Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4789: The beast's distress message

"Go! Kill him!"

The chaotic gods and wizards of the dark race were overjoyed when they saw this scene, and rushed up at the same time.

However, at this moment.

"court death!"

A figure came from far away, murderous.

Lin Fei is here! Lin Fei immediately displayed his mental power.

Hundreds of mental power worlds appeared at the same time, overlapping and tumbling over the chaos gods and wizards of the dark race.

Hundreds of mental power worlds were displayed at the same time, the power is terrible.

The mighty mental energy, almost visible to the naked eye, made this piece of time and space sway and shake.

With Lin Fei's current level of mental power, the mental power and world of mental power displayed, even the Yingui tribe felt jealous, not to mention the chaotic gods of the dark tribe in front of them! immediately.

These chaotic gods and mages immediately found themselves in a strange world.

In fact, this unfamiliar world is formed by hundreds of mental worlds, overlapping and intertwined.

Because there are too many mind power worlds, and Lin Fei's mind power energy is too strong, so these chaotic gods and wizards of the dark race can't tell at all that the strange world in front of them is the mind power world! "What is this place?

Why did we suddenly come to this strange world? "

"I have a bad feeling! This strange world seems to be full of terrible crisis!"

"We must leave this world quickly!"

... Suddenly, those Chaos Gods and the two wizards all began to feel a little panicked.

As Chaos Gods, they were unconsciously transferred to another strange world.

Such a thing is really incredible! Very weird! at this time.

"Lin Fei, you are finally here.

If you come later, I can't hold it anymore. "

Seeing Lin Fei finally arrived, the Fire Source Beast couldn't help but feel relieved, and his whole body became soft, almost slumping down.

"Your injury is not serious, it's just that you have consumed too much energy.

Okay, let me deal with these guys.

You hurry up and restore energy first. "

Lin Fei said to the fire source beast.


The fire source beast nodded.

Next, the fire source beast entered Lin Fei's human body world and began to retreat, specifically recuperating and restoring energy.

At this time, the chaos gods and wizards of the dark race were still in hundreds of mental power worlds, rushing everywhere.

However, with their perceptual ability, there is no way out.

In these mental power worlds, Lin Fei is the absolute master! Rumble...Under Lin Fei's urging, a large amount of mental energy surrounded the twenty chaos gods and two wizards.

Mental energy is one of the most difficult to defend in the world! These chaotic gods and wizards of the Dark Clan were simply unable to resist the invasion of mental energy.

Immediately, a large amount of mental energy invaded their bodies.

"No! My body has become heavier!"

"Me too, there is a terrible energy that invades my body and makes my actions difficult!"

"We must leave this strange world as soon as possible, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!"

...Those Chaos Gods and Mage screamed one by one.

"Hmph! Come to my site, you want to escape again, it's impossible."

At this moment, at the highest point of this strange world, Lin Fei suddenly appeared, with his hands on his back, coldly looking at the twenty Chaos Gods and two wizards, and said in a loud voice.

"Lin Fei, it's you!"

Twenty chaotic gods and two wizards were all frightened and angry.

"He is not a clone, he is Lin Fei's body!"

Shouted a mage.

"Yes, he is the ontology! Lin Fei ontology is here!"

Other Chaos Gods and another wizard also recognized them.

"Lin Fei, what place is this and why did we come here!"

A chaotic **** asked.

"I have already said that this is my site.

Now, I have questions for you.

You better answer honestly.

Otherwise, I will let you taste all the pain before you die. "

Lin Fei said coldly.

"How do you know the location of the source of fire beast, why can you find him accurately.

Also, since when did you dark people know the existence of my clones?

Is it because the mage of your dark clan made a collective deduction on my clones. "

Lin Fei asked aloud.

"Huh! What are you pretending to us.

Don't you think you can beat us so much by yourself. "

A Chaos God sneered.

Rumble... Just after the words of this chaos god, there was endless heart energy, surging and rushing towards him.

Roar! This Chaos God roared, and billowing dark energy gushed out of his body, wanting to fight the heart energy energy that came by bombardment.

However, there was no effect.

Those mental energy directly penetrated everything, penetrated into the body of this Chaos God without obstacles, and madly destroyed his body.

Ahhh... even the ninth floor master of Suiyuelou could not withstand Lin Fei's heart energy attack, not to mention this Chaos God. Immediately, this Chaos God found screams and great pain caused his body Began to twist.

"This is mental energy! Lin Fei, you are really good at mental energy!"

A mage screamed.

Those wizards of the Dark Clan often deduced Lin Fei and already knew that Lin Fei was particularly good at mental energy! "Could it be that this strange world is your mental world?"

The mage asked Lin Fei sharply again.

"Not bad.

This world is my mental power world. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"So, we have entered Lin Fei's mental power world!"

The chaos gods and mages of the dark race suddenly realized.

"What a clever mental world! We didn't even notice it!"

Those Chaos Gods and Mage were shocked.

"You guys answer my question well.

Otherwise, I will make you suffer terrible pain before you die. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

Ahhh...At this moment, the Chaos God who was attacked by the energy of the heart is still screaming constantly.

A large amount of terrible heart energy is still pouring into his body, making him completely limp, his body twisted badly, like a cooked black prawn.

"Go! Join forces to attack Lin Fei!"

Shouted a mage.

Just now.

Lin Fei's expression suddenly changed, and he took out a piece of jade slip for transmission.

In the jade slip there is a distress message from the wild beast.

"Senior Desolate Beast is also in danger!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked after reading the distress message sent by the wild beast.

"In this way, the Dark Clan not only stared at my clones, but also stared at the Fire Source Beast and the Desolate Beast! This way things will be troublesome.

Lin Fei couldn't help frowning.

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