Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4945: About to do

So, the black master of the black bar brought the masters of the dark clan and immediately began to deduct Lin Fei.

at the same time.

"Senior Tianling, I feel that the mages are deducing me again, and this time they are very close to my position. It seems that they have indeed left their lair and come to the time and space where we are now. area!"

At a certain location in this space and time, Lin Fei suddenly changed his face and said in a loud voice.

"I have used a secret method to cover up your breath and only leak out a little, so that if the wizards of the dark race want to deduce your accurate time and space coordinates, they must leave their lair and come to this time and space. Area, narrow the distance between you and you, only in this way can they accurately deduce your space-time coordinates.

Now they are here! Lin Fei, I will personally deal with the three dark masters.

Those wizards of the Dark Clan will be dealt with by you. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"Senior Tianling, don't worry.

Although the wizards of the Dark Clan are very strong in deduction, their combat effectiveness is relatively weak. With my strength, it is more than enough to deal with them. "

Lin Fei nodded and said with a smile.

"And us, Lin Fei, we will also go with you to deal with the wizards of the dark race."

The eldest of the three brothers of the Bingyuan Clan, said loudly.

"Lin Fei, we will also take action.

In order to maintain their supremacy in the sea of ​​absolute space these years, the Dark Clan has suppressed all other forces and has done almost all bad things. I have long been uncomfortable with them. "

That old monk also said to Lin Fei.

"The master still has us."

The six wolf kings also spoke up.

One by one, the Chaos Gods stood beside Lin Fei, releasing billowing energy, and the fighting spirit was boiling.

These Chaos Gods are all from the extremely cold continent, and they are much stronger than the general Chaos Gods in the Absolute Space Sea! "Okay, everyone follow me to deal with the wizards of the dark race!"

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Lin Fei, I am going to deal with the three dark masters first. You take them and quietly pass from the other direction, looking for opportunities to deal with the wizards of the dark clan."

The Heavenly Spirit said to Lin Fei.

"Senior Tianling, you should deal with the three dark masters yourself, it should be fine."

Lin Fei asked.

After all, the three masters of darkness are the famous top masters in the sea of ​​absolute space. They have dominated the endless years and are so famous.

"Haha, Lin Fei, you look down on me too much.

I think back then, my seniority was even higher than that of black bullies. Do you think I would have a problem with the three dark masters? "

Heavenly Spirit Master laughed and said, full of pride.


Lin Fei thought for a while and let go.

The seniority of the Heavenly Spirit Master is indeed higher than that of the black bully! Even if the black tyrant is here, the Heavenly Spirit Master doesn't have to be afraid, let alone the three Dark Lords.

"Well, Lin Fei, I can now perceive the accurate time and space coordinates of the dark wizards."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said, stretched out his hand and punched the current time and space coordinates of those mages into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Lin Fei, I have used a secret technique to cover up your aura tightly. With the strength of those mages, in a short period of time, it is impossible to deduct any of your aura.

You don't need to worry about them. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"Lin Fei, I'm starting to act."

After the Heavenly Spirit Master finished speaking, his figure flashed, and he disappeared through time and space.

"Everyone, let's act too."

Lin Fei said.

Then, Lin Fei led the three Bingyuan Clan brothers and others, quietly walking towards the time and space coordinates of the Dark Clan's wizards.

at the same time.

"Master Heba, have you deduced Lin Fei's time and space coordinates?"

The three dark masters had already waited a little impatiently, and asked.

"Three masters, wait a minute, we are still deducing."

The black bar master said.

But soon, the black bar master frowned.

"It's strange, I was able to capture some of Lin Fei's breath just now, but now I can't deduce anything."

Not only the Heba Master, but the other mages also frowned, feeling something wrong.

"Heba Master, things seem to be a bit wrong, I can't capture any breath of Lin Fei now."

Finally, a mage said to the black bar master.

"Me too, don't know why, suddenly, I can't feel any breath of Lin Fei.

However, I was able to deduce his vague position just now. "

"I can't deduce Lin Fei's breath now.

What the **** is going on? Has he already left this space-time area? "

The other mages also said in a loud voice.

Because, the Heavenly Spirit Master had already used a very clever secret technique to cover up Lin Fei's breath tightly.

Therefore, it is impossible for these mages to deduct any breath of Lin Fei at all.

"Master Black Bar, is there any problem?"

The three dark masters also found that things were different at this time, and the first dark master asked aloud.

"The three masters, don't know why, we can't deduce Lin Fei's breath suddenly."

The Great Master Heba answered truthfully.

"How can this be!"

The three dark masters were all very surprised when they heard the words of the Great Master Heba.

"Three masters, you don't have to be anxious, let us deduce it carefully, as long as Lin Fei is still in this space-time region, we should be able to deduce his position."

The black bar master replied.

"Well, Great Master Heba, you can deduct it more seriously, we finally found Lin Fei's trail, don't let him escape."

The First Dark Lord said.

At the same time, the four old landlords of Suiyuelou also received the news, and they were rushing towards the space-time area where Lin Fei was.

"That kid Lin Fei has finally come up again. Those young hosts of our Years Tower were taken away by Lin Fei's companion. If we can catch Lin Fei, we will have a chance to rescue those young hosts. "

One of the old posters said.

"Yes! It's best to catch Lin Fei this time! Those young posters are the future of our Time Building, and we can't let them have trouble!"

The other three old posters also nodded one after another.

Until now, these four old posters have not given up, but are still thinking about how to save those young posters back.

Because these four old posters have too much hope for the young posters, they regard them as the future of the years! Just at this time.

"Lin Fei, I will soon take action on the three dark masters. After I do it, you will find opportunities to approach the mages and then take action against them.

I will try to hold the three dark masters so that they can't help the mages.

But you had better move faster. I suspect that these three dark masters have notified the four old masters of Sui Yue Lou, after all, those young masters of Sui Yue Lou are still in our hands.

Those four old posters will definitely come to help.

If it is three dark masters plus four old posters, it will be difficult for me to defeat them. "

Heavenly Spirit Master said to Lin Fei's voice transmission.

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