Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4985: Create a martial arts heritage

"Old guy, go to hell!"

Three identical Lin Fei rushed to the old host at the same time, shouting.

Boom... The three Lin Fei shot together, each playing a martial art.

The first Lin Fei used the sword technique, the second Lin Fei used the sword technique, and the third Lin Fei used the formation technique and mental power world! "Try my sword to slash the world!"

The second Lin Fei roared, cutting out a dazzling sword glow, and slashed towards the old host.

Boom... This sword light cut into the body of the old host, constantly attacking a personal world in his body.

The strength of this old poster is very strong, even if it is just a clone, a large number of human worlds are opened up in the body.

Boom... Lin Fei slashed out a sword of light, destroying frantically in these human worlds.


The first Lin Fei held a war knife, and from the other direction, he slashed towards the old host.

Boom... The hob light, like a mighty waterfall, rolled towards the chairman of the old building.

The third Lin Fei used more than 3,000 formations and more than 2,000 mental powers to cover the old host.

"Lin Fei, dare you!"

The old host was so angry that he reluctantly moved out to resist, while struggling to fight Thunder Tribulation.

"Old stuff, who said I dare not!"

The three Lin Fei shouted together.

boom! After a few moves, the old host was bombarded by the three Lin Fei, and his body was blown to pieces on the spot.

"Old stuff, go to hell!"

The three Lin Fei rushed up together and launched a violent attack again.

Ka... After a few moves, the first Lin Fei slashed the old host's body in half.

Boom... The second Lin Fei slashed several sword lights in succession, and penetrated into the body of the old host, making the inside of his body torn apart.

In the end, under the combined attack of the three Lin Fei, the body of the old poster was completely shattered and turned into a cloud of blood.

"Lin Fei, wait, I won't let you go!"

This old host left a remnant soul, while roaring, while trying to escape.

"You can't escape!"

Lin Fei chased it.

Rumble...The thunder robbery rolling down, and a large army of thunder creatures, also besieged the remnant soul of this old poster.

You know, the remnant soul state is the most fearful of thunder energy.

Ahhh... the remnant soul of this old poster was screamed constantly by thunder.

In the end, this wisp of remnant soul was wiped out and completely turned into nothingness.

"Haha, happy!"

Lin Fei laughed loudly in the thunder robbery.

Although this thunder robbery was terrifying, Lin Fei's accumulation was deep enough, so he could still support him in the face of Lei robbery, and he even had spare power to deal with others.

"Old stuff, it's you!"

Lin Fei moved, and rushed towards another old host.

"Lin Fei, you **** it!"

The old poster saw Lin Fei rushing over, and couldn't help but roar.

"Old thing, it's you who **** it now! Go to hell!"

Lin Fei yelled.

"Lin Fei, I'm fighting with you!"

This old host desperately came over to Lin Feizhong.

kill! The two sides immediately fought together, and the war broke out.

As soon as the two started to use their strongest martial arts and martial arts, they fought very fiercely.

Moreover, both sides are fighting thunder and robbery at the same time. This kind of battle is very special.

boom! In less than ten strokes, Lin Fei blasted the old host into the air with one punch, causing a big **** hole to appear in the old host's chest.

This old host is in the state of a clone. After such a long period of calamity, his strength is only 20-30% at most, and he is still fighting against Lin Fei while he is fighting.

kill! Lin Fei roared and rushed forward, constantly making up his punches, so that the body of the old host was constantly thrown away.

Kaka... Lin Fei rushed forward and tore off one of the old host's arms.

boom! Another Lin Fei rushed up and kicked the old host's chest into a blood hole.

Boom...The third Lin Fei held a war knife and cut off the head of this old building with a single knife, kicking it away like a ball.

puff! The head of the old poster exploded in mid-air.

In the end, Lin Fei defeated the old host! "It's you, old man, go to hell!"

The three Lin Fei turned around and slaughtered towards the Third Lord of Darkness.

"Lin Fei, dare you!"

The Third Lord of Darkness saw Lin Fei killing two old posters in a row, and he was already very jealous.

Although he is only in the state of a clone, he also has a strong survival instinct, not to mention that if he is beheaded by a junior kid and spread out, it will become a joke for the entire Absolute Space Sea.

Therefore, the third Dark Lord turned around and fled, rushing towards the edge of the thunder tribulation area.

"You can't escape! Take it to death!"

Lin Fei yelled.

call out! Lin Fei chased him up instantly and started the fight directly.

Three Lin Fei, from three different directions, surrounded the Third Dark Lord in the middle, performing various exercises and martial arts, launching crazy attacks.

All of the martial arts and martial arts that Lin Fei is currently performing are all cultivated in the past years, but, not long ago, when he was in retreat and attacked the realm, Lin Fei had already used the laws he had realized to combine these All the martial arts and martial arts have been transformed once, and they have all been integrated into their own laws and their own Tao.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the martial arts and martial arts that Lin Fei is currently performing are all newly created by himself! Your own law, your own way, your own inheritance! Now, Lin Fei displayed the martial arts and martial arts created by him in the thunder robbery, and the power he exerted was terrifying.

"How do I feel that the various exercises and martial arts currently performed by Lin Fei contain his own shadow, and these exercises and martial arts seem to be created by him himself!"

In the first round, the master saw Lin Fei, who was awe-inspiring and awe-inspiring amidst the thunder robbery, he couldn't help being a little surprised and said.

"Yes, I also feel that the martial arts and martial arts that Lin Fei is currently performing seem to be completely integrated with himself, as if they were the martial arts he created!"

Huang Zhongnian also nodded.

The other senior leaders of the Reincarnation Alliance also nodded one by one.

"You are not mistaken.

All of the martial arts and martial arts that Lin Fei is currently using are created by him himself.

Although, in form, they were the same as the martial arts he had practiced before, but Shen Yun had changed.

Similar in appearance but not in God! Lin Fei has already begun to create his own martial arts inheritance! "

Heavenly Spirit Master looked at it for a moment, nodded and said.

"Haha...this kid, it's amazing!"

The ruler of the first round couldn't help but laughed and said.

"Lao Baidi, your apprentice is really against the sky.

They haven't completely broken through to become the Chaos God, and they are actually creating their own martial arts inheritance. Let us old guys where to put their faces. "

Huang Zhongnian said to Baidi Shenjun.

"Hehe..." Baidi Shenjun smiled triumphantly.

He felt that this disciple gave him too much face!

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