Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4848: It seems you know me

After Lin Fei wiped out all the men and horses of the dark race, he turned around and returned to the sky and sea, and came to the front of the heavenly spirit master.

"I have seen Senior Tianling."

Lin Fei respectfully saluted Master Tianling.

The Heavenly Spirit Master is a strong man in the same era as the Samsara Master, the black tyrant, and his generation is terribly old! Even if the three samsara dominates in front of the Heavenly Spirit Master, they must respectfully call the old predecessor, let alone Lin Fei! "Oh?

Young man, it seems you know me.

Let's talk about it, what the **** is going on. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master was stunned for a moment, and felt that there seemed to be a mysterious connection between himself and the young man in front of him, and asked in a loud voice.

"Senior, please see."

Lin Fei waved his hand, and a huge light curtain appeared in the space next to it.

Scene after scene began to be played in the light curtain. It was Lin Fei's experience of encountering the Venerable Heavenly Spirit on the sacred mountain in the extremely cold continent.

"That's it."

After watching the scenes, Master Tianling nodded gently.

"Unexpectedly, my body has become like this.

What happened?

And also went to the legendary extremely cold continent. "

Venerable Tianling looked at the body lying motionless in the coffin in the picture, his face was a bit ugly, and said with a sigh.

"It appears that my main body is still alive, but the soul body has collapsed, leaving only a trace of the soul mark, and it is difficult to maintain the vitality of the body."

Heavenly Spirit Master said softly.

"Senior, you are right. Your body is still alive, and most of the energy and vitality of your body are well preserved in it.

However, Senior's soul body was destroyed.

Only one imprint of the soul remains. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"Did my ontology tell you that it was because of what made it look like this."

Master Tianling thought for a while and wanted to ask.

"Senior's body didn't tell me why.

But it told me a way to resurrect. "

Lin Fei said.

"What! Can my body be resurrected?

is that true?

What is the solution! "

The Heavenly Spirit Master was very surprised when he heard Lin Fei's words, and immediately asked.

"As long as the avatars and imprints of the souls and souls left by the predecessors in the various worlds are collected and integrated into the body, then it is possible for the body of the predecessors to condense a new soul body, re-cultivation, and restore to the previous Strength."

Lin Fei said.

"Yes! This method can indeed be tried! I have spent a very long time in my life. The number of ghost clones and ghost imprints that I have left in various worlds is very large, and these ghost clones and imprints are almost recorded. If I can collect all the years I have gone through before, I can almost constitute a complete me.

It’s just that it’s difficult to collect all my ghost clones and imprints in the past, because only my body knows which worlds I have left divine clones and imprints in the past. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master heard Lin Fei's words, his eyes lit up and said in a loud voice.

"Senior, please rest assured, Senior's ontology has already told me in detail all the places that have left Divine Soul Marks and Divine Soul clones in the past, and I also promised Senior's ontology that it will go to all of Senior's Divine Soul clones and Divine Soul clones. The imprints are collected.

In the future, I will find opportunities to go back to the Extreme Cold Continent and integrate those Divine Soul clones and Divine Soul Imprints into Senior's ontology. "

Lin Fei said.

"So, young man, thank you so much."

The Heavenly Spirit looked at Lin Fei with grateful eyes.

"Senior, don't be polite with me. Senior's body will present me with ninety-nine and eighty-one big fruits, and will also give me a hundred puppets with the power of Chaos God. Of course, I have to repay this kindness."

Lin Fei said quickly.

"Good! Lin Fei, you are indeed a sentimental and righteous young man!"

The Heavenly Spirit looked at Lin Fei with admiration.

"From then on, my avatar will follow you."

Heavenly Spirit Master said with a smile.

"Then it's a good old man."

Lin Fei said.

The Heavenly Spirit Master in front of him was a ghost clone, and Lin Fei would naturally take it by his side.

Moreover, the avatar of the Heavenly Spirit Master in front of him was very powerful.

In the future, Lin Fei will have a powerful helper.

"It's just that the people of the Dark Clan will definitely come to the Azure Sea of ​​Space again."

The Heavenly Spirit showed a worried expression.

"I have to find out, which of the dark people in the nearby lair is staring at the Azure Space Sea.

As long as this nest is destroyed, our azure space sea will be safe. "

Heavenly Spirit Master thought for a while and said.

Under normal circumstances, each lair of the Dark Clan will independently send troops to capture other worlds instead of reporting to the three dark masters.

"This is easy to do. We just wait here, wait for the dark people to arrive, and then force them to find out which lair they belong to, and then we can destroy that lair."

Lin Fei said.

"Well, let's just wait here."

The Heavenly Spirit nodded.

"By the way, Lin Fei, my body has given you the fruit of the nine-nine-nine-nine-eighty-one road. It stands to reason that you have obtained the fruit of the nine-nine-nine and eighty-one road. The chance of successfully attacking the realm of Chaos God should be very high. Why did you fail?"

Master Tianling looked at Lin Fei and asked in a loud voice.

"It's all because of the Dark Clan and Time Tower."

Lin Fei gritted his teeth when he mentioned this matter.

"Because of the Dark Clan and Time Tower?"

Heavenly Spirit Master was taken aback.

"Senior, listen to me."

Next, Lin Fei explained how the Dark Clan and Time Tower interfered with his impact on the realm.

"That's it.

It's a pity.

Originally you had the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, and you took the fruit of the nine-nine-nine-eighty-one road, you should be able to successfully break through and become a chaos god.

Unexpectedly, I was disturbed by others and failed. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master shook his head after hearing Lin Fei's words.

"Furthermore, the failure of this breakthrough has left some hidden dangers to your body. If you want to try to attack the realm of Chaos God in the future, it will be much more difficult.

However, your situation is a bit special. Your current strength is already stronger than most Chaos Gods.

Examples like yours are very rare. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"But it's man-made, don't give up easily, accumulate it first, and then try to break through when you have a chance."

The Master of Heaven comforted Lin Fei and said.

"Senior don't worry, I will definitely not give up.

In the future, I will try to attack the realm of Chaos God again. "

Lin Fei said.

"It's good for you to have such a firm heart."

The Heavenly Spirit looked at Lin Fei with appreciation.

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