Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4914: Caught all

"Old stuff, who are you, and why did you help Lin Fei deal with our time.

Could it be that you are not afraid of our revenge! "

The owner of the building saw that two in a row were caught by the Master of Heaven, and his expression changed drastically.

"Hehe, I have said it, I am not afraid of your years.

What a mere one-year-old building is nothing. When the old man was in the absolute sea of ​​space, the four old hosts of your years-old building had to behave well when they saw us, and the atmosphere didn’t dare to breathe. "

Heavenly Spirit Master smiled faintly.

What he was talking about was the truth. The body of the Venerable Heavenly Spirit Zeng Wei shocked the entire Absolute Space Sea. It was a small age, and it was not worth mentioning to the Venerable Heavenly Spirit! It's just that, later, the Venerable Heavenly Spirit disappeared and no longer appeared. Because the time was too long, there are not many creatures in the sea of ​​absolute space that still remember the title of the Venerable Heavenly Spirit.

"Old stuff, don't be ashamed.

I advise you not to be enemies with us.

Otherwise, waiting for the four old landlords of our Years Building to arrive, you will definitely not end well.

If you release my two brothers now, leave immediately and stop helping Lin Fei, we will not hold you accountable. "

The owner of the building shouted loudly.

"Haha, well, I'll just wait and see how your Years House held me accountable!"

Hearing this, the Heavenly Spirit could not help but burst into laughter.

call out! While laughing, Lin Fei's figure flashed and came to the front of another young host. He directly attacked with a punch.

Rumble... a huge unmatched fist print, pushing across time and space, roaring towards the young host.

The young poster turned pale with fright, and hurriedly made moves to confront the enemy.

He took out an old-style spear, pierced the spear shadow all over the sky, overlapped it, and blocked the fist marks from the master of the sky.

"Old guy, you are simply toasting not to drink, drinking fine wine!"

Upon seeing this, the building owner roared again and again.

"Haha, I think you should take care of yourself."

Lin Fei suddenly laughed, with a movement of thought, once again displayed hundreds of mind-power worlds, aimed at the owner of the building, and rumbling over them.

Just now, Lin Fei hadn't displayed all of his mental power.

Now, it's all done! "Lin Fei, you are looking for death!"

The owner of the building roared.

He feels more and more pressure! "Haha, another one!"

At this time, Master Tianling successfully captured a young host, sealed it, and imprisoned it into a human world.

At this time, Master Tianling had captured three young posters in a row.

"Senior Tianling, you are amazing!"

Lin Fei said to Master Tianling.

"What a great deal.

These guys are not worth mentioning. "

The Heavenly Spirit said with a smile.

"If my ontology is here, half a trick can solve them."

The Heavenly Spirit Master continued.

"Indeed, if your body, Senior Tianling, is here, even if the four old posters and three dark masters come, we don't have to run."

Lin Fei said.

"Haha, of course.

I still have this confidence.

Those four old landlords and three dark masters are just my juniors, and it is of course not difficult for me to deal with them. "

The Heavenly Spirit said with a laugh.

call out! While talking, Master Tianling rushed towards another young host.

This is the fourth poster! "Brother, save me!"

When the fourth floor master saw the Master of Heaven rushing towards him, he turned around in fright and fled.

Venerable Heavenly Spirit caught the three original posters in a row, causing tremendous pressure on him. He knew that by his own strength, he was definitely not the opponent of the old man in front of him! "You can't escape!"

The Heavenly Spirit screamed and chased after him.

boom! Master Tianling punched the fourth poster's back with a fist.

"Old guy, I'm fighting with you!"

Although the speed of the fourth floor master is fast, but how can it be compared to the speed of the Heavenly Spirit Master, in anger, desperately, turned around and fought fiercely with the Heavenly Spirit Master.

Boom... The two sides started a fierce battle.

"Good news, everyone, the four old posters are coming soon! Hold on!"

At this moment, the owner of the building suddenly called.

He just received the message that the four old posters are coming soon! "Sure enough, it was the four old masters who came."

Lin Fei and Master Tianling were moved in their hearts after hearing the words of the building master.

"One more good news! The three masters of darkness are here too! The four old posters and three adults of the masters of darkness come together, we don't have to be afraid of Lin Fei and this old man!"

The owner of the building shouted again.

He called out deliberately to put pressure on Lin Fei and Master Tianling.


Lin Fei and Master Tianling looked at each other.

Just now, Lin Fei and Master Tianling had already guessed it.

"Lin Fei, it seems that we speed up and prepare to leave."

Heavenly Spirit Master said to Lin Fei's voice transmission.


Lin Fei nodded.

"Come here!"

After a few fierce battles, the Lord of the Fourth Floor was forced to retreat again and again by the Master of the Heavenly Spirit. Without much power to fight back, the Master of the Heavenly Spirit stretched out a palm and rushed towards the Lord of the Fourth Floor.

The fourth poster was frightened and backed desperately.

However, the Heavenly Spirit Master has locked him, and there is no escape.

puff! Master Tianling grabbed the fourth poster with a palm.

"Old guy, stop!"

The owner of the building saw the Master of Heaven grabbing another owner, and was extremely furious.

"Haha, don't worry, it will be you soon."

The Heavenly Spirit said with a laugh.

The Heavenly Spirit Master showed his departure method and rushed towards another young host.

After a while, all the young posters, except for the owner of the building, were all caught by the Master of Heaven and imprisoned! "Now, it's you."

Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei approached the building owner step by step.

Now, more than a thousand mental worlds are all suppressed on the body of the building owner, layered on top of each other, trapping him in the middle.

"Old guys, the four old masters of our Years Tower, and three masters of darkness are coming, you immediately release my brothers, otherwise, you are dead! The four old masters and three masters of darkness, all I won't let you go! And you, Lin Fei, just wait, your death date is here!"

The building owner bit the bullet and shouted.

But in fact, he was already very frightened.

He understood that with his strength, it was definitely not the opponent of Lin Fei and the old man in front of him! "Don't wait, do it!"

Heavenly Spirit Master said softly.

Rumble...Lin Fei's mind moved, and more than a thousand mental worlds exploded at the same time, releasing rolling mental energy and suppressing it towards the owner of the building.

boom! Master Tianling stepped forward and punched towards the main building.

what! Within two strokes, the owner of the building was bombarded by Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven, flying out, vomiting blood continuously.

Boom... Master Tianling rushed up and hit the building master severely with several punches, then grabbed him, sealed him, and then imprisoned him into the world of the human body.

All the young posters were arrested!

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