Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4965: Friends and relatives

This old monk took the more than one hundred monks back to the Buddhist realm.

When he received the news that the Thirteen Dark Alliance had declared war on the reincarnation line, he immediately organized a large army of the Buddha world to help the reincarnation line.

"Thank the Buddha Realm for helping us in reincarnation!"

The three reincarnation masters and those high-level members of the reincarnation line are very excited to see this shining Buddha army.

The combat power of this army of the Buddhist world, at a glance, it must be very terrifying! One by one, the Buddhist monks clasped their hands together, exhaling the dazzling Buddha's light all over their body, and chanting the Buddha's sound in their mouths, shaking so that hundreds of thousands of miles of time and space are resonating, and they seem to be enlightened by the Buddha.

Some of the old monks who looked skinny all over their skin were golden yellow, as if they were made of gold, with Buddhist runes, like little golden tadpoles, swimming around the bodies of these old monks. Go, very strange.

"Hehe, the three masters are welcome.

Lin Fei also saved this old life of the poor monk.

What's more, in the past few years, the dark race has dominated in the sea of ​​absolute space, and has done many unrighteous acts. We in the Buddhist world have long been unused. "

The old monk said together.

"Azure Space Sea is here to help reincarnation, and fight the Thirteen Dark Alliance together!"

At this moment, a large army came from afar, headed by a Chaos God, said loudly.

In the blink of an eye, this army came to the front of the three reincarnation masters.

"Azure Space Sea?"

The three reincarnation masters are all taken aback.

The strength of this azure space sea in front of them is not very strong, and there are only two Chaos Gods in total leading the team.

Moreover, in the impression of the ruler of the three samsara, this azure space sea seems to have never had any contact with samsara. Why did it suddenly come to help at this time?

The other senior leaders in the cycle of reincarnation are also puzzled.

Just now.

"Why are you here?"

At this time, the Heavenly Spirit Master suddenly appeared.

"See Tianling Patriarch!"

The people and horses in the azure space sea, together pay homage to the heavenly spirit master.

"It turns out to be the people of Senior Tianling!"

At this time, the three samsara dominates suddenly.

You know, in ancient times, the Heavenly Spirit Master was once one of the top masters in the Absolute Sea of ​​Space, leaving behind many traditions.

Until now, there are still many seas of space, and many sectarian forces take the Heavenly Spirit Master as their ancestors, erect temples to worship, and fireworks continue.

Some time ago, the Master Heavenly Spirit had a battle with the three dark masters, and the name of the Master Heavenly Spirit slowly spread in the sea of ​​absolute space.

Everyone knows that there is a master in the Samsara Palace, called the Master of Heaven.

Naturally, those spatial seas and sect forces that took the Heavenly Spirit Master as their ancestors have also heard of it.

Now that the Thirteen Dark Alliance is about to declare war on the line of reincarnation, these space seas and sect forces with the ancestors of the heavenly spirits are sending out armies to help.

"Well, since it's here, let's take part in this war.

Anyway, this war is destined to change the current power pattern of the absolute space sea, and no space sea or force can really stay out of the matter. "

The Heavenly Spirit nodded.

"Follow the ancestor's order!"

The people in the sky blue space sea answered in unison, and then stood together beside the master of heaven.

Rumble...In the distant time and space, another army suddenly appeared, rolling in and roaring to the sky.

"Jiuchen Space Haitian Spiritual School, come and see the ancestors!"

This large army rushed to the front of the Master of the Heavenly Spirit, collectively knelt down, and saluted the Master of Heaven.

"Get up all."

With a flick of the sleeves of the Heavenly Spirit Master, a powerful energy was sent out, supporting all of these Heavenly Spirit Sect's men and horses.

"Old ancestor, finally see your old man! See ancestor!"

Another large army came from afar, rushed to the front of the Heavenly Spirit Master, bowed down and bowed.

Next, a total of more than a hundred people from the sea of ​​space or forces came and paid homage to the heavenly spirits.

These space seas or forces of forces are all the traditions of the Heavenly Spirit Master who left in the absolute space sea before.

Although these space seas or forces are not strong individually, when added up, the number is very considerable, forming a strength that cannot be ignored.

"The people of Tianfeng World Sea Famous Sword Villa, come to help reincarnation!"

Suddenly, there was a roar in the distance.

Then, a man and horse with swordsmanship appeared, rolling in.

Walking for the first old man with his hand holding his hand, his whole body was spitting sharp sword light, and he sneered at the time and space he passed.

"Thousand waves of the world are here to help reincarnation!"

Another group of people came across time and space, striding forward for the first white-haired old man, exuding chaotic god-level energy aura.

"Master, is Junior Brother Ye Fei really in the reincarnation palace?

Is Junior Brother Ye Fei really the legendary Lin Fei? "

A tall and uniform bodybuilder asked closely next to the white-haired old man.

"Not bad.

Ye Fei is Lin Fei. He is a descendant of the line of reincarnation. Don't think he is just a tenth-tier master god. His current combat power is one hundred and eight thousand times higher than your master. "

The white-haired old man nodded and smiled.

"Liuyue World Sea is here to help reincarnation!"

…Next, a team of people continued to appear and came to the front of the three reincarnation masters, expressing that they would join the reincarnation and fight the thirteen dark alliances together.

"Haha, Lin Fei's group of relatives and friends is here."

Huang Zhongnian couldn't help but said with a smile as he watched the army coming continuously.

In the past, Lin Fei's ninety-nine and eighty-one avatars had entered eighty-one different seas of space for training, and in the end they all became one of the best enchanting geniuses in these seas of space.

Those avatars of Lin Fei have all become disciples of a big power or top master in these seas of space, and have established deep connections.

Moreover, when these clones of Lin Fei finally left, they all revealed their true identities.

Now, the forces and top masters in these seas of space have heard that the Reincarnation Line is about to go to war with the Thirteen Dark Alliance, and they have brought their troops to the Reincarnation Palace to help Lin Fei.

call out! At this time, Lin Fei suddenly appeared and walked out of the Samsara Palace.

This is a clone of Lin Fei. Lin Fei's body is still in the Samsara Palace, retreating and impacting the realm.

"Xiao Fei!"

"Ye Fei!"

"Wu Fei!"

…As soon as they saw Lin Fei, the people who had just arrived gathered around to greet Lin Fei.

"Thank you for coming to help! Lin Fei is grateful!"

Lin Fei looked at the familiar faces that his clone had interacted with, and was very grateful.

"Haha, Lin Fei, whatever you are polite, it's your own! I'll call you Ye Fei, I'm used to it."

"Xiao Fei, speaking of it, you are a disciple of our teaching, you are totally welcome!"

…Those high-level members of the space sea or the forces are very enthusiastic about Lin Fei.

"This kid is very popular, no matter where he goes, he can build such a deep network."

Huang Zhongnian couldn't help but say.

"This is also one of Lin Fei's abilities."

The first round dominates with admiring eyes.

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