Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4780: The body is coming

Just now.

"You have no chance to hold others accountable.

Because, now I want to hold you accountable. "

A figure flashed, and a young man who was exactly the same as Ouyang Fei appeared in this space and time, staring at the three Chaos Gods of the Dark Clan, and said coldly.

"You are... Lin Fei's body!"

The three Chaos Gods couldn't help but stunned, and then shouted in shock.

"Ouyang Fei, who is he?"

The white-robed old man looked at Lin Fei's body that suddenly came, couldn't help being stunned, and asked.

"Master, this is my ontology."

Ouyang Fei said.

"Ouyang Fei, you really are just a clone."

The white-robed old man looked at Ouyang Fei and Lin Fei, and after a comparison, he finally understood that this was a fact, and he couldn't help but sigh and said that his mood was very complicated.

"Master, you will understand what's going on in the future.

Now, I'm going to continue the robbery. "

Ouyang Fei said.

With the body coming, Ouyang Fei can overcome the calamity with peace of mind.

While speaking, Ouyang Fei's figure flashed and he appeared in the distance.

Rumble...Immediately, Ouyang Fei's head began to thicken with dark clouds, and thick thunder-light electric snakes roamed in them, with a terrifying aura.

"The body is here, but the clone continues to cross the catastrophe?

Moreover, the body is only the tenth-level main god, and a clone has to break through to the tenth-level main god! This is too amazing! "

The white-robed old man and the three Chaos Gods of the Dark Clan were shocked to see this scene.

Boom... Soon, above Ouyang Fei's head, among the black clouds, a series of dazzling, destructive thunder-light electric snakes, like a torrential rain, began to chop down continuously.

The thunder robbery of the tenth-order lord **** finally began.

"Ye Yunfei's clone can also break through to the tenth-level master god. He must be practicing some weird secret technique to stop him!"

Shouted a chaotic **** of the dark race.


With the three of you, you want to stop it?

I don't know the so-called.

You can't protect yourself, what else can you do to prevent my clone from crossing the catastrophe. "

Lin Fei Binghan glanced coldly at the three Chaos Gods of the Dark Clan, and said with a sneer, appearing very disdainful.

With Lin Fei's current strength, these three Chaos Gods are indeed not enough.

"Lin Fei, you are just a tenth-tier master god, what is so arrogant in front of us.

Do it! kill him! "

The three chaotic gods of the dark race were furious when they saw Lin Fei's attitude.

Rumble...Three Chaos Gods erupted together, releasing a mighty energy pressure, just like hundreds of millions of volcanoes erupting at the same time.

"An ant-like character."

Lin Fei smiled indifferently.

next moment.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and suddenly, a dozen mental power worlds were created, layered on top of each other, directly covering all these three chaotic gods.


What is this place?

We are obviously in the sea of ​​Moon Germany, so how come we suddenly come into this strange world? "

The three Chaos Gods were all shocked and found that they were already in a strange world.

"I feel something is wrong! This world is full of strange dangers.

Let's show the law of time and space together and break out of this world! "

A Chaos God said.

Therefore, these three chaotic gods all displayed their time and space laws, and when they started to travel, they wanted to leave this strange world.

However, they found that it was useless at all.

There is a terrible power that prevents them from leaving this strange world.

"Don't waste your energy.

You will never have a chance to leave this world.

Because this is my place.

When you come to my site, your life and death are completely in my hands. "

Just when these three Chaos Gods wanted to leave this strange world, a flat voice sounded.


Lin Fei appeared, standing on a high place in this world, looking down at the three Chaos Gods with indifferent eyes, which looked like a dragon in the sky, looking down at the three ants on the ground.

Lin Fei was right. As soon as he entered the world of mental power, the lives of these three dark chaos gods were completely in Lin Fei's hands.

"Lin Fei, it turns out that it was you! Where is this place?

! "

The three Chaos Gods are extremely frightened.

"I said, this is my site."

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

"not good.

I once heard from the mage of the clan that Lin Fei is good at mental energy and can create a lot of mental energy.

We may now be in Lin Fei's mental power world! "

Suddenly, one of the chaotic gods screamed.

"Mental power world!"

When the other two chaotic gods heard it, their hearts sank.

As Chaos Gods, they certainly know that the energy of mind is one of the most partial and difficult to cultivate in the world.

Beings who are good at mental energy are very difficult to deal with! "Let's rush out!"

The three chaotic gods of the dark race were a little panicked.

Boom... They fully displayed the laws of time and space, wanting to travel through time and space.

At the same time, there was still a large amount of dark energy, which struck Lin Fei mightily.


Lin Fei snorted coldly.

next moment.

Rumble...In this world, there are endless terrifying creatures, one by one exuding a strong heart energy aura, from all directions, continuously rushing towards these three chaotic gods.

The number of these creatures is too much! It was like a piece of vast ocean, instantly drowning three chaotic gods in the middle.

"damn it!"

The three Chaos Gods were frightened and had to fight with the army of these creatures.

"Lin Fei, no matter what you do, we can't help it!"

Until now, the three Chaos Gods still felt that Lin Fei's realm strength should help them.

"Go to death for me!"

At the beginning, the three Chaos Gods were very brave and murderous, and they used all their strength to kill batches of creatures.

Fighting vigorously.

But, soon after.

"Damn, there are too many of these creatures! I can't seem to kill them!"

"How could Lin Fei have so many subordinates!"

... The three chaotic gods began to discover that the number of creatures in this world of mind power was terribly numerous, endless, and they could not be killed at all! However, they can't fight if they don't fight, because a large number of creatures are culled at them all the time.

In desperation, the three chaotic gods had no choice but to resort to madness to fight fiercely with those creatures.


"Lin Fei, you have the ability, come and fight us in person!"

Soon, the three Chaos Gods all began to be in a state of anger, screaming frantically while fighting each other.

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