Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4795: Change from passive to active

"When the three major masters send us out, let us ensure your safety.

So, let's stay with you for now.

After we are sure that you are safe, we will return to the three rulers of Samsara to dominate our lives. "

Tianfeng Chaos God said to Lin Fei.

He saw that Lin Fei had different clones in different seas of space, and guessed that Lin Fei should be practising some secret technique, and he might need protection at a critical time.

"Then it will be a good job."

Lin Fei said gratefully.

"My body finally recovered."

At this time, the Fire Source Beast suddenly said to Lin Fei.

Then, the fire source beast teleported out of Lin Fei's human body world.

He didn't suffer much injury, but because of his energy consumption, he needed to recuperate.

Now, after a period of recuperation, his body has completely recovered.


Could it be the legendary fire source beast? "

It was the first time that Tianfeng Chaos God saw the Fire Source Beast, he couldn't help being taken aback and asked.

"Senior, he is the source of fire beast."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"The fire source beasts are too rare."

Tianfeng Chaos God sighed and said.

Then, Desolate Beast, Lin Fei, and Tianfeng Chaos God took the reincarnation army and left this space sea.

"Senior Desolate Beast, I don't think this will work anymore, we are too passive.

I felt completely led by the dark clan. "

Lin Fei said.

"Yes it is.

I also have this feeling.

It seems that the Dark Clan has completely mastered the position of your clones.

A large number of people are being sent to deal with your clones in batches. "

Desolate Beast said.

"I think we should change from passive to active."

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.


Lin Fei, what are your thoughts? "

Huang Beast's eyes lit up and asked.

"Senior Desolate Beast, I think the location of the space sea where my clones are located is too scattered, and they are far away from each other.

Therefore, we appear so passive.

If I let those clones of mine concentrate on some of the seas of space that are relatively close to each other, and perform the exercise.

Then, send some spies to lurk near the sea of ​​space where these clones of mine are located. Once they find something, they will immediately notify us to rescue them.

In this way, we don't have to be passive.

At the same time, we can also take the initiative to find some nearby dark clan lairs and destroy them.

I believe that as long as we destroy a few of the lairs of the Dark Race, those Dark Race people will be busy, and they will not have so much energy to hunt down my clones. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

"Well, yes, Lin Fei, you can try these methods."

After hearing Lin Fei's words, Desolate Beast nodded and said.

"Then do it."

Lin Fei said.

"Okay! Let's go separately and bring back those clones of you, and concentrate them in some seas of space that are relatively close."

Desolate Beast said.

So the wild beast Lin Fei, the Tianfeng Chaos God, and the fire source beast soldiers were divided into four groups, each with some reincarnation army, set out to bring back those clones of Lin Fei.

Soon after, all the clones of Lin Fei were brought back and gathered together.

These avatars have not yet broken through to become the tenth rank main god, and they still need to continue to experience.

"Lin Fei, I know that there is a place in the sea of ​​absolute space, where there are many seas of space, and these seas of space are very close to each other, which is just right for your avatars."

Desolate Beast said.

"Well, Senior Desolate Beast, we will send these clones of mine to that place right away."

Lin Fei nodded.

Then, the wild beast led the way and headed in one direction.

Finally came to a certain position in the sea of ​​absolute space.

There are a large number of seas of space here, and these seas of space are very close to each other, densely close together.

The number is extremely large, there are more than one hundred.

"However, there are so many seas of space here. It’s best for these clones of mine to enter these seas of space for training! We just need to stay near here. Once the dark people approach this place, we will immediately know.

No matter which space sea you want to enter, it is very convenient! "

Lin Fei looked at the dense sea of ​​space in front of him and said happily.


Those avatars of Lin Fei who hadn't broken through to become Tier 10 main gods were sent into different seas of space to continue their experience.

Then, Tianfeng Chaos God sent a group of reincarnation troops to lurch near the sea of ​​space that Lin Fei's clone had experienced.

The task of these reincarnation forces is to send a message as soon as they find that the dark people are approaching.

"Well, Senior Desolate Beast, now we are going to look for a few dark clan's lairs and destroy it.

This is also called not to be indecent! "

Lin Fei said to the wild beast.

"Yes, it should be done!"

The wild beast nodded and said yes.

During this period of time, the Dark Clan sent a large number of men and horses to deal with Lin Fei's clones, causing the wild beasts to run around. They were already bored and wanted to let out a sigh of relief.

"Hahaha...I also agree with this idea! I've long wanted to give a severe lesson to those dark people!"

Tianfeng Chaos God also said with a big smile.

"I will send someone to investigate right now and find out the location of the lairs of the Dark Clan, and then we will do it!"

Tianfeng Chaos God continued.

Then he sent out some reincarnation army to investigate the lair of the dark race.

These reincarnation forces are all left over from that year, and each of them has wandered through the sea of ​​absolute space and is very familiar with the sea of ​​absolute space.

Therefore, it didn't take long for the members of the Samsara Army who had been sent out to return.

"Report to Master Tianfeng! We have found the location of several dark clan lairs!"

Those members of the Samsara Army reported to Tianfeng Chaos God.

"Okay, let's hear it."

Tianfeng Chaos God said.

Then, the members of the Samsara Army told them about the details of the lairs of the Dark Clan that they had found.

"I think that the strength of Lair No. 60 is relatively weak, and it should be easy to destroy it.

So our first target is Lair No. 60. "

Desolate Beast thought for a while and said.

"I agree."

Tianfeng Chaos God nodded.

"Yes, let's start with the weak."

Lin Fei also nodded in agreement.

"That's good! We can act now!"

Desolate Beast said.

Then, Tianfeng Chaos Divine Beast, Lin Fei, and Huoyuan Beast led a group of members of the Reincarnation Army, quietly rushing toward the No. 60 lair of the Dark Clan.

The lairs of the dark clan are all coded by numbers, so the name is relatively simple.

It is collectively called the nest number.

It didn't take long.

"Everyone, pay attention to the number sixty lair! We approached quietly first, then suddenly rushed in, faster, and destroyed this lair with thunderbolts.

In this lair, there are about sixty chaotic gods of the dark race.

There is no mage either.

Lin Fei, your mental energy is strong, so you first display your mental power and shroud those chaotic gods in your mental power.

Mental energy is one of the most difficult to defend against. As long as they fall into your mental world, their combat effectiveness will drop greatly.

Then, we worked together to kill them. "

Tianfeng Chaos God said to Lin Fei.

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