Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4744: Gathered

"This is not a good sign.

Those old guys in the line of reincarnation, each one is very difficult.

In particular, if the cycle of reincarnation rebuilds the cycle of rebirth, it will be even more troublesome.

It is estimated that even the dark people have a headache. "

Another old poster said.

"Do not worry.

Where does the Dark Clan let the reincarnation chakra rebuild the reincarnation circuit.

Back then, the Dark Clan didn't know how much it cost, and finally destroyed the cycle of reincarnation.

Now that the reincarnation line wants to rebuild the cycle of rebirth, the dark race will definitely stop it frantically.

Therefore, there is no need for us to worry about the cycle of reincarnation.

The Dark Clan is much more nervous than our time. "

Another old host said.

"Not bad."

The other three old posters nodded.

"Their seven young guys, how are their cultivation progress."

An old poster asked.

"The progress is very good.

The seven of them have had a very long time since they became Chaos Gods.

The accumulation has been rich enough.

Now, they have received various secret techniques taught by us, and their strength has improved significantly.

I believe that it will not take long for them to stand alone.

At that time, Suiyuelou will not have to rely on our four old guys alone. "

An old poster said.

"Not bad.

If the seven of them can stand alone, of course it would be the best. "

The other three old posters nodded.

at the same time.

The Dark Clan, in the headquarters.

Three huge figures exuding a frightening atmosphere sat in a black ancient palace.

A large number of chaotic gods of the dark race stood respectfully in front of these three figures.

There are also a group of wizards of the dark clan sitting side by side.

Among the Dark Clan, the status of the wizard is generally high and highly respected.

"There is an old man who claims to be a line of reincarnation, suddenly appeared in Sandu City, and wiped out the four Chaos Gods in Sandu City and Suiyuelou with a single finger?

Have you checked yet. "

One of the huge figures sitting in the center of the palace slowly began to speak.

His voice was like a nine-day **** thunder exploding, shaking this space and time.

"After I received the news, I rushed to Sandu City immediately.

Sandu City has become a ruin.

I used the law of time and space, and time to the top, imprinting the scene at that time.

Please see the three masters. "

The more a mage came out, waved his hand.

The three huge black figures sitting in the center of the palace are the three great dark masters of the entire sea of ​​absolute space! Boom... A huge crystal screen appeared, floating in the palace.

Then, on the crystal screen, scenes began to play.

In the crystal screen, an old man in white stretched out a finger and pressed it towards Sandu City.

It is the picture of the destruction of Sandu City.

In the palace, including the three dark masters, all the dark races in the palace stared at the crystal screen.

"It turned out to be him! The first reincarnation ruler! This old thing, he really is not dead! He has appeared again!"

Soon, the three masters of darkness recognized the identity of the old man in white and couldn't help but scream in a low voice at the same time.

After recognizing the identity of the white-clothed old man, each of the three masters of darkness had a gloomy face.

Back then, they led a large number of strong men to hunt down the three samsara masters, thinking that they could completely kill the three samsara masters.

Unexpectedly, now, the first reincarnation dominates, a living place has appeared again! "Huh! No wonder, over the years, there have been many descendants of reincarnation in the Absolute Space Sea.

I thought that these so-called descendants of the cycle of reincarnation are just some leftover remnants and can't make any climate.

It now appears that things are not so simple.

It turns out that the master of the first cycle is still alive.

In this way, those so-called reincarnation descendants are very likely to be ghosts made by this old thing.

He wanted to rebuild the cycle of reincarnation, rebuild the cycle of rebirth! "

The Third Dark Lord said coldly.

"If you want to rebuild the cycle of reincarnation, rebuild the cycle of rebirth, how easy is it.

I have to ask whether we the dark people agree! "

The Second Dark Lord sneered.

"Anyway, from now on, the three of us old guys must act.

Now that we know that this old thing is not dead, we will find him and kill him completely to avoid future troubles! "

The First Dark Lord said.

"Not bad.

This old thing must be removed.

Otherwise, he is always a confidant of ours. "

The Third Dark Lord nodded.

"Master Heba, in the next time, I will trouble you to figure out the whereabouts and whereabouts of this old thing, and then we will go to the door and kill him."

The eyes of the First Dark Lord looked at an elderly mage next to him.

This mage is the famous black master of the dark race! Known as the Dark Clan, the most powerful wizard! "The three masters, don't worry, from now on, I will lead all the mages to collectively deduct the whereabouts of the masters in the first cycle.

I believe that as long as there is a certain amount of time, we can definitely predict his whereabouts. "

The black bar master nodded and replied.

Although the Heba Master is respected, he must obey the orders of the three masters of darkness.

His role is equivalent to the three masters of darkness.

"Three masters, I will take these mages now to perform deductions."

The Heba Master stood up and left with a large group of Dark Clan masters.

"Thank you mages."

The three masters of darkness all spoke up.

at the same time.

In the sea of ​​space where the Samsara Palace is located.

An old man in white clothes with his hands on his back, strode forward, and finally walked into this seemingly remote and desolate sea of ​​space.

"finally came back."

The old man in white smiled.

The moment the white-clothed old man walked into this sea of ​​space, on a piece of grass in the Samsara Palace, two old men sitting cross-legged opened their eyes at the same time.

"The boss is back."

The two old men looked at each other and smiled.

After a while.

An old man in white strode forward, walked into the Samsara Palace, and landed on the grass.

"Haha, unexpectedly, our three old guys are together again!"

The three samsara masters all laughed.

Rumble...At this moment, the world is roaring, and within the Samsara Palace, there are endless white divine thunders, which are constantly blasting.

A large number of laws of reincarnation appeared surgingly, permeating this sea of ​​space.

The three masters of samsara gather together! If this news came out, it would definitely cause a sensation in the entire Absolute Space Sea.

"Next, start to rebuild the work of reincarnation!"

The first round of the master said.


The other two reincarnation masters are both focused.

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