Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5004: Set up the battlefield

The mighty armies of the two sides collided in the most violent way, and then they directly fought together.


The crews on both sides put out a battlefield one by one.

In such a large-scale battle, the power that the battle formation can exert is not comparable to that of an individual! The Reincarnation Line and the Dark Clan were the most powerful forces in the Absolute Sea of ​​Space back then, and both sides had many brilliant battle formations, and they were all put out at this time.

Boom...On the battlefield, I saw a battle formation consisting of thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of creatures, crashing through time and space, and rushing towards the opponent.

Of course, there are also many powerful masters on both sides, relying on their strong combat power, single-handedly, into the formation of the other side, show their power! Boom...As soon as the battle started, the fight was fierce, covering the sky and the sun, and hundreds of thousands of miles of time and space continued to crumble.

As for the highest level of the two sides, they are still standing in the base camp, paying attention to the dynamics on the battlefield, and have not personally ended the fight for the time being.

In the base camp of the Reincarnation Alliance, the first reincarnation master carefully dispatched his troops while observing the battlefield.

The other two reincarnation masters, the Celestial Spirit Master, Huang Zhongnian, the Baidi Divine Lord, and Lin Fei and others all stood on the side watching the battle, while also paying attention to the actions of the top leaders of the Thirteen Dark Alliance. Prevent their sudden attack! Because the war has officially begun, the high-levels of the Thirteen Dark Alliance may launch a final battle at any time.

"Neither side has an advantage now."

A senior analysis of the reincarnation alliance said.

"Yes, the numbers of both sides seem to be about the same."

The other senior nodded.

"No! Although the numbers of the two sides are similar, in terms of strength, the Thirteen Dark Alliance is dominated by the Dark Clan and the Centaur of the Years Tower, and the other eleven forces are also relatively strong.

In comparison, our reincarnation alliance is dominated by the people of our reincarnation line. In addition, there is a clan of wild beasts. The two forces of the Buddha world are relatively strong. As for the strength of the people on other planes, relatively speaking, compare Weak.

So, soon, the people of our reincarnation alliance will gradually be at a disadvantage. "

The master of the first round suddenly said.

"Yes it is.

Although the number of people on both sides is similar, from the perspective of overall strength, our side is indeed a little worse. "

The Heavenly Spirit nodded.

"The casualties on our side are starting to get worse.

If this continues, more and more people will die on our side! "

Baidi Shenjun said softly.

"Haha... It seems that the people on our side are beginning to gain the upper hand! Although the Samsara Alliance has gathered many people from the space sea, the good and the bad are uneven.

And our Thirteen Dark Alliance is made up of 13 powerful forces in the sea of ​​absolute space, and their strength is much stronger than their reincarnation alliance! In this war, our Thirteen Dark Alliance will surely win! "

At this time, in the base camp of the Thirteen Dark Alliance, all those high-level leaders were very happy, and the First Dark Lord said loudly.

"Haha...Yes, our Thirteen Dark Alliance will win!"

The other senior members of the Thirteen Dark Alliance laughed one by one.

Rumbling... the people on both sides are still fighting fiercely, and endless time and space are constantly cracking! Both sides rushed with all their strength! "Our Reincarnation Alliance has fallen to more than 100 main gods, more than 600 true gods, and more than 1,000 ordinary gods! The casualties are indeed getting more and more serious!"

Huang Zhongnian said in a deep voice.

The seniors of the Reincarnation Alliance looked a little ugly.

Until now, everyone realized that although the number of people in the Reincarnation Alliance is not less than the Thirteen Dark Alliance, the overall strength is not as good as the Thirteen Dark Alliance! Because, each of the thirteen forces in the Thirteen Dark Alliance is a powerful force in the sea of ​​absolute space! In the Samsara Alliance, there are only the Samsara family, the Desolate Beasts, and the Buddha Realm. These three forces are relatively strong, and most of the other people come from some weak seas of space! Most of these people from the weak and small seas of space are those space seas that Lin Fei's ninety-nine and eighty-one avatars were trained at the beginning, and a group of them are from the space seas where the avatars of the heavenly spirit were before! As the battle progressed, these men and horses from the weak and small seas began to fall continuously and suffered heavy losses! "Immediately ordered, let us reincarnate in the line, the buddha realm, and the horses of the wild beasts rush to the front, and the other people, follow behind! Also, among us, some experts will be sent to the battlefield immediately. In order to organize the relatively weak and small men and horses, they will all form battle formations and fight collectively."

The first round of master thought for a while, and said.

"Yes, this method is good! Let those relatively weaker forces fight in the form of a battle formation, which can reduce casualties.

Lin Fei, I now give you a hundred battle formations, you immediately go up to the battlefield and organize a hundred foreign battle formations! Don't worry, I will cover you. "

The Heavenly Spirit said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded.

As a result, the Heavenly Spirit Master immediately drove a hundred battle formations into Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, Lin Fei's figure flashed and rushed to the battlefield.

"You all move closer to me, you can no longer fight alone, you must all form a battle formation, and then fight the enemy!"

Lin Fei came to the battlefield and immediately sent a voice transmission to those who came from the weak space sea.

Immediately, those ninety-nine-eighty-one avatars of Lin Fei who had experienced the space sea of ​​refining all gathered towards Lin Fei's location.

Lin Fei used the layout methods of battle formations into the sea of ​​consciousness of these high-level seas of space, and then let these high-levels begin to arrange battle formations at the fastest speed! All the high-levels of these space seas are Chaos Gods. After obtaining the layout method of the battle formation, it is not difficult to arrange these battle formations.

In addition, Lin Fei was proficient in the formation method, guiding on the side.

So, soon, some battle formations were arranged and formed.

"That's Lin Fei! He wants to guide those people to set up a battle formation and stop them!"

The First Lord of Darkness saw the situation on the battlefield clearly, and naturally saw what Lin Fei was doing, and shouted.

"Kill up and stop Lin Fei!"

Immediately, many Chaos Gods of the Thirteen Dark Alliance charged towards Lin Fei.

"If you don't want to die, just come!

I'm just trying to settle accounts with you bastards! "

Lin Fei yelled and waved his hand, and several thousand large formations were arranged, and Rumble shot the Chaos Gods who had rushed over.

Immediately, those Chaos Gods rushing in front were all trapped by Lin Fei's formation, unable to move!

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