Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4995: Kill the mage

"Dark Realm!"

When the mage saw the magic weapon he had thrown away, it was all smashed in an instant, scared to the sky, and displayed a kind of inheritance technique of the dark clan.

Boom...booming dark energy and dark laws erupted, and a small dark world appeared around the mage's body, shrouding him as if in a black pot.

"It's useless. For me, these are all tricks."

The Heavenly Spirit sneered, his palm patted on the little black world.

puff! The small black world exploded in an instant, turning into black debris in the sky.

Then, the palm of the heavenly spirit master slapped on the body of the mage.

puff! Where the body of this mage could bear the palm of the Heavenly Spirit Master, it was directly shattered and turned into a black blood mist.

It's just that, at the moment the mage's body shattered, a piece of black talisman paper appeared on his body, with densely packed runes engraved on it, exuding a mysterious aura.

call out! The next moment, the mage reorganized his body not far away, staring at the Master of Heaven with horror.


It was actually a piece of talisman paper with the effect of replacing death. Such talisman paper is very good. "

The Heavenly Spirit was a little surprised.

Although, the vitality of the dark race is very tenacious, known as the most difficult race to be killed.

However, it also depends on which opponent you encounter.

When encountering an opponent with boundless magic power like the Heavenly Spirit Master, one move can shatter the vitality of the dark chaos gods, causing them to fall directly and unable to reorganize their bodies.

However, this mage was smashed into pieces with the palm of the Heavenly Spirit Master, and he actually only lost some of the source of divine power. Not only did he not fall, he was not even seriously injured.

This made Heavenly Spirit Master had to sigh, the effect of that piece of black talisman paper.

"Great, guys, we spent a lot of time and energy a while ago, as well as the death-relief talisman that took a lot of wealth to refine. It really works! This type of death-replacement talisman is recorded in our darkness. The highest classic of the family, the seed of the Dark Sutra, is unexpectedly useful for death."

The mage checked his own body and couldn't help shouting in surprise.

"That's it.

It's just that a substitute death talisman can't save your life. "

The Heavenly Spirit sneered upon hearing this.

With a few palms, the mage's body was shattered again.

"Opening up a few new worlds may be able to kill these guys faster."

The heavenly spirit master secretly said in his heart.

As a result, the Heavenly Spiritual Master immediately used his great supernatural powers to create three new worlds at the fastest speed, and created more than a dozen new laws among these three new worlds.

Then, the Heavenly Spirit Master grabbed the mage who had been shattered several times and stuffed it into a new world.

"My world, I call the shots!"

The Master of Heaven roared.


The Heavenly Spirit Master once again smashed the body of the mage with a palm.

Then, under the control of the heavenly spirit master's mind, a dozen new laws enveloped the mage's residue and meat.

" are so cruel!"

The spirit body of this mage emerged in this new world, screaming horribly, he wanted to reorganize his body again, but more than a dozen new laws were constantly eroding his flesh and blood, making him unable to reorganize.

puff! In the next moment, the spirit body of this mage exploded and fell on the spot! The first mage has fallen! "Lin Fei, these mages have a kind of talisman paper that can be used for death. They must be killed repeatedly with enough powerful energy to kill them.

Or, you can, like me, create a few new worlds and a batch of new laws, and then kill them! "

Heavenly Spirit Master said to Lin Fei.

"Senior Tianling, I understand."

Lin Fei nodded.

At this time, Lin Fei had already used a large amount of formation and mental power to seal the palace tightly so that the mages in the palace could not escape.

"Quickly, send a sound transmission, please save the soldiers! Fortunately, immediately notify the three masters and let them come back and save us!"

Inside the palace, the mages shouted.

"No one can save you! Go to death!"

Lin Fei roared and rushed to a nearby mage.

Boom...Lin Fei displayed more than a dozen mental power worlds, shrouded in the past to this mage, and at the same time, the billowing mental energy immediately penetrated into the mage's body, madly destroying his five internal organs.

Cang! Lin Fei waved his hand and slashed the ten thousand realms with his sword, a sword light that was as thick as a pillar supporting the sky, slashed towards the mage.

"Lin Fei, I played with you!"

This mage was attacked by the terrible heart energy and was immediately injured. He spurted blood from his mouth. In fright, he bit his scalp to meet Lin Fei and fought together.

"Haha, do you have any qualifications to fight with me?

There is a substitute for death, right, well, I'll burn it down! "

Lin Fei laughed and waved his hand to release a sea of ​​flames, which continued to spread, burning the surrounding space and time and distorting it instantly.

This is the Fire Control Technique! Moreover, this is the most authentic fire control technique in the world that was taught to Lin Fei by that senior Huo in the ice cold continent! Even the Fire Control Technique of the Huoyuan Beast clan was inherited from that Senior Huo.

Now, at that time, Senior Huo also gifted some of his treasured sacred fires to Lin Fei.

Now, Lin Fei released these sacred fires, the burning power was too terrifying.

Ah... that mage was caught in a sea of ​​fire and screamed.

The terrifying sacred fire ignited his entire body, and it burned from the outside to the inside. This feeling of burning the body caused the mage to fall into great pain.

Immediately, in the body of this mage, a piece of black rune paper engraved with various mysterious runes emerged.

"Burn me!"

Lin Fei stretched out his hand and pointed, and the divine fire burned towards the black talisman paper, and it lit instantly.

Ahhh... the mage was constantly screaming, and was suffering tremendously.

"This is the fire control technique passed by Senior Huo to Lin Fei! The power of Senior Huo's inheritance is really terrifying!"

Seeing this scene, even the Heavenly Spirit Master was moved, because the strength of that Senior Huo was stronger than that of the Heavenly Spirit Master! Soon, the body of this mage was burnt to fly ashes by the billowing divine fire! However, the death talisman in his body had an effect, allowing the mage to reorganize his body again not far away.

"Burn me!"

Lin Fei stretched out his hand and controlled the billowing flames before submerging the mage again.

Ahhh... the body of the mage was ignited again, plunged into great pain, and screamed.

Lin Fei and Venerable Sky Spirit besieged and killed the mages, while constantly moving their bodies to prevent these mages from escaping outside the palace.

"You guys are looking for death!"

The black bar master was so angry that he roared.

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