Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4875: too strong

"Senior Tianling, how are we going to take the test?"

Lin Fei looked at the Master of Heaven and asked.

"How about this, I will go to the test myself, Lin Fei, you wait here."

Heavenly Spirit Master thought for a while and said.

"It doesn't have to be this way.

Let's go in together.

I also want to take this opportunity to have a good experience. "

Lin Fei said.

The failure to attack the Chaos God is that Lin Fei has not lost the heart of martial arts, as long as he has the opportunity, he will continue to strengthen his combat power through various methods.

Although Lin Fei is not yet a Chaos God, his combat power is far stronger than an ordinary Chaos God.

"This way..." Master Tianling hesitated a little.

He didn't want to hurt Lin Fei.

"Senior, it's okay.

I also really need more experience to improve myself.

Maybe, participating in the test will improve my strength. "

Lin Fei said.

"okay then."

Heavenly Spirit Master thought for a while and nodded.

"We decided to take the test."

Heavenly Spirit Master said to the old man.


The old man nodded.

His duty is to stay here specially, waiting for the creatures who come to participate in the test.

This is an order from his master.

"Two, the first level of the test is to fight with me.

As long as you two can persist in front of me for an hour without fail, even if you have passed my test. "

The old man said.

"Which one of you will come first."

The old man looked at the Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei.

"I'll do it first."

The Heavenly Spirit Master stepped forward, stood opposite the old man, and said.

"Well, let's get started.

I haven't moved my hands for a long time, and I'm almost suffocated. "

The old man smiled.

"Attention, I made a move."

The old man shouted in a deep voice.

Boom... I saw his right hand stretched out, and a palm was slapped towards the Heavenly Spirit Master.

The palm of his hand kept zooming in, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a sacred mountain that was so majestic that it roared, and the huge palm was surrounded by dense thunder and lightning energy, roaring to the sky.

"Not bad."

Master Tianling nodded.

Boom...The Heavenly Spirit Master also made a move.

He punched out, and as the fist stretched out, the mighty waves of water continued to appear, and in a moment, a piece of the sea formed, following his fist to hit it forward.

Boom... the attacks of the two sides collided violently.

A terrifying energy shock wave erupted from the center of the impact, shaking this space and time.

With this move, both sides were invincible and unbeaten, and both stood still, motionless.

"The second palm is here!"

The old man yelled.

boom! His palm patted forward again.

One world after another kept flying out of his palm.

Every world carries a terrifying energy coercion, and various creatures seem to be moving in it.

This trick is called the palm of the world, and its power is terrible.

Boom... Master Tianling didn't evade, he still punched out.

Boom...One after another huge fist prints continued to emerge, and each fist print was like a tall mountain, rolling forward and suppressed.

Boom...The attacks of the two sides collided again, and a terrible energy pressure was born, spreading out in all directions.

The second trick is that the two sides are still invincible.

Everyone stood still.

"Haha not bad!"

The old man laughed.

"The third palm is here!"

Amidst the laughter, the old man screamed, and the third palm rumblingly shot out.

With the shot of his palm, all the time and space around him seemed to be dancing and shaking violently. At this moment, time and space seemed to start to fluctuate, and there was a strange feeling.

"The third punch!"

The Heavenly Spirit also laughed and fisted to meet him.

I saw that the palm shadow crossed the sky, the shadow of the fist was mighty, and the endless energy coercion suppressed this piece of time and space constantly to collapse and disintegrate, just like the end of the world, the scene is extremely terrifying.

Boom...the attacks of the two sides collided together, and the terrifying impact energy released made this piece of time and space seem to be annihilated instantly and turned into nothingness.

"Okay, we don't have to fight anymore."

After the three moves, the old man suddenly stopped his hand and retreated quickly. He immediately opened up a long distance from the Heavenly Spirit Master, and shouted.

"Why don't you fight anymore?"

The heavenly spirit master couldn't help being taken aback, and asked.

"With your strength, it doesn't make much sense to fight anymore.

You must be unbeaten for an hour.

Even, I feel that you haven't done your best yet.

And we both try our best, I am not necessarily your opponent.

So, you passed. "

The old man explained.

"That's it."

The Heavenly Spirit Master suddenly.

"All right.

Young man, it's you. "

The old man looked at Lin Fei and said.


Lin Fei stepped forward.

"Do it!"

The old man yelled.

Rumble...His moves are still palms. One palm slapped towards Lin Fei, and the palm of his hand enlarged continuously, instantly transforming into a majestic mountain, exuding terrifying energy and laws, and crushed towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei thought.

One hundred mental worlds were released at the same time.

Boom...One after another mental power world, the old man shrouded mightily.

Heart energy is one of the most defensible energies in the world. For most of the Chaos Gods, the heart energy is simply impossible to defend.

The world of mental power is condensed from the energy of the mental power, and it is also difficult to defend.

The old man was caught off guard and was enveloped by a hundred mental worlds, his face changed slightly.

"So powerful mental energy!"

The old man felt the mighty heart energy rushing towards him, and couldn't help sighing.

"Young man, it's too enchanting for you to be able to display such a large number of mental powers all at once.

It's just that you can't beat me just by relying on these one hundred mental power worlds. "

The old man said.

Boom...As soon as the old man's voice fell, Lin Fei once again displayed more than two hundred mental powers, and booming over him.

In this way, there are a total of more than three hundred mental power worlds, densely shrouded in the old man's body.


! "

The old man couldn't help but his face changed drastically.

More than three hundred mental worlds made him feel a lot of pressure.

You know, Lin Fei's mental power world is much harder and more powerful than the past mental power world.

It's not what it used to be! "Young man, your mental energy is too strong."

The old man couldn't help sighing.

"However, even so, you still can't beat me.

At most, it's tied with me. "

The old man said.

Rumble...Just after the old man's words were finished, Lin Fei showed more than two hundred mental powers, which densely enveloped the old man.

The old man couldn't dodge at all.

More than five hundred mental worlds shrouded him.

"Young man, your mental energy level is simply ridiculously strong.

Okay, no more fights.

You passed. "

The old man looked at the more than five hundred mental worlds around his body, and said with a sigh.

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