Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4972: Sneak into the Samsara Palace

"Create new laws!"

The Heavenly Spirit Master entered this new plane and created more than a dozen new laws at the fastest speed.

In this way, this new plane is completely under the control of the Heavenly Spirit Master! At this moment, in time and space, there are more and more black runes, like a fish, coming in the direction of Lin Fei continuously.

These black runes were released by the wizards of the Dark Clan, who wanted to interfere with Lin Fei's breakthrough.

However, if these black runes want to enter the small world where Lin Fei is, they must first enter this new plane created by the Heavenly Spirit Master.

And this new plane is completely controlled by the Heavenly Spirit Master.

Therefore, when these black runes entered the new plane that the Heavenly Spirit Master had just opened up, the speed immediately slowed down, as if it had fallen into a mud.

In the end, there are many black runeless texts imprisoned in the time and space of this new plane, and it is impossible to enter the small world where Lin Fei is. In this way, the wizards of the dark clan have no way to interfere. Lin Fei's breakthrough.

"This method really works!"

Seeing such an effect, the Heavenly Spirit Master couldn't help being very satisfied, and nodded gently and said.

At the same time, in the dark palace in the second lair of the Dark Clan, the Great Master Heba was performing magical powers along with those mages, constantly creating a large number of black runes, infiltrating into time and space towards the distance of time and space. Lin Fei outside walked over.

"Everyone, work harder. As long as we can stop Lin Fei's breakthrough this time, it will be extremely difficult for Lin Fei to usher in the third opportunity to attack the Chaos God."

The black bar master said loudly.

"Yes, if Lin Fei's breakthrough fails again this time, then he won't have many chances to break through to Chaos God! He has already failed once, and the second failure will definitely have a huge impact on him. The body and mind leave a huge hidden danger!"

…The other mages nodded one after another.

"Everyone! There seems to be something wrong. The runes we made seem to have no way to get close to Lin Fei, but are blocked by something."

At this moment, a mage suddenly yelled.

"Is there such a thing?

Let me deduct it! "

The black bar master immediately deduced Lin Fei's current situation.

"Sure enough, Lin Fei was not disturbed at all. The runes we created are simply not close to Lin Fei!"

After a while, the Black Bar Master also found out.

"how so!"

These wizards of the Dark Clan are very unwilling.

"There must be some master who is helping Lin Fei!"

Said the Great Master Heba.

at the same time.

The clones of the three dark masters and the four old posters are quietly approaching the reincarnation palace.

They want to enter the Samsara Palace to deal with Lin Fei.

"I will immediately contact the Black Bar Master and let him deduce Lin Fei's every move, so that we have a greater chance of success."

The First Dark Lord immediately took out the teleportation jade slip, and began to contact the black bar master.

After a while.

The Heba Archmage in the second lair received a message from the First Dark Lord.

"Everyone! The three masters and the four old masters have each separated a clone, and are now quietly heading towards the Samsara Palace. They plan to sneak into the Samsara Palace and take action against Lin Fei.

The Master First Ruler requires us to deduct Lin Fei at all times, to grasp his every move, and to tell the Master First Ruler in time.

Also, from now on, we will use magical powers to continue to interfere with Lin Fei's breakthrough. "

After receiving the message sent by the First Dark Lord, the black bar master said loudly to the other mages.

So, next, the wizards of these dark people began to collectively deduct Lin Fei.

At the same time, they continued to use their magical powers to create more black runes, which penetrated into time and space, and continued to move towards where Lin Fei was now.

At this time, in the small world.

Lin Fei is still in a deep level of insight.

Lin Fei combed through his past life trajectory over and over again, as well as the different experience of the eighty-one avatars in different seas of space.

Lin Fei wanted to find his own way, his own way! Gradually, Lin Fei felt that he had realized something useful.

"My way, my law, my way..." In Lin Fei's heart, a path that suits him gradually emerged.

Rumble...At a certain moment, all kinds of laws in the small world were shining, releasing the mighty power of the laws.

Lin Fei has entered the second step of assaulting the realm of Chaos God, comprehending the law! Before, Lin Fei had used the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman to comprehend the various laws of the world.

Now, the laws of the world are constantly emerging around Lin Fei's body.

If you want to hit the realm of Chaos God, you must sort out and comprehend the laws of the world.

The more laws you have learned, the better! In the end, the greater the chance of a successful breakthrough! Rumble...As time goes by, around Lin Fei's body, a chain of laws constantly emerges, dazzling and extremely splendid.

at the same time.

The black runes produced by the wizards of the Dark Clan are also increasing, and across the distant time and space, they infiltrate the small world where Lin Fei is.

However, when these black runes entered the new plane created by the Heavenly Spirit Master, they were greatly disturbed.

Although these black runes are very mysterious, they are nothing to the Master of Heaven! "I will create a few more new laws to use against these black runes."

Seeing that the number of black runes increased, Heavenly Spirit Master began to create new laws.

In the next time, the Heavenly Spirit Master created a new law after another, constantly bombarding those black runes, and expelling those black runes from this new plane.

"The front is the Samsara Palace.

Now, the real bodies of the three reincarnation masters are on the battlefield. We sneak in and launch a surprise attack on Lin Fei with lightning speed. Even if we can't kill him, it will definitely cause great interference to him. , So that he can not break through smoothly. "

At this time, the clones of the three dark masters and the four old landlords were already close to the reincarnation palace, the clone of the first dark master whispered.

"Okay, let's go in!"

An old host nodded.

As a result, the clones of these seven masters began to travel through time and space quietly, wanting to enter the Samsara Palace silently.

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