Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4773: The enemy is coming

"Wu Fei, what's the kind of politeness between you and us old guys.

Hurry up and accept it. "

Those old men looked at Wu Fei with relief one by one.

"Seniors, I can't collect these treasures."

Wu Fei thought for a while and said.

"It's true, seniors, I will be leaving the Sea of ​​Flowing Moon soon."

Wu Fei said.


Wu Fei, what are you talking about, you are leaving the sea of ​​Liuyue World?

Where are you going? "

The old men couldn't help being shocked when they heard Wu Fei's words, and looked at them at the same time.

You know, Wu Fei is their hope, and also the hope of Liuyue World Sea! "Predecessors, in fact, I am not a member of Liuyue World Sea. Sooner or later I will leave Liuyue World Sea."

Wu Fei said directly.


Wu Fei, are you not one of us from the Moon World Sea?

Where do you belong? "

After hearing Wu Fei's words, each of these old men was even more shocked and speechless.

One by one stared at Wu Fei.

They have always regarded Wu Fei as the most enchanting young genius in the world of the floating moon.

Now, Wu Fei suddenly said that he is not a member of the Moon World Sea! How can these old people accept it! "Wu Fei, what the **** is going on, I hope you can tell us clearly."

One of the old men took a deep breath and asked every word.

"Wu Fei, could it be that you are an undercover agent?

Is the Spica World Sea, the Ziwei World Sea, or the Taiheng World Sea sent to us to spy on the news?

Honestly! "

Suddenly, the other old man seemed to have thought of something and asked sharply.


Undercover! Hearing this old man's words, the other old people around all changed their faces, looking at Wu Fei's gaze, they became vigilant.

At the same time, these old men secretly locked Wu Fei one by one.

Spica World Sea, Ziwei World Sea, and Taiheng World Sea are all hostile relations, and wars often occur.

If Wu Fei is an undercover agent sent by these three space seas, then the joke is big.

You know, over the years, they have always regarded Wu Fei as the hope of Liuyue World Sea and focused on training.

"Seniors, don't get me wrong.

I can swear, I am definitely not an undercover from the three space seas of Spica World Sea, Ziwei World Sea, and Taiheng World Sea! These three space seas are the enemies of Liuyue World Sea, which is my enemy, Wu Fei! I will always stand on the side of the sea of ​​the Moon World! Please believe me on this point! "

Wu Fei said quickly.

"Well, Wu Fei, what the **** is going on? What is your background? Tell us the truth."

After hearing Wu Fei's words, the old men's expressions eased, and one of the old men said to Wu Fei.

"Seniors..." Wu Fei suddenly didn't know how to answer.

Wu Fei was a clone of Lin Fei, and he certainly couldn't tell the old men in front of him about his true origin.

However, these old people are very good to Wu Fei. Over the years, in order to cultivate Wu Fei, a lot of energy and material resources have been spent.

Wu Fei didn't want to deceive these old men.

Therefore, in the face of these elderly people, Wu Fei felt a sense of guilt.

Just now.

Boom... Suddenly, in the sea of ​​absolute space, a large number of people are coming toward the sea of ​​Liuyue World.

This is the people of the dark race.

"The space sea in front is called Liuyue World Sea, and Lin Fei has a clone in this space sea.

We just go in! "

A creature wrapped in a black robe, holding a black staff, pointed to the Moon World Sea ahead and said.

This is a mage of the dark clan! "Haha, Master Tiandu, don't worry, even if Lin Fei's body is here, I have the confidence to deal with it, let alone Lin Fei's clone, it's too easy to deal with him!"

A chaotic **** of the dark race stood beside the mage and said in a loud voice.

"If Lin Fei's body is here, it would be a little difficult to deal with him.

It's just that Lin Fei's clone is limited no matter how powerful it is.

Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, let's go directly into the Sea of ​​Flowing Moon World, find Lin Fei's clone, and kill it! "

The mage said, with a wave of his hand, with this dark race of men and horses, they marched forward mightily, getting closer and closer to the Sea of ​​Flowing Moon.

"Who are they?

Is the enemy coming? "

Around Liuyue World Sea, there are many spies who are always watching.

Because Liuyue World Sea and several nearby spaces have always been in a hostile state, and wars between space and sea will occur from time to time, the early warning and defense work is very strict.

"Hurry up and report a few Lord Chaos Gods!"

Immediately, there were several creatures from the Moon World Sea rushing to report.

at the same time.

"Not far ahead is the Sea of ​​Flowing Moon World.

This avatar of Lin Fei also broke through to the tenth-tier main god.

very nice. "

A creature exuding fierce aura is driving in the sea of ​​absolute space, heading towards the sea of ​​flowing moon world.

It is the beast.

As soon as Lin Fei had a clone to break through to become a Tier 10 main god, the desolate beast would immediately have an induction and rush away.

Therefore, the moment Wu Fei broke through to become the tenth-tier main **** of Liuyue World Sea, Desolate Beast knew it, and immediately left the Falling God Valley and came towards Liuyue World Sea.

at this time.

In the sea of ​​Liuyue World.

Faced with the questions of the old men in front of him, Wu Fei didn't know how to answer for a while.


"Masters of Chaos God, the big thing is not good.

It looks like an enemy is coming! "

A spy hurried to report.

The enemy is coming! When the old men around Wu Fei heard this, their expressions changed.

"Huh, it seems that they want to start a war again! When we are really bullying us, the Moon World Sea is really good for us to bully, immediately order all the troops to gather and prepare to meet the enemy!"

An old man with gray beard shouted.

Boom... Immediately, a team of people began to gather in the world of the Moon.

After a while, a huge army appeared.

"Go, go out to meet the enemy!"

All the chaotic gods of the Moon World Sea appeared, and they walked out of the space sea with a mighty army.

Wu Fei also followed behind these Chaos Gods.

There are a total of nine Chaos Gods in Liuyue World Sea.

Among the sea of ​​absolute space, it can be regarded as a sea of ​​good strength.

Soon, the nine Chaos Gods led a large army out of the Sea of ​​Flowing Moon World.

In the distance, there is a large army rumbling! "Hey, something is wrong.

What a strong dark energy and dark law, they seem to be the army of the dark race! "

Suddenly, one of the Chaos Gods in Liuyue World Sea cried out.

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