Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4931: Common ground

As time passed slowly, Lin Fei's level above the fire control technique gradually improved.

During the cultivation process, the fire energy and fire laws in the surrounding time and space were continuously absorbed by Lin Fei.

"The energy of the origin of fire is indeed stronger, more advanced, and more original than all forms of flames in the world..." Lin Fei slowly realized and understood more and more.

Originally, Lin Fei had already gained a certain degree of attainments in the Fire Control Technique before, and now he has re-trained and quickly found the feeling.

After some time, Lin Fei had already begun to study the essential difference between the energy of fire and other forms of flame in the world.

"Not bad.

This young man is very talented with fire energy and fire laws.

In fact, this young man is a person with great fortune. He is destined for a long time. He will have extremely high talents in every field.

In the future, the re-emergence of the reincarnation line in the sea of ​​absolute space must depend on this young man.

Moreover, I feel that this young man will have the opportunity to attack the God of Creation in the future, so as to be more and more detached from this world. "

Senior Huo looked at Lin Fei and said in his heart that he admired Lin Fei very much.

"The origin of fire energy is the origin..." Lin Fei was deducing in his heart.

As Lin Fei's comprehension of the energy of fire became deeper and deeper, strands of fiery red flames began to gather around Lin Fei's body into a stream, a stream, and flow slowly.

Originally, when Lin Fei first entered this palace, he was secretly jealous of these fire source energies, but now, he has begun to become close to these fire source energies.

A large amount of fire-source energy continued to converge next to Lin Fei, just like a group of fire-red deep-sea fish swimming around Lin Fei's body.

"The essence of fire is actually a special law, rule..." Lin Fei has learned more and more about the energy of fire.

Wow...A large amount of fire source energy formed a river of considerable scale around Lin Fei's body, which was constantly flowing.

Rumble... This fiery red river is getting bigger and bigger, and gradually, it begins to rush forever.

Boom... Then, this big river completely turned into a terrifying big river, roaring violently and deafeningly.

Then, another big river appeared.

Boom...As time goes by, one after another big rivers continue to appear, rushing around Lin Fei's body, roaring, shaking time and space.

"Unexpectedly, Lin Fei also possesses such a high talent for fire energy and fire law.

This guy seems to be very talented in every field! "

When the Heavenly Spirit saw this scene beside him, he couldn't help sighing.

"Yes it is.

So I said, this is a young man with great luck.

His future achievements are limitless. "

Senior Huo said with a smile.

"I have not seen such a good young man for a long time."

Senior Huo sighed and said.

Boom...At this time, around Lin Fei's body, there was a vast sea of ​​fire, and the vast red flames were endless, roaring and roaring.

Lin Fei was sitting in the middle of this fiery sea of ​​flames, feeling wholeheartedly.

Time passed slowly.

At a certain moment.

The sea of ​​fire around Lin Fei's body suddenly began to spin frantically, turning into an extremely huge fiery red vortex, and Lin Fei sat in this vortex, as stable as a mountain.

"The original source of fire energy is like this..." Lin Fei began to have a new understanding.

With constant insights, Lin Fei had a new understanding of the energy of the origin of fire.

Boom... Suddenly, Lin Fei's body began to burn.

This kind of burning is the body from the inside to the outside, everything is burning, including the soul body! Soon, everything about Lin Fei, from the physical body, to the energy, to the law, to the spirit body, everything inside the body turned into a raging flame.

Lin Fei in this state is completely a creature made up of flames! "Unexpectedly, he could enter a deep level of sentiment so soon."

Senior Huo nodded when he saw this scene, quite satisfied.

"Is this the source of fire energy..." At this time, Lin Fei felt that his body was burning with endless energy! Lin Fei's understanding of fire energy and fire laws has completely stepped into a new world! Peng... Lin Fei's burning body suddenly began to twist and deform, no longer resembling a human shape, but into other various shapes.

At this time, Lin Fei was no longer a person, but a flame! Wow...Lin Fei, who turned into a ball of flames, suddenly exploded, exploding into bunches of scattered flames, scattered with the wind, wandering in this piece of time and space.

In each beam of flames, there is a ray of Lin Fei's ghost clone.

After a while.

These flames continued to combine together and turned into Lin Fei's appearance.

A flesh and blood Lin Fei reappeared.

"Haha... young man, not bad.

Your comprehension of the source energy of fire has taken another step! "

The fire senior laughed, very satisfied with Lin Fei's performance.

"Senior praised.

Without the guidance of seniors, I would not have made such a great progress in the practice of fire energy and fire laws. "

Lin Fei said gratefully.

"Young man, you don't have to be too modest. If your own talent is not enough, I can't help you."

Senior Huo smiled.

"Okay, young man, you still have room for improvement, so keep practicing."

Senior Huo said.


Lin Fei nodded.

Next, Lin Fei began to immerse himself in the cultivation of the fire source energy.

Peng...At a certain moment, Lin Fei's body turned into a ball of flames and burned.

After a while, this group of flames exploded, turned into bunches of flames, and spread out all over the sky.

Then, these scattered flames began to combine together again, becoming Lin Fei's appearance.

Explosion, combination... This process is constantly going on.

During this process, Lin Fei's comprehension of the source of fire energy became more and more profound! I don't know how long it took.

"In fact, I can integrate the energy of the fire source into various other martial arts..." Lin Fei suddenly had such an understanding.

"Fire-source energy, in the final analysis, is a kind of energy.

Since it is energy, it can be used to perform its martial arts and martial arts.

For example, swordsmanship, magic, universal magic, perhaps in the most fundamental state, all kinds of energies and laws in the world are interoperable! "

Lin Fei deduced it in his heart.

"Okay! Haha, young man, you have realized this level, and you start to explore the common ground of various energies and laws in the world through the energy of the fire source!"

Senior Huo couldn't help laughing with relief.

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