Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4897: Go in

More than a dozen Chaos Gods all took out their magic weapons or displayed their lore, aggressively besieging Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master.

When Lin Fei moved his mind, he displayed more than a hundred mental power worlds, and immediately enveloped these more than ten Chaos Gods.

"so smart!"

The dozens of Chaos Gods were all taken aback.

"These seem to be the world of mental strength, let's rush out!"

One of the chaos gods shouted.

More than a dozen Chaos Gods worked together to rush out of these mental powers.

However, the world of mind and power that Lin Fei displayed was extremely solid, and contained very sophisticated illusions and illusions. These chaotic gods had actually fallen into many illusions and illusions, and couldn't rush out at all.

"The effect of using divine consciousness to deal with the world of mental power is even better! We all use divine consciousness to break through!"

Shouted one of the chaotic gods.

So these dozens of Chaos Gods are all showing their divine consciousness to hit the world of mind power.

Boom...The mighty power of divine consciousness kept hitting Lin Fei's mental power world.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and a dozen mental worlds were displayed, superimposed on the outside.

The divine consciousness power displayed by those Chaos Gods could not have the slightest impact on Lin Fei's mental power world.


With Lin Fei's thoughts moving, in every mental power world, there are endless creatures, constantly rushing out, and besieging the chaotic gods.

Those Chaos Gods were besieged by so many creatures, they were in a hurry, and there was no extra ability to attack Lin Fei's mental power world.

In this way, these Chaos Gods were completely trapped in Lin Fei's mental power world, fighting fiercely with the army of creatures.

Under this circumstance, these chaotic gods are simply impossible, and there is a chance to break through! But Lin Fei and Master Tianling were standing aside, leisurely looking at the chaotic gods who were trapped in the world of mental strength.

"Senior Tianling, let's go in now."

Lin Fei said.

"Okay, let's go in and have a look.

My divine soul clone is in this space, you must go in to find it. "

The Heavenly Spirit nodded.

Therefore, Lin Fei and Master Tianling stepped up and walked towards the sea of ​​space.

With the abilities of Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master, all the seas of space in the world, regardless of whether there is a gateway or not, can come and go freely.

Because there are not many things in the world that can stop Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master.

"Stop! Breaking into the ancestral temple without permission is a capital crime!"

Suddenly, chaotic gods appeared one after another in the distance, rushing over from all directions in a mighty manner.

"Reinforcements are here! You two guys are dead!"

The dozen or so Chaos Gods who were trapped in Lin Fei's mental power world were all overjoyed.

It turned out that the dozen chaotic gods just sent messages quietly, asking for help.

After the Chaos Gods in this creation space received the news, they all rushed over.

Because the temple of the ancestors is very sacred in the minds of the creatures in this space. It is a place where the ancestors rest, and they are not allowed to be disturbed! Shoo...chaos gods, one after another, keep coming.

At least there are hundreds of Chaos Gods coming at the same time! "The strength of the old man Chuangshi is really terrifying.

In a space opened up at random, so many Chaos Gods were born.

This kind of battle is not much different from the absolute sea of ​​space. "

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing when seeing so many Chaos Gods.

"Yes it is.

The skill of this old man who created the world is simply unimaginable! "

The Heavenly Spirit Master also sighed and said.

"These Chaos Gods are all descendants of the old man who created the world, try not to hurt them."

The Heavenly Spirit Master glanced at the chaotic gods who were constantly rushing in in all directions, and said to Lin Fei.

"I know.

Let me stop them. "

Lin Fei nodded.

After speaking, Lin Fei thought.

More than 1,500 mental power worlds, all of which are displayed.

Boom...More than a thousand mental power worlds, vast and mighty, shrouded in all directions, rolling mental power energy, flooding this space, the momentum is extremely shocking! Suddenly, those Chaos Gods were all shrouded in Lin Fei's mental power world.

At this moment, Lin Fei used most of his mental energy.

The terrifying energy of the heart rushed to the chaotic gods, and instantly penetrated into the chaotic gods, madly destroying their internal organs.

Ahhh... there were quite a few relatively weak Chaos Gods on the spot, screaming screams.

Of course, Ye Yunfei controlled a certain degree, and the attack issued would only cause a certain amount of damage to these chaotic gods, and would not die.

Because all the creatures in this creation space are descendants of the creation old man, Lin Fei didn't want to hurt them.

"It's the mental energy and the mental world!"

"What a terrible mental energy!"

…Those Chaos Gods are all shocked.

Hundreds of Chaos Gods surrounded Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master, but they were blocked by the world of mental power and could no longer move forward.

"Lin Fei, your mental energy is really good.

Being able to deal with hundreds of Chaos Gods at the same time, such strength, in the sea of ​​absolute space, can already run rampant unimpeded.

Except for the top masters, you only need to avoid it. "

When the Heavenly Spirit saw this scene, he was amazed.

"Senior praised.

My strength is nothing.

If nothing else, your body, senior, is definitely much stronger than me.

Now, I have a deep understanding of one sentence, there is a heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. "

Lin Fei replied.

If it were before, Lin Fei would definitely be a little proud of his combat power.

However, during this period of time, Lin Fei had seen too many terrifying masters, and his vision had broadened a lot.

Even the three samsara masters and the three dark masters are not really top masters in the world! Lin Fei understands that his current strength is nothing in the eyes of the truly top masters in the world! "Well, you can have this kind of mentality, it's good."

The Heavenly Spirit nodded.

"Okay, let's hurry in and get in."

The Heavenly Spirit Master continued.


Lin Fei nodded.

Therefore, Lin Fei and Master Tianling moved towards the sea of ​​space ahead.

"Stop! There is the ancestor's temple, the most sacred place in our creation space, no outsiders are allowed to trespass!"

"Not allowed to go in and disturb the peace of the ancestors!"

…The hundreds of Chaos Gods saw Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven preparing to walk in, and they all yelled in anger, wanting to stop them.

However, they were trapped by Lin Fei's mental power, and they simply had no ability to stop Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven.

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