Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5006: Fight against the black side

With a loud noise, the bridge of reincarnation blocked the small sword in Black's hand, splashing a little spark.

"This is... Naihe Bridge?"

Black was a little surprised, because the small sword in his hand was a treasure among the Dark Clan, and its power was terrifying.

Unexpectedly, on this bridge, there was no trace left.

"Yes, it is the Naihe Bridge. You can also call it the Reincarnation Bridge."

Lin Fei sneered.

Among the Dark Clan, the bridge guarded by Po Meng can be called the Naihe Bridge or the Reincarnation Bridge, which is part of the cycle of reincarnation.

"Boy, go to hell!"

Black's sneak attack was unsuccessful. He was a little shameful and angry. With a loud roar, he displayed the magical powers of three heads and six arms. The three black skulls kept spitting fire. Each of the six arms held a magic weapon of the Dark Clan, emitting terrible energy The coercion makes time and space tremble.

Boom... Six magic weapons blasted towards Lin Fei at the same time.

I have to say that this Black's combat power is indeed terrifying, only slightly weaker than the combat power of the three Dark Lords.

Wherever the six magic weapons passed, the time and space were constantly shattered, disintegrated, and annihilated in an instant.


You want to kill me too. "

Lin Fei snorted coldly.

With a movement of his mind, more than a thousand worlds of mental power were displayed, covering the black side.

At the same time, Lin Fei waved his hand and arranged more than 3,000 large formations, layered over to the black side.

Immediately, Black's body sank into the mud and became a lot slower.

"Old stuff, since you are here, don't even think about going back alive."

Lin Fei said coldly.

Shoo! Three identical Lin Fei appeared.

Roar...Every Lin Fei burst out of his body with a human god, majestic and murderous, and at the same time rushed towards the black side.

"Let's go up and help Master Hei, and deal with Lin Fei together!"

The dark chaos gods who followed Black to deal with Lin Fei roared one by one and rushed to kill them.

"Lin Fei, I'll help you!"

Suddenly, the fire source beast roared and rushed over, and he immediately released a large sea of ​​billowing fire, sweeping the sky, and on the spot drowned a chaotic **** of the dark race in the sea of ​​fire, and found bursts of screams.

"I'm here too!"

In the other direction, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast also rushed over.

Roar... His body is constantly enlarged, exuding terrifying physical power, shaking like endless time and space.

The chaos swallowing beasts not only possess terrible swallowing abilities, but their physical strength is also one of the racial heritage.

boom! The huge body of the Chaos Swallowing Beast directly smashed a chaotic **** of the dark race.

Of course, the vitality of the Dark Clan is very tenacious. After this Chaos God was smashed into pieces, he did not fall, but immediately reorganized his body, let out an angry roar, and slaughtered the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

Roar...The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast suddenly opened its mouth of the Sky-Swallowing, continuously zooming in, swallowing a large area of ​​time and space in an instant, and sucking the Chaos God of the Dark Clan into its mouth and disappearing.

Ah... From the huge mouth of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, the screams of the chaotic **** of the dark race came out, but there was no sound soon.

"We are here too!"

Then, the reincarnation princess, Yao Tianmiao, Wang Tianhu, Zhu Junyu and others also rushed over.

"Brother Lin Fei, we will kill the enemy with you!"

Wang Tianhu's fighting spirit was boiling, and he shouted at the chaotic gods of the dark race.

"Haha...well, let's kill the enemy together!"

Lin Fei laughed and said.

At this time, Lin Fei and Black played fiercely.

Black has three heads and six arms, holding six magic weapons in his hand, and displaying six different martial arts and martial arts, with amazing power.

Lin Fei used the secret technique of one gas to transform three clears, three identical Lin Fei, plus dozens of human spirits, surrounded the black square, killing time and space to pieces.

"Unexpectedly, a junior kid who just broke through to become the Chaos God not long ago, actually possesses this kind of combat power and can fight with me for such a long time. It is really rare in the world.

It's a pity that you are not a member of our dark clan, but an enemy of our dark clan, so if I don't kill you, I feel uneasy! "

Seeing Lin Fei's fight with him, Black couldn't help sighing.

He has been famous for a long time. Among the Dark Clan, his combat power is second only to the three Dark Lords. Not only is he a top master among the Dark Clan, but he can also be among the top masters in the entire sea of ​​absolute space.

Now, there is a junior boy who can tie him, which makes him not surprised and angry.

"Boy, you must die, kill!"

Black roared and rushed towards Lin Fei strongly.

"Haha, old fellow, don't rely on the old to sell the old, maybe I killed you."

All three Lin Fei laughed in unison, and furiously culled at Black one by one.

"Unexpectedly, Lin Fei's combat power has reached this level!"

In the base camp of the Dark Clan, the three Dark Lords and the other high-level members of the Thirteen Dark Alliance are all watching the battle between Lin Fei and the Black side, frowning and looking ugly.

Not long ago, Lin Fei had just broken through to become the Chaos God, and he actually possessed such terrible strength that he was able to fight against Black inextricably.

This makes them very unwilling! Especially the three dark masters and the four old posters, all gritted their teeth and felt unable to accept the facts in front of them.

The seven of them had personally dispatched many times to besiege Lin Fei.

Moreover, he tried to interfere with Lin Fei's breakthrough twice.

The results all failed.

Lin Fei succeeded in breaking through, and now standing in front of them alive, still showing such a powerful combat power.

Where would they be willing! "Damn it, as soon as I saw this Lin Fei, I couldn't suppress the anger in my chest!"

An old poster whispered.

at the same time.

In the headquarters of the Reincarnation Alliance.

The senior officials of the Reincarnation Alliance are all paying attention to the battle between Lin Fei and Black.

"Haha, okay, okay, great! Lin Fei's combat power is stronger than I thought! It's really surprising that Black can hit this level.

We reincarnate in the same vein, and there is indeed one more top expert! "

In the first round, the master watched fiercely, shouting again and again, and laughing happily.

"It's really good. Lin Fei's talents are rare even in my age."

The Heavenly Spirit said with a smile.

"Haha, Old Baidi, the apprentice you accepted is really indescribable. Both of you and I are not his opponents now.

This is called blue from blue, better than blue! "

Huang Zhongnian laughed and said.

"Hehe, we are getting old, if Lin Fei is not stronger than us, what would it look like."

Baidi Shenjun was very proud, nodded and smiled.

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