, overlapping and overlapping. Suspended in the space around Lin Fei's body.

Before, Lin Fei could only condense dozens of mental power worlds at most.

Now, Lin Fei can easily condense hundreds of mind-power worlds! After hundreds of mental power worlds were condensed, they exuded a terrifying energy pressure.

Let the surrounding space completely become bizarre.

Because Lin Fei's mental energy was too strong, the flames and fire attribute laws in the surrounding space were disturbed and rejected, and a large area was emptied! In this emptied space and time, there is only Lin Fei's mental energy! No more sparks! "Not bad! It's really good!"

Seeing Lin Fei condensing hundreds of mental power worlds instantly, the ancestor of the fire source beast couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Lin Fei, you are the person with the strongest mind and energy I have ever seen! I estimate that with your current mind and energy, you can get rid of that ghost race and leave this time and space!"

The Fire Origin Beast Ancestor said.

"That's great!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being very excited when he heard what the Fire Origin Beast ancestor said.

You know, that ghost clan is too difficult to entangle.

The four old posters of the Years Tower belonged to the top masters in the sea of ​​absolute space, and they were also entangled by the Yingui tribe in no way.

It can be seen how terrible the ghost tribe is.

Before that, Lin Fei had been worried that it might be difficult for him to leave this time and space under the impediment of that ghost clan.

Now with the soaring of mental energy, Lin Fei's confidence has greatly increased. Hearing the words of the fire source beast ancestor, he is even more relieved.

"Lin Fei, when my junior has completely mastered the core fire control of our fire source beast clan, you will take him and leave this space and time together."

The fire source beast ancestor pointed to the fire source beast and said.

"Ancestor, won't you leave with us?"

The Fire Source Beast was taken aback and asked.

"I can't leave.

I want to stay here.

As long as I stay here, I can continue to trap that ghost clan, and make him unable to leave this space and time.

Otherwise, if the Yingui clan were to leave this time and space, he would definitely go after Lin Fei. "

The Fire Origin Beast Ancestor said.

"Ancestor, are you saying that the ghost tribe is trapped by you in this space and time, and can't stay away?"

The Fire Source Beast couldn't help asking.

Lin Fei was also very surprised.

"Not bad.

Over the years, the reason why the Yingui clan stayed in this space and time and couldn't leave was because I trapped him here.

As long as I want to be in this space and time, as long as I am alive, he can't leave this space and time.

Now, I do not explain it so clearly to you.

In the future, your strength is strong enough, and when you return to this time and space, you will naturally understand what is going on. "

The Fire Origin Beast Ancestor said.

"Okay, hurry up and practice.

When you successfully practice the core fire control technique of our fire source beast clan, leave. "

The Fire Origin Beast Ancestor said.

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