Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4837: Assault

In the small world, beyond the long distance of time and space, more and more black runes are constantly infiltrating towards Lin Fei's location.

In the small world, black runes are everywhere.

A large number of dense black runes surged crazily, roaring, and flooded towards Lin Fei's location.

Fortunately, Lin Fei's body was protected by hundreds of mental power worlds and more than a thousand clever formations.

So those black runes did not cause much interference to Lin Fei.

At this time, Lin Fei was already trying hard to calm himself down, and began to continue to comprehend the laws evolved by the nine yin and yang symbols.

Gradually, Lin Fei realized that he could continue to comprehend the law again.

Soon after, Lin Fei completely forgot the black runes around him.

With the passage of time, Lin Fei continued to comprehend one rule after another.

I don't know how long it took.

"I have understood almost four-fifths of the laws evolved from these nine Yin-Yang talisman! There is not much left! As long as I understand all the remaining laws thoroughly, then, understand the laws of this Even if it's over!"

Lin Fei was a little excited.

Next, Lin Fei continued to concentrate on comprehending the law! With the increasing number of laws that Lin Fei enlightened, Lin Fei's understanding of everything in the world became more and more profound.

Because everything in the world, including the visible and tangible matter, is actually constructed by laws! The law is the most original thing in the world! Now that Lin Fei has understood so many laws, his understanding of various things in the world has become extremely profound.

Including martial arts! Therefore, the greater the number of laws that Lin Fei has enlightened, and the higher the level above martial arts, the stronger the strength he possesses.

At this time, the energy in Lin Fei's body was constantly soaring, becoming stronger and stronger.

Rumble... A burst of terrible coercion was released from Lin Fei's body, instantly piercing all obstacles.

These terrible coercion rushed out of the small world, vast and mighty, spreading out in all directions.

"What a powerful breath!"

Outside the small world, the third round of reincarnation ruled, the three masters of Baidi Shenjun and Huang Zhongnian all changed their faces.

far away.

The reincarnation princess, Yao Tianmiao and Wang Tianhu were frightened and trembling one by one by the coercion from Lin Fei, and a sense of fear was born involuntarily.

"Brother Lin Fei, it's really terrible. He hasn't broken through yet, and he has already exuded such a terrifying energy. I feel that now Brother Lin Fei has the strength to defeat me and even kill me in a flash!"

Wang Tianhu couldn't help but exclaimed.

"The front is where Lin Fei retreats and hits the realm! Great! Only the third round master and the beast are there! The seven of us are more than enough to deal with them together!"

At this time, the three dark masters and the four old landlords were already quietly approaching Luoshen Valley.

"Haha... Sure enough, only the third round is the ruler here. This time he is alone and can only be slaughtered by us!"

The Second Lord of Darkness said with a laugh.

"Look, Lin Fei is really hitting the realm of the Chaos God! And it seems that he is already comprehending the law, maybe he will successfully break through soon!"

In the distance, the First Dark Lord displayed his magical powers, saw Lin Fei in the small world deep in the Valley of Falling God, who was in retreat and impacting the realm, and said openly.

"Sure enough, he is a rare evildoer. He hasn't officially broken through, and the energy pressure he exudes is so terrible! We definitely can't let him break through! Otherwise, in the future, even us may not be his opponents. !"

An old host felt the energy pressure emitted by Lin Fei from a distance, and couldn't help speaking in a solemn tone.

"Yes, we must kill him to avoid future troubles!"

Said the Third Lord of Darkness.

"We will go quietly now, and then suddenly launch an attack, destroying the small world where Lin Fei is in with lightning speed, and it is best to destroy Lin Fei in the small world as well! This will be a hundred! "

The First Dark Lord said.

"Well, let's deal with Lin Fei first, and then deal with the Lord of the Third Round and the Desolate Beast!"

An old poster said.

"That old man, how come you look familiar?

He seems to be the Baidi Divine Sovereign, and he was also the number one person in the sea of ​​absolute space.

Unexpectedly, he is now mingling with people in the same line of reincarnation.

In that case, kill him too! "

The gaze of the Lord of the Third Darkness suddenly looked at the Baidi Divine Lord, and said.

"Not good! The three masters of darkness and the four old masters of the Years Tower have indeed come!"

At this time, the gaze of the ruler of the third cycle suddenly looked in the direction of the three dark rulers and the four old landlords.

In the third round of masters, Huang Zhongnian and Baidi Shenjun had been prepared for a long time, waiting for the arrival of the three dark masters and the four old masters at any time.

In addition, during the time around the valley of the gods, a lot of arrangements were made. Therefore, although the actions of the three dark masters and the four old landlords were very hidden, they were discovered in the first time.

"The three of us have to pay more attention. I'm worried that they will start with Lin Fei first.

Once Lin Fei was attacked by them, this time the process of assaulting the realm would be forced to be interrupted, and the consequences would be a bit serious! If you can't make a successful breakthrough this time, you may have sequelae, which will greatly reduce the chance of a successful breakthrough in the future. "

Baidi Shenjun looked solemn and said again.

"Yes! The most fearful thing in the impact realm is to be forced to interrupt, which will cause certain damage to the body and affect future breakthroughs! We must do our best to protect Lin Fei from interference!"

The third round dominator nodded and said.

Therefore, the rulers of the third cycle, Baidi Shenjun and Huang Zhongnian, all stood outside the small world of Lin Fei.

At this time, the three dark masters and the four old landlords were sneaking in time and space, covering up their breath very tightly.

They want to attack Lin Fei! at the same time.

The masters of the first and second rounds, as well as a group of masters from the desolate beast clan, are hurriedly arriving.

As time goes by.

The three dark masters and the four old posters are getting closer and closer to the small world where Lin Fei is.

Their actions are very secret, so the speed is a bit slow.

They thought they had not been discovered yet.

"They're here! It looks like they thought we hadn't found them yet!"

The third round dominates Xianghuang Zhongnian and Baidi Shenjun.

"If this is the case, we will simply take the tactics, and when they get closer, we will suddenly attack and launch an attack! This should have a good effect!"

The third round of the master said.

"Okay! Just do it."

Baidi Shenjun, Huang Zhongnian nodded in agreement.

At this time, Lin Fei in the small world had no idea what was happening outside, and was still concentrating on comprehending the law.

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