Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4923: Goodbye ontology

"Why should I let you go.

If we lose, will you let us go? "

Lin Fei smiled faintly and replied.

The wolf king was taken aback for a moment and had nothing to answer.

Because if these six wolf kings had won, they would definitely not let go of these intruders in front of them.

"So you should go to death."

Lin Fei said coldly.

Then, Lin Fei was ready to take action to kill the six wolf kings.

As long as you kill the six wolf kings and the other ordinary ice wolves around you, it won't be a problem.

"Human youth, wait!"

Just when Lin Fei had the killing intent and was about to do it, one of the wolf kings suddenly shouted.


Lin Fei looked over.

"Young man, spare our lives.

The six of us are willing to follow you from now on! "

The wolf king begged for mercy.

"Follow me?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Yes it is.

The six of us are willing to take the entire ice wolf tribe and follow you together. "

Said the wolf king.

"Not bad.

Young human beings, as long as you don't kill us, we are all willing to follow you.

We, the ice wolf clan, have always worshiped the strong, and your strength is so strong, we are not ashamed to follow you. "

Said the other wolf king.

"Yes, young man, we are all willing to follow you."

The other four wolves and five also begged for mercy one after another.

They were unwilling to be killed just like this.

"Are you sure?

Are you really willing to follow me?

You'd better think clearly, if you betray in the future, I will kill you as well, and slaughter the entire ice wolf clan. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

"Young human beings, we all think about it.

Willing to follow you! "

The six wolf kings all nodded.

"okay then."

Lin Fei nodded.

"The six of you, all hand over a ray of soul mark."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said suddenly.

The six-headed wolf king hesitated when he heard the words.

"Follow the words of Senior Tianling."

Lin Fei said coldly.

"it is good."

The six wolf kings had no choice but to agree, and each handed over a ray of soul mark.

The Heavenly Spirit Master waved his hand and took all the imprints of the six-headed wolf king's soul.

Then, the Heavenly Spirit Venerable performed a secret technique to refine the imprints of the souls of the six wolf kings into six mysterious runes.

"Lin Fei, you have stored these six runes. If six of them betray you in the future, as long as you crush these six runes, their soul bodies will explode immediately and become nothing."

The Heavenly Spirit Master handed the six runes to Lin Fei and said.

"Thank you, Senior Tianling."

Lin Fei quickly thanked him.

When the six-headed wolf king saw this, he knew that he would never betray him again.

"Well, let your race wait here, you six, follow us."

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

Then, Lin Fei took the six-headed wolf king, the Venerable Heavenly Spirit, and the three brothers of the Ice Origin Clan, the Shuiyuan Clan, left the plateau and headed towards the direction of the Venerable Heavenly Spirit.

Along the way, they experienced various dangers.

It's just that they passed smoothly without any risk.

Soon after, came to a rolling mountain area.

In this mountain area, there are a large number of formations.

Last time, Lin Fei rescued the second child of the three Bingyuan Clan brothers in this mountainous area.

Also rescued a group of monks.

Later, in the core area of ​​this mountainous area, I met the ancestor of the formation of Tianzheng Sect, and worshipped him as a teacher to learn the formation.

"It's been a long time since I saw Master.

After the body of Senior Tianling is resurrected, he will go in and take a look. "

Lin Fei looked at the core of this mountain, and said in his heart.

Then, Lin Fei and his entourage continued to move forward, heading towards the location of the main body of the Heavenly Spirit Master.

I don't know how long it took, and finally one day, a tall sacred mountain suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Senior Tianling, we are here! Your body is on the mountain in front of you!"

Lin Fei's spirits lifted, and then the sacred mountain in front of him said excitedly.

"finally reached!"

Heavenly Spirit Master is also extremely excited.

"Yes, it's this big mountain!"

The three brothers of the Bingyuan clan, and the Shuiyuan clan also spoke up.

Because they also followed Lin Fei to this sacred mountain back then.

"Go, let's go up the mountain quickly!"

Lin Fei led the way and strode forward.

Looking from a distance, I saw a large number of high-level laws permeating the sacred mountain, transformed into a chain of laws, suspended in the high sky, colorful and dazzling.

Hush hush... Lin Fei and his group just stepped on the sacred mountain, and there were a group of figures exuding fierce aura, rushing down from the mountain.

These are all puppets with the power of Chaos God! Rumble...These puppets exude a strong aura one by one, and they rushed up to prepare to do something.

However, all of a sudden, the eyes of these puppets all looked at the Heavenly Spirit Master.

Then, these puppets hesitated.


"See the master!"

These puppets all knelt down and paid homage to the Heavenly Spirit Master.

Because these puppets are all refined from the body of the Heavenly Spirit Master.

Now, they met the clone of the Heavenly Spirit Master, recognized the aura of the Heavenly Spirit Master, and naturally did not dare to do any more.

call out! At this moment, on the top of the mountain, a ray of light burst out from a palace, and in the blink of an eye, it came to Lin Fei and his party.

This is a middle-aged man wearing a black robe, with a white face and a pair of red pupils, looking handsome and evil.

As soon as this middle-aged man appeared, his eyes immediately stared at the Heavenly Spirit Master.

"Master's clone!"

The middle-aged man looked up and exclaimed excitedly.

"See the master!"

The middle-aged man immediately knelt down to the Master of Heaven and shouted loudly.

"Get up."

Master Tianling flicked his sleeves, holding up the middle-aged man.

The Heavenly Spirit had already guessed the identity of this middle-aged man.

"Young man, thank you very much! You actually collected all the ghost clones and imprints of the gods and souls that the master left in the world back then, and brought them here! The master's resurrection is expected!"

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Fei, grateful.

"Where is the main body, take me to see immediately."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said in a loud voice.

"Okay! Master, please come with me!"

The middle-aged man nodded and immediately led the way.

Heavenly Spirit Master, Lin Fei and others hurriedly followed.

Soon, under the leadership of the middle-aged man, he came to the palace on the top of the mountain and walked in.

Walking into the palace, here is actually a small world.

At first glance, there was confusion everywhere, and there was no end in sight.

In the center of this small world.

There is an altar.

There are nine thick pillars above the altar.

In the center of the nine pillars, there is a crystal coffin.

In the coffin lies an old man, the body of the Heavenly Spirit Master!

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