Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4806: The admiration of the Dark Lord

"The only solution for this is to escape.

It is almost impossible for my body and clone to escape.

It seems that I must abandon some clones. If the main body can escape successfully, it is already the best result. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

So immediately, Lin Fei sent messages to all of his clones, allowing them to escape as much as possible.

However, Lin Fei's body immediately used the reincarnation illusion technique to escape into the depths of time and space, rush out of the sea of ​​space, and flee towards the distance.

Lin Fei's body had just moved, the black bar master immediately noticed it, and couldn't help being overjoyed.

Because he has been continuously deducing Lin Fei.

"Three masters, good news, Lin Fei's body is really here! Look! He escaped from the sea of ​​space and is escaping far away.

The body technique he displayed contains a strong law of reincarnation, which seems to be the core practice of the reincarnation line. "

Heba Grand Master pointed to a distant piece of time and space, and said excitedly.

Over the years, the Dark Clan had spent time and manpower and material resources in order to capture Lin Fei, but they had not succeeded.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei is right now.

"Haha, okay! Great Master Heba, your deduction ability is getting more and more powerful, leading us to accurately find the whereabouts of Lin Fei, but Lin Fei's body! I saw Lin Fei, he was there.

The body technique he displayed is indeed the core inheritance of the cycle of reincarnation, called the reincarnation phantom technique, which is a very good body technique.

It's a pity that in front of us, his body skills are useless no matter how smart he is.

He can't escape. "

A Dark Lord looked at Lin Fei's body, who was escaping quickly, and couldn't help laughing.

Just now. the other space seas nearby, one after another Lin Fei's clones rushed out of those space seas continuously.

"Three masters, look, those clones of Lin Fei also appeared.


Lin Fei's body is here, and there are so many clones here. What is he doing?

Could it be, are you really practicing a certain kind of secret technique? "

The black bar master immediately found those clones of Lin Fei and said to the three dark masters.

"It seems that Lin Fei is indeed practicing a certain secret technique.

Let's do this, the three of us old guys shot together and wiped out Lin Fei's body and these clones.

In this way, future troubles can be eliminated forever. "

One of the dark masters said.


We three old guys, let's shoot together. "

The other two dark masters nodded.

"Go ahead.

I will deal with Lin Fei's body! "

One of the dark masters moved, speeding up, and striding forward. His body speed was too terrifying, and he was constantly traveling through time and space in an instant, approaching Lin Fei's body quickly.

The other two Dark Lords locked the other clones of Lin Fei and accelerated at the same time, striding towards those clones of Lin Fei.

The body speeds of the three dark masters are all extremely fast.

"No! Three dark masters are chasing me!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked, and a feeling of extreme danger immediately rose in his heart.

"It seems that this time, it is very difficult for me to retreat.

It is possible that I will lose my life here too! "

Lin Fei couldn't help but frowned.

You know, Lin Fei's mental energy is extremely powerful, and the sixth sense supernatural power has been initially born, and his ability to predict danger is very powerful.

"Try to escape."

Lin Fei's body and those clones all tried their best, without reservation, hurriedly fled into the distance.

"Haha, Lin Fei has to say, you are indeed very enchanting. Under such circumstances, your mentality can be so calm and not rushed.

No wonder, you can achieve such an achievement at a young age. "

The Dark Lord who was chasing Lin Fei's body saw Lin Fei running away with all his strength, and he couldn't help but praise him.

Under normal circumstances, if other young creatures see the three dark masters chasing them personally, it is estimated that they will be frightened to the ground in an instant, and they will not have the ability to escape.

But if Lin Fei was calm, he would run away with all his strength.

This kind of mentality really exceeds the average young creature.

"It's just that, Lin Fei, you are too arrogant and arrogant.

How dare we destroy so many dens of our dark race.

So, you are doomed to die early! Okay, now, go to hell. "

While speaking, the lord of the dark race was getting closer and closer to Lin Fei.

Rumble... This dark master stretched out a huge black hand, roaring to the sky, and slowly stretched it towards Lin Fei.

This giant black hand seemed to be slow, but in fact, it was getting to the extreme, and it suddenly came to Lin Fei's body and grabbed it.


At this moment, Lin Fei knew that he had reached the point of life and death, and gritted his teeth.

Lin Fei first displayed his mental energy, and all of a sudden, he did his best to condense six or seven hundred mental worlds, layered on top of each other, and rumbling towards the dark master behind him.

Boom... At the same time, Lin Fei also displayed more than a thousand formations, which were also shrouded in layers toward the dark master.

Shoo! Then, Lin Fei demonstrated the one-qi-transformation-three-clearing technique, and three identical Lin Fei appeared and fled in three different directions.


There is such a method! "

The Dark Lord behind Lin Fei was crushed by six or seven hundred mental power worlds and more than one thousand formations at the same time, and his figure was slightly stagnant, a little surprised.

Lin Fei's strength was beyond his expectation! Especially the six or seven hundred mental power worlds that Lin Fei displayed, even he was affected a bit, causing his body to pause slightly and sluggish for a moment.

Although it was only a very short moment, you must know that he is one of the most powerful top masters in the sea of ​​absolute space. Now, a junior kid can actually stop his figure.

It's amazing that a junior boy can have such strength.

And at this time, Lin Fei's body took advantage of this opportunity to leave in an instant, leaving a long distance from the dark master.

"No wonder, it's really not easy for a junior kid to become a confidant of our dark race."

The Dark Lord couldn't help but exclaimed.

Facing Lin Fei's strength, he had to praise.

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