Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5008: Decisive battle

"In that case, we old guys, don't wait, let's act together."

The master of the first round watched the situation on the battlefield for a while and said in a loud voice.

"Okay, let's go up and kill the enemy too!"

The other senior leaders of the Reincarnation Alliance also nodded one after another.


The first reincarnation master waved his hand and took the lead to move forward.

Rumble...The first reincarnation master stretched out his palm and slapped it forward.

The palm of his hand was continuously enlarged, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge, unmatched palm that lay across time and space, pushing forward with greatness, exuding amazing reincarnation energy and laws.

Puff puff puff... wherever the palm of the first round dominates, the thirteen dark alliance's men and horses exploded one after another, and there was no resistance at all, just like bubbles of sunlight! "dead!"

The master of the second round also shot, he formed a mysterious seal on his palms, and then pushed forward.

Rumble... A mighty circuit of reincarnation appeared, pushing forward horizontally.

On this cycle of reincarnation, there were phantoms of reincarnation gods standing one after another, shouting at the same time, and the sound shook hundreds of thousands of miles of time and space.

The lethality of this reincarnation is too amazing, wherever it went, the thirteen dark alliance's men and horses were all shattered and vanished.

Then, the third round of masters, as well as the other senior leaders of the reincarnation alliance, also shot one after another.

Astonishing combat power erupted one by one. As soon as they came on the field, they cleared a large area of ​​the battlefield and beheaded countless thirteen members of the Dark Alliance.

Especially an old monk from the Buddhist realm. He is holding an old wooden fish in his left hand, holding a short wooden stick in his right hand, bare feet, and chanting an ancient Buddhist scripture in his mouth, while walking forward. , While gently tapping the old wooden fish.

Every time it hits, the wooden fish shakes out a large dazzling Buddha light. A huge and incomparable ancient Buddha was born from these lights. He walked forward and displayed all kinds of Buddhist supernatural powers. Beheaded.

It can be said that each of these high-level members of the Reincarnation Alliance is an amazing battle! These senior leaders of the Reincarnation Alliance just stepped onto the battlefield and killed countless thirteen members of the Dark Alliance! "Damn it! Let's go too!"

The First Dark Lord shouted sharply.


The senior leaders of the Thirteen Dark Alliance also began to rush up one after another.


The First Dark Lord waved his hand, took out a black three-bladed steel fork, and swept forward. This three-bladed steel fork continued to enlarge, almost crowding hundreds of thousands of miles of time and space, carrying terrifying dark energy and laws.

Pupu...After this three-bladed steel fork passed, it shattered the people of the reincarnation alliance to pieces, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed.

The other two dark masters also displayed various top-notch martial arts of the dark clan one after another, exploding with amazing lethality.

at the same time.

The four old landlords of the Years Tower also shot one after another.

These four old posters once left the sea of ​​absolute space, went to explore many unknown time and space, practiced many weird and mysterious exercises and martial arts, and also obtained many powerful magic weapons.

At this time, the four old posters made a strong move, rolling forward and killing many people from the Reincarnation Alliance in a short period of time.

The other senior members of the Thirteen Black Alliance also rushed into the battlefield one by one, pushing forward horizontally.

"Huh! The First Lord of Darkness, there was no difference between us in the first battle. Today, let's have a showdown."

The first reincarnation master stared at the first dark master and strode over.

"I mean it! Today, I will kill you and let you die without a place to bury you!"

The First Dark Lord also stared at the First Reincarnation Lord, and said coldly.

Boom...The First Reincarnation Master and the First Dark Master both walked towards each other.

Both are the top masters in the sea of ​​absolute space.

One is the highest leader of the reincarnation line, and the other is the highest leader of the dark clan. They are both high-ranking and powerful. Now, it is finally time for a duel! Boom... The next moment, neither of them approached, they just shot directly across a large area of ​​time and space.

Boom... When the two sides make a move, it is a lore, and a terrifying offensive power erupts.

The vast space between them began to disintegrate, crumble, annihilate, and disappear! I have to say that the strength of these two top players is terrible! "Come on, we also have a showdown, don't wait!"

The second round of masters strode towards the second master of darkness, every step they took, the endless time and space was shaken, and some of the Thirteen Dark Alliance men and horses that were closer were exploded on the spot and turned into a ball of blood. fog.

"Yes, we really need one point to win!"

The Second Lord of Darkness also strode forward.

Rumble...The second round master and the second dark master also began a fierce battle.


The Lord of the Third Round and the Lord of Darkness roared at the same time and rushed towards each other.

Rumble... The two masters also started to fight, and the energy shock wave that broke out caused many people around them to throw away.

Then, other senior leaders on both sides also looked for opponents and started fighting.

"In this way, no one fights with me anymore.

Okay, so I can kill the Quartet.

None of the remaining creatures of the Thirteen Dark Alliance are my opponents.

Then, I will sweep this battlefield! "

Master Tianling walked into the battlefield step by step, calmly.

In fact, on this battlefield, the strongest combat force is the Heavenly Spirit Master! The three reincarnation masters and the three dark masters, if they fight alone, are not the opponents of the heavenly spirit master! Therefore, at this time, the Heavenly Spirit Master actually felt lonely as a master.

Puff puff puff...The Heavenly Spirit Master walked into the battlefield, carried one hand on his back, stretched out one hand, and constantly whipped forward. Wherever he went, a large number of thirteen dark alliance men and horses looked like harvested rice. It continued to fall down, exploded, and then disappeared.

In the Thirteen Dark Alliance, no creature can stop the Heavenly Spirit Master! "Kill! Kill this old guy!"

A large number of Chaos Gods of the Thirteen Dark Alliance saw that the Heavenly Spirit Master killed so many of the Thirteen Dark Alliance’s men and horses.

"If you want to die, come on."

The Heavenly Spirit sneered, and his palm kept beating out.

Puff...Those Chaos Gods who rushed over would explode on the spot and split their bodies as long as they were touched by the palm of the Heavenly Spirit Master.

"too frightening!"

The chaotic gods of the Thirteen Dark Alliance, one by one paled with fright, and felt chills in their hearts.

"Come on, come, how many I kill!"

The Heavenly Spirit laughed.

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