Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5027: Reincarnation Master and Hei Ba

"Go, let's continue to look for the reincarnation fragments!"

Po Meng said.

In the next time, Lin Fei and Meng Po continued to search and collect debris from the cycle of reincarnation in the sea of ​​absolute space.

at the same time.

In an unknown chaotic void.

This is a void of confusion, no time, no solid space, everything is constantly changing.

In the depths of this emptiness, a small black space was opened up, and a black creature exuding an extremely terrifying aura was sitting in this small space.

"Unexpectedly, after such a long period of time, the line of reincarnation has actually revived.

I think back then, the cycle of reincarnation has been broken to pieces, and a large number of high-level members of the cycle of reincarnation were also killed.

Even the old thing of the Samsara Master was seriously injured back then, and it is estimated that even if he is not dead, his strength has fallen drastically now.

According to this situation, our dark race should dominate the sea of ​​absolute space.

However, contrary to expectations, the reincarnation line unexpectedly returned, and also attracted so many forces, once again launched a war with our dark race! Things have developed to such a degree, completely beyond what I had imagined back then! "

The black creature said to himself.

"However, the people of the reincarnation line have returned, so what.

You know, in the first battle, our dark race won a complete victory, relying on strength.

Now, there is a war again, and it will still be our dark race who wins! "

The black creature said.

"Well, find some time, go back to Absolute Space Sea! This time, if there is a chance, we must completely remove the line of reincarnation, and no longer give them a chance to make a comeback!"

The black creature said.

"My black tyrant has disappeared for many years. Presumably, the creatures in the sea of ​​absolute space have long forgotten the people of our generation.

Hehe, next, let the creatures of Absolute Space Sea have a better understanding of the power of our black tyrants! In short, those who follow me prosper, and those who oppose me perish! "

The black creature said.

This black creature is actually a famous black tyrant in the sea of ​​absolute space! The masters of the three masters of darkness are the true leaders of the dark clan! "After a while, I will set off and go back! Samsara pulse, wait for trembling!"

Hei Ba said.

As a result, the black bully fell into practice.

at the same time.

In a certain camp of the Reincarnation Alliance.

The Heavenly Spirit Master is sitting cross-legged, practicing in retreat.

I don't know how long it took.

"My strength has been restored to 90% of the peak period! It will not take long before I can truly regain the strength of the peak period! At that time, there should be no creatures in the entire sea of ​​absolute space. My opponent is now.

However, it's not necessarily, there is a sky outside the sky. "

Heavenly Spirit Master thought secretly in his heart.

At this time, in a camp of the Reincarnation Alliance.

"Report, during this time, the Thirteen Dark Alliance personnel were very quiet, without any offensive actions."

A spy rushed into the camp and hurried to report.

During this time, the three reincarnation masters have been sending out spies to closely monitor the personnel of the Thirteen Dark Alliance.

"Well, it seems that the Thirteen Dark Alliance intends to continue to wait."

The first round dominator nodded and said.

"It's just that, I always feel that it's a bit like the calm before the storm.

Could it be that the people of the Thirteen Dark Alliance are secretly preparing for any big action? "

Huang Zhongnian said.

"It's a bit like.

During this period of time, the Thirteen Dark Alliance’s men and horses were calm a little abnormally. "

The third round of the master said.

"It's also possible that after the last time the Thirteen Dark Alliance fought a big defeat, I felt that it was not our opponent in the Reincarnation Alliance for the time being, so now I am resting quietly and gathering strength.

Wait until the strength is enough before launching an offense. "

The second round of the master guessed.

"No matter what, you must inquire carefully, and come back and tell us everything you find, regardless of size."

The master of the first round said to the spy.

"Yes! I understand."

The spy nodded, then left the camp and headed towards the distant time and space.

"Everyone, I want to tell you one thing."

The master of the first round suddenly said loudly.


whats the matter? "

The others are all looking to dominate the first cycle.

"I received a message from the master.

Master his old man is still alive. "

The master of the first round said.


After hearing the words of the first round of dominance, everyone was stunned.

"You mean, Master Samsara, Senior Senior is still alive?"

Huang Zhongnian asked.

"Yes it is.

Master, he should be alive! "

The first round dominates nodded.

Master Samsara is still alive! At this moment, all the senior leaders of the Reincarnation Alliance were excited, and each one was extremely surprised.

Master Samsara, that is a top master with the same reputation as the black bully! Back then, in the sea of ​​absolute space, it belonged to the existence at the top of the pyramid! "Yes, I also received a message from Master and his elders! Master and his elders are definitely still alive. There is no doubt about this.

However, there is still bad news. "

Said the second round master.

"bad news?"

Many high-level officials in the Reincarnation Alliance are looking at the second round of dominance.

"According to Master, the black tyrants of the Dark Clan are still alive, and there has been some movement. It is estimated that the black tyrants will return soon."

Said the second round master.

"The black bully is still alive, and will he return soon?

! "

When everyone heard the words of the dominator of the second cycle, they couldn't help being shocked.

Master Samsara is the supreme ruler of the reincarnation line, and the black tyrant is the supreme ruler of the dark race! The Master of Samsara is still alive, which is something worthy of excitement.

And the black bully is still alive, and will return, this is a very bad thing! "Has the senior reincarnation master said when will he return?"

Huang Zhongnian asked.

"Master said that when the time comes, he will naturally return.

He will come back to participate in this war. "

Said the second round master.

"That's fine."

Everyone listened and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's just that, as the master said, the black bully has been contacting some of his accomplices for a while.

This time the black tyrant returns, it may bring several comrades, and the strength of each comrade will not be worse than that of the black tyrant.

For our reincarnation alliance, the pressure will increase greatly at that time. "

The master of the third round sighed.

"No way!"

All the senior leaders of the Reincarnation Alliance were shocked when they heard it.

A black tyrant is very difficult to deal with, there are actually several comrades with the same strength as the black tyrant, which is too scary!

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