Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4748: Persistent advancement

at the same time.

In the sea of ​​absolute space, there is a sea of ​​space at the edge.

Above a very weak star.

In a quiet village.

Next to the village, there is a thick, dark-skinned old farmer, holding a **** in both hands, hoeing the ground.

It was noon, and the sun was high.

The old farmer worked hard and sweated like rain.


The old farmer stopped his movements and raised his head, looking towards the sky.

Boom... Two horrible spirits shot out from the eyes of this old farmer, seeming to penetrate the distant time and space.

"It's the breath of the Samsara Army.

There is a reincarnation army, walking in the sea of ​​absolute space. "

The old farmer muttered to himself.

"Back then, the three samsara masters once said that if one day, the samsara army reappears in the sea of ​​absolute space, it will be the day when our samsara line is reborn.

It seems that this day has finally arrived! "

The old farmer showed an excited expression.


"Well, in this case, my old fellow should be born again.

The line of reincarnation reappears in the world, and there will be a battle with the dark clan.

I can't miss such a wonderful moment! "

The old farmer said.

Rumble... At the same time as speaking, a terrifying breath continued to erupt from the body of this old farmer, as if a long-stored volcano had begun to erupt completely! "Our reincarnation army, come out!"

The old farmer shouted.

The old farmer moved the **** in his hand, swung it abruptly, and threw it forward.

Boom...A huge space channel was smashed out ahead.

At the other end of the space channel is a small world.

After a while.

Boom... A large army came out of that small world in mighty force.

Another army of reincarnation! "See the commander!"

This reincarnation army came to the old farmer, saluted together and shouted in unison.

At this moment, the **** in the hands of the old farmer has turned into a golden euphorbia, blooming with golden glow.

"Everyone, today, we return to the sea of ​​absolute space!"

The old farmer shouted.


This army of reincarnation roared with the old farmers.


Under the leadership of the old peasant, this army of reincarnation left this plane with great force and entered into the sea of ​​absolute space.

The murderous aura radiated from this army of reincarnation, shaking a large area of ​​time and space.

Wherever he went, he attracted the attention of many creatures.

"Look! Another reincarnation army!"

Soon, this reincarnation army was recognized, and countless creatures screamed.

"It seems that the line of reincarnation has completely reappeared in the world!"

"It turns out that the reincarnation channel has not been destroyed! The reincarnation channel is just hidden.

Now it's born! "

...Many creatures are talking frantically.

Countless creatures are paying attention to recurring things in the world in the cycle of reincarnation.

You know, the cycle of reincarnation back then was the same as the Dark Clan, and it was one of the best superpowers in the sea of ​​absolute space.

At the same time, the re-emergence of the cycle of reincarnation in the world means that something big is about to happen! As we all know, the reincarnation line and the dark clan are rivals! In the great battle that year, the army of the dark race shattered the cycle of reincarnation and almost destroyed the cycle of reincarnation.

This is a deep hatred.

Now that the line of reincarnation reappears in the world, everyone understands that the war between the two superpowers has begun again! "The Sea of ​​Absolute Space is about to be chaotic! Once the reincarnation line and the dark clan fight again, countless innocent forces and creatures will surely be implicated!"

"There is no doubt that a great troubled world is coming!"

"The gods fight, the little devil suffers, let's stay away.

Don't get involved in the war between the samsara and the dark race! "

...In the sea of ​​absolute space, I don't know how many forces and creatures there are, whispered.


In the sea of ​​absolute space, somewhere in time and space, Tiangang Reincarnation is marching with a reincarnation army. Suddenly, a large army of the dark race came oncoming and blocked the way of this reincarnation army.

"Those who block me die!"

Tiangang Reincarnation God was covered in golden armor, with a cold expression, giving people tremendous pressure, and said coldly.

"Haha, you remnants of reincarnation, what a big tone.

In the First World War, our dark army once defeated you reincarnation army.

Today, our dark army will once again build up its military merits and kill all the remnants of your reincarnation army! "

The Dark Clan army, a terrifying Chaos God, covered in black armor, strode out, holding a black three-bladed steel fork in his hand, and said loudly.

This army of the dark clan is the famous dark army.

Back then, the reincarnation line and the reincarnation army, the dark army of the dark race! Both sides are the core of their respective forces! "kill!"

Tiangang Reincarnation God no longer has any nonsense, waved his hand, and shouted coldly.

Kill... Behind him, the reincarnation army roared at the same time, rushing forward with black pressure.

Tiangang Reincarnation God is even more ahead of the culling, wherever it passes, instantly bombards and kills a large group of dark people! "Go! Kill the remnants of these reincarnation army!"

The leader of the Dark Army also waved his hand and shouted.

Rumbling... the men and horses of the two sides collided in an instant, and a terrible battle took place.

"Kill you first!"

Tiangang reincarnation focused on the leader of the dark clan.

"I also plan to kill you first!"

The leader of the dark clan also rushed towards the **** of reincarnation.

Thus, the leaders of both sides began a terrible fierce battle.

It's just that, after a while, the winners and losers began to be determined.

Tiangang Reincarnation God's strength is astonishing, one punch, one punch, not hurriedly or slowly, just like pushing an invisible giant mill, the punches vibrate in this space and time.

The mighty force of the fist continued to crush the leader of the dark clan.

The leader of the dark clan became more and more frightened as he fought, his bones creaked and he spurted blood from his mouth.

He found that this time and space had been completely controlled by the fist of Tiangang Reincarnation God.

The terrifying fist has become the only existence in this time and space.

In the end, the body of the leader of the dark army was constantly bent over by the ubiquitous terrifying fist, as if there was an invisible giant grinding on his body, constantly grinding him.

His body is getting thinner and thinner and shrinking.

In the end, amidst the screams, he turned into a small black man of only a few inches. Although he struggled desperately, it had no effect at all! what! In the end, the little black man let out a scream, which was completely blown up, turned into a black blood mist, and dispersed with the wind.

"It's you guys!"

Tiangang reincarnation punched the other dark army.

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