Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4757: Another breakthrough

"Master, of course I know the location of the Samsara Palace, and I still have many friends, and I am practicing in retreat in the Samsara Palace."

Lin Fei replied.

The chaos-swallowing beast, the reincarnation princess and others have been practicing in the reincarnation palace under the guidance of the clones of the three reincarnation masters.

Of course, now the main body dominated by the three samsara has returned, and it is no longer a clone.

"The three major reincarnations dominate the return, and there are so many reincarnation forces returning, and your reincarnation line is officially returned.

Lin Fei, from now on, you descendants of the reincarnation line no longer have to fight alone.

Those old guys in your reincarnation line are not simple, each one was a famous figure in the sea of ​​absolute space. "

Desolate Beast said.

"Not bad.

Especially the three rulers of reincarnation, compared with the three rulers of the dark clan, it is not bad at all.

Even, I feel that the three rulers of samsara are better than the three rulers of darkness.

However, in the battle that year, the three dark masters looked for many helpers and besieged the three reincarnation masters, and finally won.

If there are only three masters of darkness, it may not be possible to fight three masters of reincarnation. "

Baidi Shenjun said.

"Not bad.

I think so. "

The beast nodded.

Baidi Shenjun and Desolate Beast are both old chaotic gods in the absolute space sea. They know a lot about the battle that year.

"The three masters of our reincarnation line are by no means inferior to the three dark masters.

This is for sure. "

Po Meng said in a loud voice.

She was the reincarnation **** on the cycle of reincarnation back then, and she knew the strength of the three major reincarnations.

"It's just that among the dark clan, the most powerful, not the three dark masters, but the black tyrant.

We dominate the three reincarnations of the line of reincarnation. I don't know if it is the opponent of the black bully. "

Lin Fei suddenly thought of Hei Ba and said in a loud voice.

After hearing Lin Fei's words, Huang Beast, Bai Di Shenjun and Meng Po were silent for a while.

"The three reincarnations dominate, it should not be the opponent of the black bully."

After a while, Po Meng said.

"Not bad.

Hei Ba's seniority is too high.

Only Samsara Master is the opponent of the black bully. "

Baidi Shenjun also said.

"Therefore, only the three major reincarnations dominate the return. The enemies we have to face in the reincarnation line are still very powerful."

Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh lightly.

"You do not have to worry about.

The three reincarnations dominated for so many years and never appeared.

Now they all come back suddenly, which shows that the three of them should be very confident.

I estimate that the three samsara masters may have found the samsara master, or the samsara master may have returned, but he has not shown his face for the time being. "

Desolate Beast said.

"Lin Fei, for you at the moment, it is to break through to the Chaos God first and enhance your strength.

Only strengthening the strength is the most fundamental.

Next, the reincarnation line and the dark clan will definitely have a very fierce conflict, and there will definitely be a major war.

If you want to help your heart in this war, you must first break through and become the Chaos God.

Otherwise, with your current strength, it is still not enough. "

Baidi Shenjun said to Lin Fei.


Master, I understand. "

Lin Fei nodded heavily after hearing the words of Baidi Shenjun.

"Yes, at the moment, the most important thing for me is to break through and become the Chaos God!"

Lin Fei said.

"Well, Lin Fei, go back and continue practicing in retreat.

Your avatars, I guess, will not take long before they will all break through to the tenth-level main god, so the day when you hit the realm of Chaos God is getting closer and closer.

Therefore, Lin Fei, during this period, you must seize the time to comprehend the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman.

The more laws you understand, the easier it is to break through.

The Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman can evolve all the laws in the world, you must make good use of the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman. "

Baidi Shenjun said.

"Lin Fei, you can practice with peace of mind.

Your clones, I will help you get back one by one.

Each of your avatars, I have a method of contact.

As soon as they break through and become the tenth-level main god, I will feel it immediately. "

Desolate Beast also said.


Master, Senior Desolate Beast, I will continue to retreat. "

Lin Fei nodded and said.

So Lin Fei returned to the small world and began to practice in retreat.

Just now.

"Hey! Lin Fei has another clone, breaking through to the tenth-level main god.

I will pick him up right away! "

Huang Beast suddenly smiled and said.

"go quickly.

Each of Lin Fei's ninety-nine and eighty-one clones is very important, and it is best not to lose each one, if you can take them all back.

Coupled with the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, I estimate that Lin Fei has a very high probability of breaking through to the Chaos God. "

Baidi Shenjun said.


Nothing can be lost. "

Desolate Beast nodded and said.

Then, the wild beast left the Valley of Gods, walked into the sea of ​​absolute space, and headed towards a sea of ​​space.

At this time, in a space sea called Qianbo World Sea.

Within a certain interface.

In the high altitude, a young man had just finished the thunder tribulation, stood in the air, clenched his fists lightly, feeling the surging divine power in his body.

"Finally broke through to become the tenth-tier main god.

My task is completed.

Next, it's time to go back. "

The young man said to himself.

"Ye Fei, you are so amazing, you have broken through to the tenth rank of the Lord God at such a young age! Senior sister is really ashamed!"

A tall, bumpy and beautiful girl came to Ye Fei's body and said excitedly.

"Ye Fei, you are now the most enchanting young man in our thousands of worlds! You will surely let the influence of our Ziyue Sect to a higher level!"

The girl looked at Ye Fei with her beautiful eyes, with a trace of admiration, and said in a loud voice.

"Haha, Senior Sister, our Ziyue Sect is now one of the three superpowers in the world of thousands of waves."

Ye Fei smiled.

"Haha, Liu Miao is right.

Ye Fei, with your qualifications, once you break through and become the Chaos God, you will surely dominate the world of thousands of waves.

At that time, you can lead us Ziyuejiao to become the most powerful and only superpower in the world of thousands of waves. "

At this time, a white-haired old man suddenly came to Ye Fei and said with a smile.

"Master, your old man is here too."

Ye Fei and Liu Miao were both surprised, and quickly saluted the old man.

"Haha, Ye Fei, I did not misunderstand you.

You are very proud. "

The white-haired old man felt the Tier 10 Lord God breath in Ye Fei's body, and kept nodding his head, feeling very satisfied.

"Master, you have been rewarded.

In fact, it's all because of your good teaching, Master. "

Ye Fei said.

"Haha, good, Ye Fei, your personality is very good.

Being self-confident, such a personality fits my liking. "

The white-haired old man smiled.

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