Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5039: join in

"The cycle of reincarnation has been shattered, don't you know the big war between our reincarnation line and the dark clan back then?"

Lin Fei asked.

"The cycle of rebirth has been broken?

Did you have a large-scale war with the dark clan?

I have never heard of it! What exactly is going on?

Can you tell me something?

To be honest, back then, our dark elves had a war with the dark elves, and then our dark elves were defeated. I took the remaining people and fled into this space and time, and then stayed here in seclusion, and The outside world is completely isolated. "

After hearing Lin Fei's words, the dark elf queen couldn't help being very surprised and asked.

"It seems you really don't know.

Well, let me tell you about the war between our reincarnation line and the dark clan that year. "

Lin Fei nodded.

Then, Lin Fei briefly told the queen about the war that took place between the reincarnation line and the dark clan.

"It turns out that the war between your reincarnation line and the dark clan was also the first to provoked the dark clan.

Even the core treasure of the cycle of reincarnation, the cycle of reincarnation has been shattered! The Dark Clan is really bullying! "

After the queen listened, she couldn't help but say.

"In this way, we have a common enemy, all of whom are the dark race.

Well, you two, I invite you to be guests in my palace and stay for a few days before leaving. "

The queen's beautiful eyes looked at Lin Fei and Po Meng and said.

"Stay a few days before leaving?"

Lin Fei and Po Meng couldn't help but glance at each other after hearing what the queen said.

"Senior Mengpo, what do you mean."

Lin Fei asked.

"Don't forget, our Reincarnation Alliance and the Thirteen Dark Alliance are now in a state of war. No one knows when the Thirteen Dark Alliance will start a battle next time.

Time is running out. We'd better collect all the reincarnation fragments as soon as possible and rush back to rebuild the reincarnation circuit. Only in this way can our reincarnation alliance have greater confidence to win this war.

So, let's not waste time, but hurry up and collect the remaining reincarnation fragments. "

Po Meng pondered for a moment, and said to Lin Fei Chuanyin.

"Senior Mengpo, you are right.

We'd better seize the time to collect the other reincarnation fragments. "

Lin Fei could not help but nodded and said yes after hearing Po Meng's words.

"Sorry, we have to hurry up to collect the other reincarnation fragments. Time is running out, so we won't disturb you, the queen."

Lin Fei said directly to the queen.

"You collect fragments of the cycle of reincarnation, are you planning to rebuild the cycle of reincarnation?"

The queen asked.


We are planning to rebuild the cycle of rebirth.

Because our reincarnation line is now at war with the dark race.

Rebuilding the cycle of reincarnation can make our chances of winning even greater. "

Lin Fei nodded and replied.


Your reincarnation line is now fighting against the dark clan again? "

When the queen heard Lin Fei's words, she was very surprised and asked quickly.


Our reincarnation line is now at war with the dark clan, this time, it is a real decisive battle! "

Lin Fei nodded.

"That's it! No wonder you are so anxious to collect the reincarnation fragments."

Said the queen.

"What is the current strength of your reincarnation line?

What is the current strength of the Dark Clan?

Can you tell me something? "

The queen asked suddenly.

"Could it be..." Lin Fei found that the queen seemed to be very concerned about this war, and a suspicion arose in her heart.

"Well, since you asked the queen, I will tell you the general situation of the two sides."

Therefore, Lin Fei immediately told the queen in front of him about the overall combat power of the Samsara Alliance and the Thirteen Dark Alliance.

"It turns out that both of you have won many allies, and your reincarnation alliance also won a battle, which is very good."

After the queen listened, she couldn't help but smile.

"I have a request. I want you to go back and tell the three samsara masters."

The queen's beautiful eyes looked at Lin Fei and said.


What is your request, Queen? "

Lin Fei had already guessed what the queen meant, and was a little excited.

"Our dark elves have also sent an army to join your reincarnation alliance and fight the thirteen dark alliance together.

Speaking of it, the dark clan is also the enemy of our dark elves.

Back then, between our dark elves and the dark clan, there was nothing wrong with each other.

However, the dark clan had a crooked idea, and wanted to conquer and control our dark elves. Without any preparations, we suddenly launched a war, causing heavy losses to our clan. Finally, we were forced to flee the ancestral land and flee here. She lived in seclusion for a long time.

There must be an explanation for the crimes committed by the dark clan against our dark elves.

Although we dark elves have always been good-oriented and peace-loving, if foreign enemies want to invade us, our family will never compromise! "

When the dark elf queen talked about the dark race, her beautiful eyes were filled with anger.

"The dark elves also want to join our reincarnation alliance!"

Lin Fei and Meng Po were all refreshed when they heard the Queen's words.

"Senior Mengpo, what do you think we should do?"

Lin Fei secretly asked Po Meng.

"The three reincarnation masters will definitely agree! Therefore, we don't need to go back and ask for instructions, and let the dark elves join us! The strength of the dark elves is very strong, which can greatly improve the overall strength of our reincarnation alliance."

Po Meng replied.

"Yes, the dark elves are relatively strong.

Especially this queen, I may not be able to beat her.

Well, I will reply directly. "

Lin Fei nodded and said.

"Queen, it is true that I am one of the senior leaders of the Reincarnation Alliance. I represent the Reincarnation Alliance. Welcome your dark elves to join our Reincarnation Alliance!

Lin Fei said to the queen.


Don’t you need to ask the three masters of reincarnation for instructions? "

The queen was taken aback and asked.

"Need not.

Lin Fei is now one of the senior leaders of our reincarnation alliance, and the prestige is very high. What Lin Fei promised, the three reincarnation masters will definitely not object.

The black side of the dark clan was killed by Lin Fei. "

Po Meng said in a loud voice.


! You killed the black of the dark clan? "

When the queen heard Po Meng's words, she couldn't help being shocked.

You know, Black is a well-known master among the dark clan. He has been famous for a long time. He had slaughtered many dark elves back then. Unexpectedly, he has been killed now! "It's true, Black was killed by me."

Lin Fei also nodded and said.

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