Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4800: The deduction of the black bar master

"Not bad.

I also think that the line of reincarnation will not declare war on our dark race so quickly.

I know the three old guys best. They have always been cautious and will not easily fight unprepared battles. "

The first Dark Lord said.

"Well, let the Heba Master deduct it and you will know what happened."

Said a dark master.


The other two dark masters nodded in agreement.

"Please invite the Black Bar Master."

A dark Lord God ordered and said.


Immediately, a chaos **** turned his head respectfully, and then quickly went to invite the Heba Master.

Heba Archmage is the most respected mage among the Dark Clan, and usually lives in Lair No. 2.

"Hey, I don't know what happened to Master and his old man."

After the Chaos God who had gone to invite the Great Master Heba to leave, one of the Dark Lords suddenly opened and sighed softly.


In the war that year, although our dark race defeated the cycle of reincarnation, and even shattered the cycle of reincarnation, the vitality of the cycle of reincarnation was greatly injured. However, in a battle between the old man and the master of reincarnation, he was seriously injured. Over the years, he has been missing. "

The other Dark Lord also sighed softly.

"After the war that year ended, Master once transmitted to me, let the three of us look at the affairs of the dark race.

He went to find a place to heal his injuries.

Then, in these years, the master has never appeared.

I also really want to know how the master is now. "

The third Dark Lord said.

"Over the years, the three of us have entered Lair No. 1 many times to find Master, but it seems that Master is not in Lair No. 1.

Could it be that Master went to other places for healing back then? "

Said a dark master.

"Who knows.

"We can only hope that Master is now safe and sound, and that his injuries are recovered. Only in this way can the dark race be able to dominate the absolute space sea forever."

The other Dark Lord shook his head and sighed.

"You said, what happened to Master Samsara?

Is he really dead?

If the Samsara Master did not die, then it would be bad news for us in the dark race. "

Suddenly, a dark master said.


When the other two dark masters heard this, they couldn't help frowning.

"I wonder if the three masters of darkness invited me, what's the matter."

At this moment, the Great Master Heba came to the palace, sat down cross-legged, and asked in a loud voice.

"Our dark people have recently destroyed five lairs.

Dark Master, you immediately deduce what happened, and see who is doing it on our dark race. "

Said a dark master.

"Okay, I'll deduct it right away."

The black master nodded.

Saw his sleeves, a dark altar flew out of his sleeves and fell in front of him.

On the altar were tortoise shells, an old bamboo tube, and dozens of bamboo sticks in the bamboo tube.

Then, the black bar master began to deduct it.

I saw that his hands were like butterflies piercing through flowers, fast forming various seals, and a series of pitch-black runes continued to fly out, penetrating into the surrounding time and space.

At the same time, the tortoise shell on the altar began to automatically display various patterns.

"The black bar master's deduction technique seems to have improved again.

Not bad. "

The three dark masters looked at them, nodding their heads involuntarily.

From their eyes, it can be seen that the deduction technique of the Black Bar Master has been improving over the years.

"I believe that the deduction technique of the Great Master Heba has been able to catch up with the Great Master Tiangu back then."

A dark master suddenly said.

"It should be almost done.

In the war that year, the ancient archmage of our dark race, the most powerful deduction, fell.

Fortunately, the Great Master Heba has inherited the mantle of the Great Master Tiangu. Over the years, his deduction skills have been continuously improved, and he has also personally cultivated a large number of mages, which has made the overall strength of our dark race continue to improve. "

The other Dark Lord said.

"Therefore, there is the black bar master, we don't have to worry about the deduction of the dark race."

The third Dark Lord said.

You know, deduction is part of the strength of the dark race.

It is precisely because the Dark Clan has a large number of wizards who are good at deduction, so the Dark Clan can often take the lead and seize the opportunity.

Back then, in the great war with Samsara, the wizards of the Dark Clan also played a huge role.

Especially in the Dark Clan, the Heavenly Ancient Archmage, the most brilliant in deduction, accurately pushed out various action plans in the cycle of reincarnation, making the Dark Clan a step ahead and won the victory.

Moreover, the reason why the Dark Clan was able to break the cycle of reincarnation was also due to the great master of the ancient sky.

"Haha, the three Dark Lords have won the prize.

Although I have made some progress in deduction over the years, it is far from enough to compare with Master.

The master's deduction technique is truly unparalleled in the world, I am ashamed of it. "

At this time, the black bar master suddenly ended the deduction and said in a loud voice.

"Master Heba, you don't have to be humble.

You are now the most brilliant mage among our dark people.

The stronger your deduction, the more beneficial it will be to the dark race. "

Said a dark master.

"How about, Master Heba, have you deduced the result?

Who the **** is shooting at the lair of our dark race. "

A dark master asked in a loud voice.

"I have already deduced that it is a reincarnation army attacking our lair.

Those five lairs were all destroyed by this reincarnation army. "

The black bar master said.

While speaking, the Great Master Heba waved his hand.

Immediately, picture after picture appeared in front of the three masters of darkness, constantly playing.

These images are the images of the reincarnation army led by Tianfeng Chaos God, rushing into the five dark lairs, and slaughtering the members of the dark clan in these five lairs.

In the picture, the reincarnation army descended like a tiger, majestic and majestic, killing the members of the dark clan into ghosts and wailing wolves.

"What exactly is going on?

I have allowed that in these five lairs, there are a group of chaotic gods of my race guarding them.

What about those Chaos Gods?

Why don't they come out to meet the enemy! "

One of the dark masters couldn't help but frown and asked, his tone a little harsh, with a reproach.

"The master doesn't need to blame them, because the chaotic gods of our race are also involuntary."

The black bar master said.

"Please look at the three masters."

Heba Archmage continued.

As soon as he waved his hand, another batch of different scenes appeared, playing continuously in front of the three masters of darkness.

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