Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4895: Old man

These four Chaos Gods belonged to the Chaos Gods with very average strength, and they couldn't resist the world of mental power that Lin Fei showed.

You know, the mental power that Lin Fei is displaying now is not only terribly hard in quality, but also contains very clever illusions and illusions.

Not to mention these ordinary Chaos Gods, even the more powerful elite masters of the Dark Clan and Years Tower would have a headache when encountering Lin Fei's mental power world.

The power of Lin Fei's current mental power world has reached a very terrifying state! "Who are you! For no reason, why should you break into us and do it to us!"

The four Chaos Gods were frightened and yelled at Lin Fei.

"We did it to you for no reason?

Did you say it the other way around.

It seems that you both acted on us for no reason. "

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing at the words of the four Chaos Gods and said.

"I emphasize it again.

We are not malicious to you, the two of us just broke into here accidentally.

We just want to ask you something.

As long as you cooperate and answer our words, we will leave soon. "

Lin Fei said.

"What you said is true?"

One of the chaotic gods asked half-believingly.

"of course it's true.

Besides, you seem to have no choice now.

If you continue to fight, you will suffer. "

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

"Well, I believe you for the time being.

But you let us out first.

We will answer your questions again. "

A chaotic **** thought for a while and replied.

"Not bad."

The other Chaos Gods also nodded.

The combat power displayed by the Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei is too strong, and these Chaos Gods understand that they really have no choice but to cooperate obediently.

"Okay, I will let you out."

With a move of Lin Fei's mind, all the world of mind and energy was collected.

The Heavenly Spirit Master also let go of the Chaos God in his hand.

The five Chaos Gods regained their freedom, and immediately retreated a long distance, staring at Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven with fearful eyes.

Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei smiled, standing still.

For Lin Fei and Master Tianling, no matter how far away the five Chaos Gods were, they couldn't escape.

Ye Yunfei only needs to move his mind and display dozens of mental power worlds to re-control the five chaos gods from a long distance.

"What do you want to ask."

One of the Chaos Gods stared at Lin Fei and Master Tianling, and asked.

"where is this place."

The Heavenly Spirit Master asked.

"This is the creation space."

The Chaos God replied.

"Creation Space?"

Lin Fei and Master Tianling were both taken aback.

"Senior Tianling, have you heard of this space before."

Lin Fei asked the Master of Heaven.


I haven't heard of it either. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master shook his head.

"That said, this space is very mysterious."

Lin Fei couldn't help but said.

The generation of the Heavenly Spirit Master is very old, and he has lived for a long time, even he has not heard of it, then this creation space is really mysterious.

"Two seniors, in fact, I think you are mysterious.

Our creation space is not mysterious at all.

Because we were born and grown up here. "

A Chaos God said.

Both Lin Fei and Master Tianling showed terrifying combat power. These five Chaos Gods regarded Lin Fei and Master Tianling as their seniors, and their attitudes began to become respectful.

"You are right.

This is your hometown, there really is no mystery. "

The Heavenly Spirit nodded.

"So, have you heard of Absolute Space Sea?"

Lin Fei asked suddenly.

"Absolute space sea?

Are the two seniors from the sea of ​​absolute space? "

After hearing Lin Fei's words, the five Chaos Gods couldn't help but shocked all over, showing incredible expressions.


In this way, have you heard of Absolute Space Sea? "

Looking at the expressions of the five chaotic gods, Lin Fei couldn't help but move in his heart.

"Yes it is.

Senior, we have indeed heard of Absolute Space Sea.

Because our ancestors came from the sea of ​​absolute space.

This is the hometown of our ancestors. "

One of the Chaos Gods said.

"Your ancestor?"

Lin Fei and Master Tianling were all taken aback when they heard this.

"Not bad.

Our creation space was created by our ancestors.

Our ancestor is called the old man Chuangshi.

It's just that the ancestor has fallen.

Only the offspring of us, thrive and thrive in this space.

Unexpectedly, we actually encountered a creature from our ancestor's hometown! "

A Chaos God replied.

The five Chaos Gods all looked at Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven with shocked eyes.

"Old man of creation!"

The Heavenly Spirit Master heard the words of the Chaos God, and couldn't help but shake his body, as if recalling something.

"Senior Tianling, have you heard of this old man of creation?"

Lin Fei asked.

"I have a little impression.

A long, long time ago, at that time, I hadn't become a god, not even an ordinary lower god.

I seem to have heard of the title of Old Man of Creation.

At that time, I heard several senior elders in my school mentioned it.

It is said that this old man of creation was one of the most powerful and top-notch in the sea of ​​absolute space at that time! However, my strength at that time was too weak, and I was not qualified to get in touch with such high-level top masters at all.

Therefore, I don't know more about the old man who created the world. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.


Senior, before you became a god, this old man of creation was already one of the most powerful masters in the sea of ​​absolute space?

! "

Lin Fei was stunned and shocked.

The generation of this old man of creation is too old to imagine! "Haha, Lin Fei, there is a sky outside the sky, there are people outside the world.

In this world, the true top masters are definitely not the three dark three masters of the dark race and the three reincarnation masters of the reincarnation line. "

The Heavenly Spirit said with a smile.

"Yes it is.

Senior, what you said, now I am beginning to fully appreciate it. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but said with a wry smile.

"Your ancestor, really fell?

How did it fall? "

Lin Fei asked the five Chaos Gods.

The strength of this old man of creation must be extremely powerful, but he actually fell.

"Our ancestors have indeed fallen.

As for the cause of the fall of the ancestors, we don't know. "

A Chaos God said.

"Before the ancestors fell, they used to allow us younger generations to stay in this creation space and live and work in peace and contentment.

In this space, the ancestors made a lot of decorations, which will bless future generations of us, always safe. "

Another Chaos God said.

"So that's the case.

So, you have always lived here, and you haven't gone to other spaces outside, have you? "

Lin Fei said.

"Yes it is."

The five Chaos Gods all nodded.

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