Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5041: The black bully returns

In the following time, Lin Fei and Meng Po found more reincarnation fragments one after another.

Because of the guidance of the six reincarnation portals and the Naihe Bridge, the job of finding the fragments of the cycle of reincarnation has become much easier.

Otherwise, trying to find those reincarnation fragments in the boundless time and space is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack! Soon after.

"Senior Mengpo, we have found most of the reincarnation fragments, but there are still the last ten pieces left!"

Finally, one day Lin Fei said to Po Meng excitedly.

"Yes, after collecting the last ten reincarnation fragments, we can go back and start rebuilding the reincarnation circuit! Lin Fei, the work we have done is so meaningful! For our reincarnation lineage, Reincarnation is too important! I didn’t expect it, and I had the honor to participate in this work! Lin Fei, the two of us will definitely be recorded in the history of reincarnation forever!"

Po Meng said very excitedly.

The cycle of reincarnation is the core of the cycle of reincarnation, and it is indeed too important for the cycle of reincarnation! Even, it can be said that back then, the reincarnation line was born to guard the cycle of rebirth! "Senior Meng Po, let's continue, and strive to collect all the remaining ten pieces as soon as possible!"

Lin Fei said.


Po Meng nodded.

"Lin Fei, take out the six portals of reincarnation and see which direction we should go next."

Po Meng said to Lin Fei.

With a wave of her hand, she took out the Naihe Bridge.

In the previous work of searching for the fragments of the cycle of reincarnation, Lin Fei and Meng Po relied on the six portals of reincarnation and the Naihe Bridge to guide the direction and find those fragments.

Buzzing... The six portals of reincarnation and the Naihe Bridge pointed in the same direction at the same time.


Both Lin Fei and Meng Po were overjoyed, and immediately put away the six reincarnation portals and Naihe Bridge, and then showed the starting method and headed in that direction.

at the same time.

In the second lair of the Dark Clan, among the dark palaces, the Great Master Heba and a group of mages are dedicated to deducing Lin Fei's whereabouts.

In fact, in the previous time, these mages were also deducing Lin Fei, but at the same time they had to be distracted to deduct the ongoing war.

Now, these mages are dedicated to deducing Lin Fei, letting go of everything else! Just at this time.

Absolute location on the edge of the sea of ​​space.

Rumble...Some time and space was suddenly broken, and a huge time and space gap appeared, and endless fragments of time and space were flying wildly, rushing out of this gap in space.

Then, a figure suddenly emerged from the gap in this space.

"Absolute Space Sea is finally back!"

An unimaginable black creature said.

Boom... With the words of this creature, the mighty sound waves rushed crazily in this time and space, surging, shaking for hundreds of thousands of miles.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, the remnants of the cycle of reincarnation have emerged and made waves.

This time, the cycle of reincarnation will be completely wiped out, and future troubles will be forever eliminated. "

The black creature said to himself.

"The friends I contacted during this period should be here soon.

snort! I know that the old fellow of Samsara Master is definitely still alive and will definitely come back to participate in this war, so I specifically contacted some friends to deal with the old fellow together.

As long as the old guy dared to show his face, his death date would come! "

The black creature suddenly sneered.

This black creature is the supreme leader of the dark clan, the three masters dominated by darkness, the black tyrant! Back then, the black tyrant was one of the top masters in the sea of ​​absolute space, and he fought against the reincarnation master of the line of reincarnation for many years.

After experiencing the battle between the dark clan and the reincarnation line, the black bully and the reincarnation master disappeared at the same time.

Unexpectedly, now Hei Ba is back! "Go back first."

Hei Ba turned and strode towards the first lair of the Dark Clan.

The first lair of the dark clan has always been the residence of the black bully! Even if Hei Ba disappeared for so many years, the first lair was still tightly protected, and no one dared to enter casually.

Rumble...The black bully was walking swayingly in the sea of ​​absolute space. His speed seemed slow, but in fact it was very fast, and he could cross hundreds of thousands of miles of time and space with a single step.

Moreover, every step Heiba ​​takes, he shakes the time and space he has passed.

So, not long after, it attracted the attention of many creatures in the sea of ​​absolute space.

One by one, the creatures were looking at the black bully in the distance.

"Who is this creature?

too terrifying! After such a long distance, my soul body was almost suffocated by his breath! "

"What a powerful dark energy and dark law, could it be that he is a master of the dark clan?

However, the energy pressure he released was even more terrifying than the three dark masters! "

…Countless creatures are talking about it.

"Hey! It looks like it was a black tyrant who was fighting against Master Samsara and suppressing an era in the sea of ​​absolute space back then!"

"It's really a black tyrant! Great news, the black tyrant of the dark race is back!"

Soon after, some old antiques who had lived for a long time recognized the black bully, and they were shocked to the extreme.

"The sky has changed! Absolute Space Sea will truly usher in a big change, a terrible **** storm!"

"This black bully was one of the most cruel demon in the sea of ​​absolute space back then!"

After recognizing the identity of the black bully, countless races and countless creatures were frightened pale and their bodies trembled.

Soon, news of the return of the black tyrant spread back to the second dark lair.

"Master is finally back!"

When the three dark masters heard the news, they jumped up on the spot with excitement.

"Haha...great, Master comes back, we will win this war! Hurry up, everyone, let us meet Master!"

The three dark masters, with a large number of people and horses, hurriedly left the second dark lair and hurried in the direction of the black tyrant.

"Great news, Lord Hei Ba is back, all the high-ranking members of the Thirteen Dark Alliance, hurry, all go to welcome Lord Hei Ba's return!"

Upon hearing the news, the senior officials of the Thirteen Dark Alliance moved quickly one by one, bringing their own forces, rushing in the direction of the black tyrant.

"The black tyrant returns. From then on, we will always surrender to the Dark Clan."

The four old posters of the Years Tower sighed secretly in their hearts.

Originally, they thought that with the strength of the four of them, they could lead the Time Tower and the Dark Clan to compete for the position of absolute space sea supremacy, but now with the return of the black tyrant, they knew that there would never be a chance.

What's more, the ancestors of the dark race may also be alive!

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