Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4846: Goodbye Master of Heaven

"Join your reincarnation line?"

Baidi Shenjun couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words of the first reincarnation ruler.

"Yes, the three masters of darkness and the four old masters of the Years Tower have already seen you and the three of us standing together and fighting side by side. As long as they have the opportunity, they will not let you go.

Moreover, your apprentice Lin Fei is also the best descendant of our reincarnation line, so you can just join us in the reincarnation line. "

The first round dominates nodded.

"Yes, this is indeed the truth, well, I will join the cycle of reincarnation.

But my strength is far inferior to yours. Joining the reincarnation line may not be able to contribute much to the reincarnation line. "

Baidi Shenjun said with a wry smile.

"What is this nonsense.

Baidi Shenjun, you are one of the oldest Chaos Gods in the Absolute Space Sea. You are knowledgeable and experienced, and your ability to train apprentices is well known for many years. You can train those young people in our reincarnation line. With your joining, our reincarnation is as powerful as a tiger! "

The master of the first round laughed and said.

"Since Master Master thinks of me so much, from now on I will be in the same line of reincarnation."

Baidi Shenjun nodded.

"Hahaha...Okay, very good! Then you will go back to the Samsara Palace with us now, and then we have to discuss how to deal with the Dark Clan and Time Tower."

Said the master of the first round.

"Your desolate beast clan is a big race and will definitely not join my reincarnation line, but I think we can work together to deal with the dark clan and time tower in the future."

The master of the first round looked towards Huang Zhongnian and said.

"of course can.

The dark clan is my enemy, and the enemy’s enemy is my friend, so our desolate beast clan is in the same vein as you in reincarnation, and is a friend! "

Huang Zhongnian laughed and said.

"What's more, I have been old friends with Baidi for many years. Since he has joined your reincarnation line, then I and you in the reincarnation line must also be friends.

From now on, our desolate beast clan and your reincarnation line are a cooperative relationship.

Deal with the Dark Clan and Time Tower together! "

Huang Zhongnian added.


The three samsara masters nodded again and again.

"In this case, why don't you go back to the Samsara Palace with us, and we will discuss how to deal with the Dark Clan and Time Tower in the future."

The master of the first round said to Huang Zhongnian.

"no problem."

Huang Zhongnian nodded readily.

Next, the three reincarnation masters, the Baidi Shenjun, and these wild beasts, all walked out of the Valley of Fallen God.

Baidi Shenjun waved his hand, and the God of Fallen Valley continued to shrink, and finally turned into a small tower with the size of a palm, falling in the palm of his hand.

This small tower is the original shape of Luoshen Valley! Falling God Valley was originally a magic weapon! at the same time.

Lin Fei was already walking in the sea of ​​absolute space.

The sea of ​​absolute space is infinite, and the sea of ​​space is as many as cow hair. Lin Fei walks past the sea of ​​space one after another. In each sea of ​​space, Lin Fei stays for a period of time, carefully experiencing the customs of each space sea, and even enters each one. Plane, every interface and every star, study the mountains and landforms of every continent, the laws of heaven and earth in every world.

When hitting the realm of the Chaos God, the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman had already evolved almost all the laws that had ever appeared in the world and the laws that still existed in the world, and Lin Fei had also thoroughly understood one by one, so no matter which one Lin Fei went to The world is very familiar with the laws of heaven and earth that exist in it.

Moreover, personally walking in every big and small world and personally experiencing the laws of these worlds gave Lin Fei another insight.

Vaguely, Lin Fei's strength was gradually improving.

"There is a saying that reading ten thousand books is worse than traveling ten thousand miles. It really makes sense."

Lin Fei couldn't help but exclaimed.

time flies.

On this day, Lin Fei entered a strange sea of ​​space.

"This sea of ​​space has a sense of familiarity."

Lin Fei had just stepped into this sea of ​​space and felt this way.

"It's just that I have understood every law of the sea of ​​space in the world, so it feels familiar, and it's not surprising."

Lin Fei said to himself.

Just at this time.

Suddenly, a murderous army rushed into this sea of ​​space.

"Listen to all the creatures in the Azure Sea of ​​Space. From now on, all the forces in your space sea will submit to our dark clan, and every once in a while, they will pay a certain amount of property to our dark clan.

If any forces dare not follow, just wait for it to be destroyed! "

A tall black creature, holding a three-edged steel fork in his hand, standing at the forefront of the army, said in a commanding tone.

The voice of this black creature, under the blessing of energy, rumblingly spread, spread to every corner of this space sea in a moment, and also formed a huge echo, which lasted for a long time.

This sea of ​​space was silent for a moment.

"No, it's the army of the dark clan! They are finally here!"

"The dark clan has long been eyeing our Azure Space Sea. I have sent envoys several times before to ask us to return to the dark clan!"

"The dark clan has wolf ambitions. Once our Azure Space Sea surrenders to the dark clan, I am afraid that from now on, we will serve the dark clan as a bull and let them enslaved!"

... Soon, in this azure sea of ​​space, countless forces and creatures all screamed in panic.

The entire sea of ​​space is panic! Shoo...In the depths of the void of this sea of ​​space, four figures with sharp aura rushed out. These were four chaotic gods! The four most powerful masters in this space sea! "We, the Azure Sea of ​​Space, have never been in contention with the world, and we don't want to join any forces.

Therefore, we understand the kindness of your dark people. "

One of the old men said in a loud voice.

"I'm afraid you cannot help.

I am not here to discuss with you, but to inform you.

There are only two roads before your azure sea of ​​space. The first is to submit to our dark clan, and the second is to perish.

Make your choice quickly and don't waste my time. "

The dark clan holding a three-edged steel fork sneered.

The voice fell off.

This dark clan stepped forward, releasing a rolling energy coercion from his body, and rushed toward the four chaotic gods in the sky blue space sea.

The four Chaos Gods in the Azure Space Sea all changed their expressions and took a few steps back.

The strength of this dark clan is too strong! "Just because of the four of you, you are not qualified to talk to me yet, make a choice quickly!"

The dark clan sneered.

"You go back and tell the three dark masters, our Sky Blue Space Sea does not want to be an enemy of your dark clan, and will not surrender to any forces."

At this moment, an old man in white robe suddenly came slowly from a distance and said in a loud voice.

"Master of Heaven!"

Lin Fei, who was standing in the distance, was taken aback when he saw this old man in white robe.

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