Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4732: Go deep into the fire eye again

You know, the fire source beast has lived in this valley of eight fires since it can be remembered.

I am so familiar with everything in the Valley of Eight Fires! All the sacred fire and fire attribute laws in the Valley of Eight Fires are completely controlled by the fire source beast! Therefore, as soon as it enters the Valley of the Eight Fires, the fire source beast has a sense of freedom as the dragon returns to the sea and the tiger sets the forest.

"You two little beasts, stop!"

At this time, the four old landlords also chased into the Valley of the Eight Fires, yelling in the rear, a little frustrated.

Because, they found that Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast were still fleeing towards the depths of the Valley of Eight Fires, where the Huoyan was.

They understood that Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast wanted to escape into that eye of fire.

Seeing Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast acting like this, the four old posters really hated them to the extreme.

" four old guys, if you have the courage, keep chasing you.

Let's enter that time and space together again, and visit the Lord Yingui tribe! Maybe, that yin ghost clan adult is warm and hospitable, and will leave you in that time and space. "

Lin Fei knew what these four old posters were most afraid of, and said loudly on purpose.

Sure enough, after listening to Lin Fei's words, the four old posters were all startled, and their movements were involuntarily slow.


Are you scared?

No way, the four great old posters of the dignified time building, will there be things to be afraid of?

Not a legend, are you masters at the same level as the three masters of darkness?

I think you four, don't even the three major dark masters are not worthy to carry shoes. "

Lin Fei laughed and said.

"Little beast, what are you talking about.

The two of you only know how to escape, so what is it! If you dare to fight with me, I can kill you with one palm! "

The four old posters behind heard Lin Fei's words and couldn't help but furious. One of the old posters roared.

"Haha, what are you four old guys arrogant.

If I reach your age, I will only mean to destroy you! Even, as long as I break through and become the Chaos God, I will have the confidence to fight you head-on! "

Lin Fei was tit-for-tat and refused.

"You..." After hearing Lin Fei's words, the four old posters were anxious and couldn't find words to refute.

Then, they thought of Lin Fei's age and Lin Fei's current state.

The four old posters are completely shocked.

"This Lin Fei is indeed the only evildoer in the world! This is the most evil young genius I have ever seen in my life!"

The four old posters sighed in their hearts.

"No! We can't be distracted anymore! The two of them are about to get close to the fire eye! Once they enter the fire eye, we want to catch them, it will be even more difficult!"

At this moment, an old host suddenly woke up and shouted.

"You two little beasts, stop for me!"

As a result, the four old posters shouted together, and at the same time displayed their laws of time and space, and across the distant space, they enveloped Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast mightily.

I have to say that the strength of these four old posters is too strong.

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast were affected in an instant, and their body skills stopped.

It's just that the Valley of Eight Fires is the site of the Fire Source Beast! "Break for me!"

The Fire Source Beast roared.

Rumble...In the entire Valley of the Eight Fires, the endless eight kinds of divine fire, swiftly gathered towards the position of the fire source beast.

Rumble...There are so many, so dense sacred fire gathered together, the power produced is too powerful.

In the next moment, under the control of the fire source beast, the divine fire quickly condensed and turned into a huge burning palm, pushing towards Lin Fei and the fire source beast.

Boom! Lin Fei and the Fire Source Beast were hit by the palm of the fire, like two out-of-the-box cannonballs, hurriedly ejecting towards the fire eye.

Shoo! In the next moment, both Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast successfully rushed into Huoyan! "Do not!"

In the rear, the four old posters roared one by one.

"Okay! Let's get into the depths of the fire eye.

In the depths of Huoyan, there is a large maze, and the four old guys can hardly catch us! "

As soon as it entered Huoyan, Huoyuan Beast couldn't help laughing.

Shoo! Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast joined the speed and rushed into the depths of Huoyan.

After entering Huoyan, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast were even more like a fish in water, feeling extremely happy.

Both Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast had practiced the core fire control techniques of the Huoyuan Beast clan. The violent flames in the eyes of the fire were only good for them, and there was no threat.

With the blessing of these violent flames in the eyes of Huo, the body speed of Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast increased again! In a moment, it disappeared into the eyes of fire.

Outside the fire eye.

The four old hosts of the Years Tower stood at the entrance of Huoyan, and their faces were very gloomy.

Their divine consciousness felt the aura of Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast in the eyes of the fire, and they were a little hesitant.

"Are we going to chase in?"

One of the old posters said.

"It seems useless to chase in.

Haven't you noticed that the aura of those two little beasts is getting weaker and weaker. "

Another old host suddenly said.

"Not bad.

This is the territory of the fire source beast clan. The deeper this fire eye is, the more the fire source beast will be able to catch it. Even if we chase it in, it is estimated that we will chase it in vain. "

Another old host said with a sigh.

"Forget it, we still won't chase in."

Finally, the four old posters unanimously decided.

After all, in this eye of fire, there is the Yingui tribe they are most afraid of! They are afraid that after they chase in, if they encounter the Yingui clan again, there is really no place to cry! "Damn it! Two junior boys make us so embarrassed!"

Finally, the four old posters were all downcast and sighed repeatedly.

Then, the four old posters turned around and walked out of the Valley of Eight Fires.

They know it's no use staying here.

As long as they are still here, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast will definitely not come out.

And the four of them, as the four pillars of the Years Tower, still have a lot of things to deal with, and it is impossible to stay here.

"Four old posters, what's going on? Have you caught Lin Fei and the fire source beast?"

Outside the Valley of Eight Fires, the seven young posters were still hesitating whether to enter the Valley of Eight Fires. They saw four old posters coming out and hurriedly greeted them.

"Go back and talk about it."

One of the old posters said with a sigh.


Could it be that Lin Fei and the source of fire beast escaped again? "

When the seven young posters saw the expressions of the four old posters, their hearts sank, and they probably guessed the result.

"Damn it! Let them escape again!"

Seven young posters gritted their teeth one by one.

Then, the owners of Suiyuelou returned to the headquarters of Suiyuelou with their troops.

The owners of the Years Tower have always been jealous of the Valley of Eight Fires, and are unwilling to stay here for a long time.

They are afraid, if in the depths of the Eighth Valley of Fire, the Yingui Clan in the time and space suddenly ran out, something bad would happen!

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