Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5037: General Tianle

"The reason why we came here was not malicious, we were here to find something."

Lin Fei said to the black creature.

"What on earth are you looking for? This is our habitat. How can there be yours?"

The black creature said suspiciously.

"We are here to find something with this energy."

Lin Fei waved his hand to release the rolling energy and laws of reincarnation.

"This energy..." Immediately, the surrounding black creatures all began to feel the reincarnation energy and laws released by Lin Fei.

"I know where the thing you are looking for is!"

Suddenly, one of the black creatures screamed.

"Oh, where is it?"

Lin Fei and Meng Po are both overjoyed.

"It's in our world.

I will take you there. "

Said the black creature.

"Thank you!"

Lin Fei said gratefully.

It can be seen that these dark elves are indeed very different from the dark clan.

The members of the dark clan, one by one, are cruel and violent, and like to kill, but the dark elves in front of them are simple, kind and peaceful.

"Don't be grateful, since you broke in here without malicious intent, then you are not our enemies.

I should help you.

Go, follow me. "

The black creature said, and then turned and walked in one direction.


Lin Fei and Meng Po hurriedly unfolded their figures and followed behind the dark elf.

"Go, let's go and see too."

The other dark elves became curious and followed behind one after another, wanting to see what happened.

In this way, the dark elf in front took Lin Fei and Meng Po, as well as a large number of other dark elves, and headed in one direction mightily.


What happened?

There are two outsiders! Where are you going? "

Along the way, many new dark elves kept appearing and asked curiously.

"It turns out that they came in looking for something, and we followed suit."

When these newly emerged dark elves learned of the situation, they followed behind one after another, wanting to watch the excitement together.

"These dark elves, in addition to their simple personality, have another characteristic, that is, they are very curious and like to join in the fun.

However, these guys are pretty cute. "

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing as he looked at the mighty group of dark elves behind him.

In this way, the number of dark elves following is increasing, like an army.

Such a large-scale scene finally alarmed a strong man in this world.

Boom... Suddenly, a tall black figure rolled from a distance.

"Be careful, there is a master here!"

Feeling the breath of the tall figure, Po Meng couldn't help but shrink her eyes, revealing the color of jealousy, and secretly said to Lin Fei.

"Don't be afraid, I can deal with this guy.

It's just that these dark elves are not big treacherous people, try not to conflict with them. "

Lin Fei replied through voice transmission.

"Who are you! Why break into our world!"

Soon, a particularly tall dark elf arrived, staring with majestic gaze, and asking Lin Fei and Meng Po, there was a smell of scrutiny.

"It's General Tianle! See General Tianle!"

Seeing this tall dark elves, the other dark elves were all taken aback and hurriedly saluted collectively.

"What exactly is going on?

Why do you gather together! "

The Tianle looked at the other dark elves with a majestic gaze, and asked.

"General Tianle, things are like this..." Immediately, a dark elf stepped forward and told them what had happened.

"You two broke into our world to find something?"

General Tianle looked at Lin Fei and Meng Po again, and asked.

"It is true. We have no malice. After we get what we are looking for, we will leave immediately and will never disturb you."

Lin Fei nodded and replied.

"What are you looking for?"

General Tianle frowned and asked.

"these things."

Lin Fei waved his hand, took out a few pieces of reincarnation fragments, suspended in front of him, and said.

"These fragments contain rich reincarnation energy and the law of reincarnation!"

General Tianle couldn't help but narrow his eyes.


Lin Fei nodded.

"Yes, in this small world, there is indeed a similar fragment."

General Tianle nodded.

"That's what we are looking for."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Well, I hope you don't lie to me.

Otherwise, you will soon know that our dark elves are not easy to provoke. "

General Tianle stared at Lin Fei and Po Meng and said in a warning tone.

"Don't worry, we really have no malice."

Lin Fei emphasized again.

It can be seen that this general Tianle is very alert.

Back then, the dark elves fought a big battle with the dark ones, and the result was a terrible defeat. Later, they fled to this place to live in seclusion.

They have been isolated from the outside world for a long time. After a long time, they don’t know what is happening in the outside world. They don’t know whether the Dark Clan is still looking for their whereabouts. Now suddenly there are external creatures coming in, so it’s also suspicious. It's normal.

"You now go find what you want.

After getting it, leave immediately.

Do you understand it? "

General Le Da thought for a while and said.


Lin Fei nodded.

Although, with Lin Fei's current strength, he was not afraid of the general Tianle in front of him, but Lin Fei did not want to conflict with these dark elves.

"Go ahead."

General Tianle waved.

"You come with me."

The dark elf who led the way just said to Lin Fei, and then he continued to lead the way.

"I'd better tell the queen about this.

A long time ago, the queen had instructed her to report to her if an outsider broke in. "

After watching Lin Fei and Meng Po go away, General Tianle said suddenly.

Then, this general Tianle showed his departure method, left this world, and went to another world.

The queen of the dark elves is not in this world, but in another world.

There are many small worlds in this oval sphere, and each small world has a very large area! Lin Fei and Meng Po, under the leadership of the dark elf, finally arrived in front of a vast forest before long.

"What you are looking for is in this forest, and you will see it when you enter it."

The dark elf pointed at the forest ahead and said to Lin Fei and Po Meng.

"Thanks a lot."

Before they came to this forest, Lin Fei and Meng Po immediately saw that there was a place in this forest that was dazzling, with rolling energy of reincarnation and the law of reincarnation, rising into the sky.

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