Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4816: Shot together

After a while, the three reincarnation masters came to another sea of ​​space.

The three reincarnation masters sat cross-legged in a certain place in this space sea, and began to use their magical powers to transform the laws of heaven and earth in this space sea.

One after another, the laws of reincarnation were released from the bodies of the three reincarnation masters and penetrated into this sea of ​​space.

After half a day.

The law of heaven and earth in this sea of ​​space has been completely changed, and it has become a sea of ​​space dominated by the law of reincarnation.

Next, the three major reincarnations dominate the space seas one after the other, and in these space seas, there is a clone of Lin Fei in it for experience.

at the same time.

The three dark masters have returned to the second lair of the dark clan.

"It's unreasonable that we encountered the three old guys in the line of reincarnation. If it weren't for the three old guys to hinder us, we would have killed Lin Fei long ago."

The Third Lord of Darkness felt very angry when he thought of his experience not long ago.

"These three old guys in the line of reincarnation were severely injured by us back then. Unexpectedly, the injuries have been healed now, and they have returned to their peak strength.

This is not a good sign for us! It seems that this time the return of the reincarnation line is well prepared. "

The First Dark Lord's face was a bit dignified, and he said slowly.

"Yes, I thought that these three old guys were seriously injured back then, and now their strength should be greatly reduced.

Unexpectedly, they have recovered to their peak strength of the year, so it is a bit difficult to deal with them. "

The Second Dark Lord also frowned and said.

"Three masters, my injury is very serious, I must go back to recuperate."

At this time, the Heba Archmage stepped forward and spoke to the three dark masters in a faint voice.

His breath is very sluggish, even when he speaks, he is weak and lacking in breath.

This time his injury was indeed a bit serious.

"It's all Lin Fei that kid, too hateful, wait, I will find him for revenge, I will break his body into thousands of pieces before I can solve the hatred in my heart!"

When the Heba Master thought of Lin Fei, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Well, Master Heba, go back and hurry up to heal your injuries.

At that time, I will send someone a batch of healing resources to you. "

The Third Lord of Darkness said to the Great Master Heba.

"Thank you Lord Master for your concern."

The black bar master said.

Then he turned around and was ready to leave.

"Wait, you are now the most powerful mage among our dark clan. You are so badly injured. If you follow the normal healing method, it will take a very long time to really recover. And now Samsara is one. With the strong return of the veins, our dark race will face major challenges. It is the time when talents are most needed. Without your help from the black bar master, the comprehensive strength of our dark race will drop a lot.

Well, open the Ancestral Temple, the three of us will take action together to help you heal your injuries. "

The First Lord of Darkness said suddenly.

"Open the ancestral temple?"

The other two Dark Lords listened to the words of the First Dark Lord, and they were all taken aback.

Because for the dark race, the ancestral temple will only be opened unless something very important to the interests of the race occurs.

"Don't you two think that the black bar master's deduction ability has no effect on the overall strength of our clan?"

The First Dark Lord said.

"Yes, the deduction ability of the black bar master is really too important for us in the dark race.

Well, open the Ancestral Temple, and the three of us will help the Hei Ba Master to heal his injuries. "

The Second Lord of Darkness thought about it and nodded in agreement.

"I agree."

The Third Lord of Darkness also nodded in agreement.

"In this case, we will immediately open the Ancestral Temple, and work together to help the Hei Ba Master Heal."

The First Dark Lord said in a loud voice.

"Also, regarding Lin Fei's matter, immediately notify the four old posters of Suiyuelou and make an appointment with them. The three of us and the four of them will attack Lin Fei together.

I believe that if the four old posters of Suiyuelou cooperate with the three of us, the three old guys in the line of reincarnation will not be able to stop us from killing Lin Fei. "

The First Dark Lord continued.

"Yes! If the four old posters of Suiyuelou are willing to fight Lin Fei with us, they will definitely be able to kill Lin Fei!"

The Second Dark Lord and the Third Dark Lord were all refreshed upon hearing this.

Therefore, the First Dark Lord immediately sent a powerful Chaos God to meet the four old masters of the Suiyuelou.

"Master Heba, now you follow us to open the ancestral temple to help you heal your injuries.

You can rest assured that the three of us will do our best to make your injury recover as soon as possible. "

The First Dark Lord said to the black bar master.

"Thank you three masters for your concern!"

Heba Master was very pleasantly surprised.

The Ancestral Temple is the most sacred and core place of the Dark Clan. There are a lot of dark energy and dark laws in the Ancestral Temple.

In addition, there are a large number of treasures of heaven and earth accumulated by the ancestors of the dark race, which is of great help to healing.

Next, the three dark masters took the black bar master and walked towards the ancestral temple of the dark clan.

The three dark masters all have very clever laws of time and space, constantly traversing the space, and soon they came to a mysterious black space.

A huge black temple stands in this space.

On the walls of the temple are carved a large number of totems of the dark race, and the mighty dark energy and dense dark laws are continuously released from this temple.

"Master Heba, now we work together to open the Ancestral Temple."

The First Dark Lord said.


The black bar master nodded.

Then, the three great dark masters and the Heba Great Master knelt in front of this temple together, and kept visiting the temple, chanting words in their mouths.

After a while.

Rumble...The door of that temple suddenly opened.

"Let's go in."

The First Lord of Darkness took the lead and stood up, and walked in towards the temple ahead.

at the same time.

"What, have you dark people discovered the whereabouts of Lin Fei's body!"

The four old posters of the Years Tower received news about Lin Fei and couldn't help being surprised and happy.

"Yes it is.

Our three masters asked me to bring a message and asked the four old posters to take action with the three masters of our dark clan to deal with Lin Fei. "

A chaotic **** of the dark race stood in front of the four old masters of the Sui Yue Lou and said.


! Your three masters, ask the four of us to fight Lin Fei together?

Although Lin Fei has some strength, he is always a junior. Do you need the four of us to fight with the three masters of your dark clan? "

The four old landlords of the Years Tower were all stunned.

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