Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4902: Ready to go to war


Lin Fei nodded.

"Wait, young man, I will give you something as a meeting gift."

The white-haired old man said suddenly.


Lin Fei was taken aback.

"I am a spiritual wisdom born on the body of the old man. I have not inherited most of the inheritance of the old man.

However, there are still some thoughts and ideas left by the old people who created the world.

Although the number is small, the things left by a creation **** are still relatively precious.

I think you have relatively high attainments in mental energy and energy. Just copy the thoughts and ideas left by the old man who created the world to you.

If you have time, go to enlighten it, maybe it will help your mental energy. "

The white-haired old man said in a loud voice.

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed, and a light ball containing a lot of information rushed into Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

"A thing left by the creation god!"

Lin Fei was very surprised. "

Thank you seniors! "

Lin Fei hurriedly saluted and thanked him.

"You're welcome, it's just a small meeting ceremony."

The white-haired old man said with a smile.

"Man, this is a great gift for you!"

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"Well, we should go now."

The Heavenly Spirit said to Lin Fei.

"I'll send you out."

The white-haired old man said.

The voice fell off.

With a wave of the white-haired old man's sleeves, a powerful teleportation force came, wrapping Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven, and then tore through time and space and teleported away.

next moment.

Lin Fei and Master Tianling found that they had returned to the sea of ​​absolute space, standing in front of an altar exuding ancient aura.

Before, Lin Fei and Master Tianling used this teleportation altar to enter the creation space.

Unexpectedly, the white-haired old man directly sent Lin Fei and Master Tianling back here.

The white-haired old man also came out, standing beside Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven.

"If you two want to come back to the creation space in the future, just come here and send me a message."

The white-haired old man took out two pieces of jade slips and handed them to Lin Fei and Master Tianling.

"Well, when my body is resurrected, I will definitely come back to meet you, man."

Heavenly Spirit Master said with a smile.

"Okay, Lin Fei, let's go."

The Heavenly Spirit said to Lin Fei.

Therefore, Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master bid farewell to the white-haired old man and turned away.

The white-haired old man stood on the altar and directly teleported back to the creation space.

"Senior Tianling, this time I really opened my eyes. I actually saw the corpse of a God of Creation with my own eyes!"

Lin Fei still felt a little shocked when he thought of his experience not long ago.

"Ha ha... Lin Fei, as your strength continues to improve in the future, the level you can reach will become higher and higher."

Heavenly Spirit Master said with a smile.

In the next time, Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven continued to collect the avatars and imprints of the souls and souls left by the Master of Heaven in the sea of ​​absolute space.

In this process.

Lin Fei often took time to comprehend the thoughts and ideas left by the old man who created the world who had broken into the sea of ​​knowledge by the white-haired old man.

The harvest is great! The level of mental energy has made another qualitative leap! The number of mental powers that Lin Fei can display now is close to three thousand! This means that Lin Fei's mental energy level has almost doubled! "What a creation **** left behind is really nothing trivial!"

Lin Fei was very excited.

In addition, the Master Tianling imparted to Lin Fei all the experience he had gained during the long years of insight into the old man's body before the creation of the old man's body.

Lin Fei took the time to earnestly comprehend, and the gains he has gained are enormous.

In particular, great progress has been made in opening up new worlds and creating new laws.

Lin Fei estimates that now he has been able to open up ten new worlds and create ten new laws! at the same time.

In the lair of the dark race.

Inside a dark palace.

The black bar master and the other wizards of the dark clan have been deducing.

These mages mainly deduced how the dark race should deal with the reincarnation line.

Among them, a small number of mages have been deducing Lin Fei's whereabouts.

this day.

In the palace where the three masters of darkness usually retreat and practice, a large number of aura masters came.

Among them are the four old posters of Suiyuelou and eight young posters.

These eight young posters had been practicing in retreat for the previous time, and now they are all out.

Every young poster has made a huge leap in strength! In addition to the owners of the Suiyuelou, there are also a large number of other powerful high-rises in the sea of ​​absolute space.

These masters are invited by the three masters of darkness to come here.

"Everyone, I think everyone should understand what the purpose of our dark race invites you to come here."

The First Dark Lord said in a loud voice.

"The First Darkness rules your lord. Of course we know that you invited us here mainly to discuss how to work together to deal with the reincarnation line."

An old host of the Years Tower said loudly.

The other masters also nodded one after another.

"Since everyone understands, that's good, we don't need to talk too much nonsense, and we can directly discuss when to start.

I think everyone has discovered that during this period of time, the reincarnation line is seizing the time to continuously increase their strength.

We can't wait any longer.

If we wait any longer, we will give the cycle of reincarnation more time and opportunities to develop and grow, and it will become more difficult for us to deal with them in the future. "

The First Dark Lord said loudly.

"Yes, we really can't give time to reincarnation to develop and grow."

The other masters nodded in agreement after hearing the words of the First Dark Lord.

"I suggest that within a short period of time, we will start to work together and gather all our forces to wage war on the line of reincarnation. This time we must strive to completely eliminate the line of reincarnation! We can't let them have a chance to resurrect!

The First Dark Lord continued.

"I agree! The first dark ruler, the wizards of your dark clan are good at deduction, why not let the wizards do a good job and determine the best time for hands-on."

An old host of the Years Tower said loudly.

"Don't worry, the mages of our clan have been deducing.

I believe that it will not take long before there will be results.

Once there is a result, I will notify you immediately.

At that time, everyone will send troops together and jointly start a war against the cycle of reincarnation! "

The Second Lord of Darkness stood up and said loudly.

"we agree!"

"It's so decided!"

... the other masters all spoke up and agreed.

"Okay, since everyone agrees! That's the decision! Everyone prepares your men and horses. I will notify you as soon as my clan’s mage has the best hands-on time.

The First Dark Lord said loudly.

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