Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5044: Kill all

"First collect the reincarnation fragments!"

Lin Fei said.

Then Lin Fei rushed to the reincarnation fragment in the corner of the palace and began to use his magical powers to collect this reincarnation fragment.

Lin Fei has very rich experience in collecting the reincarnation fragments, and in a short while, he successfully collected the reincarnation fragments.

"Who are you! So bold, dare to break into our ancestral temple!"

Just when Lin Fei successfully collected the reincarnation fragments, the dark races rushed into the palace one after another, furious.

There are a lot of spiritual cards placed in this palace. It turned out to be the ancestors of these dark races on this continent. It was a very sacred place. Now they are intruded into by foreign creatures, how they are not angry.

"Grab the two of them, and use their bodies as sacrifices to hold the ceremony of worshipping the ancestors!"

A dark clan headed by shouted.

"I didn't want to kill you, but you just wanted to come and die."

Lin Fei's face sank.

Rumble...Lin Fei displayed more than a thousand formations and shrouded the dark people.

The mighty formation directly enveloped all the dark clan who rushed in.


Lin Fei shouted sharply.

Rumble...Every formation burst out with rolling formation energy, crushing towards the dark clan.

Puff puff puff...Before these terrifying array energies, one after another dark clan had no resistance, and their bodies were shattered and turned into masses of blood mist.

Only the dark clan at the head was not shaken to death by the formation, standing in the formation, roaring again and again, constantly attacking those formations, wanting to break the formation.

This dark race is a chaos god! Rumble...Lin Fei used his mind power world, one mind power world after another, and shrouded this chaotic god.

Under the combined effect of the mind power world and the formation, this dark race finally has no resistance.

"Go to hell!"

Lin Fei let out a loud roar, waved his hand to cut out a thick sword light that slashed the ten thousand realms, and swept across the dark clan mightily.

Ah... This dark clan's Chaos God screamed, and was directly torn apart by that thick sword light.

"Senior Mengpo, let's go out."

At this time, all the dark people in the palace had been killed by Lin Fei, and Lin Fei roared and took the lead to rush out of the palace.

Po Meng also rushed out quickly.

"A lot of dark people!"

I saw that outside the palace, all sides were surrounded by dense dark people.

This palace is the ancestral temple of the dark people on this continent. It is very sacred. Now the ancestral temple is broken into by strange foreign creatures, which has shocked the entire continent! "Humph! In that case, kill all the dark races on this continent!"

Lin Fei's face sank and said.

For Lin Fei, these dark people of ordinary strength are too weak! "Okay, let's kill them all! However, the two of us have been exposed, it is best to move faster. After killing them all, we will seize the time to leave this world."

Po Meng also nodded.

The reincarnation line and the dark clan are natural enemies. As long as they meet, they will fight for life and death. There is no kindness to say.

Boom...Lin Fei started directly, unleashing thousands of formations and thousands of mental powers at once, shrouded in all directions.

Suddenly, the energy of the rolling array and the energy of the heart force continued to explode, almost sweeping across the entire continent.

Wherever the array energy and the heart energy energy went, one after another dark clan was instantly shattered and turned into a cloud of blood mist.

There is no need for Meng Po to take action. With Lin Fei's own strength, he can easily deal with all the dark races on this continent.

"Quick! Let's send a message together for help! That is to say, our continent has encountered an unprecedented strong enemy, and ask for support!"

Some dark people yelled one after another, took out the jade slip of the message, and began to send messages, asking for help.

Puff puff puff... Lin Fei kept making moves, carrying out crazy massacres, killing all the dark clan after another.

Finally, not long after, most of the dark people on this continent were killed.

The rest were so scared that they were so scared that they were desperately looking for a place to hide, where they dared to come out to fight Lin Fei.

"let's go."

Lin Fei moved out of shape and rushed out of this interface.

Po Meng also followed behind.

However, at this time, the sea of ​​space where this interface is located has already boiled.

Many masters of the dark clan have received the distress messages sent by the dark clan in the interface just now.

"An enemy invaded!"

After receiving the news, many masters of the dark race rushed out of their secluded place.

Many of them are Chaos Gods! "It's them!"

Soon, the masters of the dark race stared at Lin Fei and Meng Po, because many of the dark race saw Lin Fei and Meng Po from the interface where they had just asked for help.

"Those who stand in the way are dead!"

Regardless of it, Lin Fei shouted, using all sorts of magical powers, and slew forward.

With Lin Fei's current strength, unless encountering three masters at the level of the Dark Lord, among the entire Dark Clan, no one is Lin Fei's opponent.


Lin Fei rushed all the way, with a strong posture, continuously killing those dark people who stood in front of him.

Po Meng also came out of the Naihe Bridge and pushed forward horizontally.

Although Po Meng’s combat power is not as powerful as Lin Fei, the dark races in front of her are not her opponents at all, especially the power of the Naihe Bridge. Those dark races will be crushed and shattered as long as they are touched by the Naihe Bridge. The end of all annihilation.

"Lin Fei, it's you!"

Finally, in this sea of ​​space, some chaotic gods of the dark race recognized Lin Fei and couldn't help being shocked.

"Okay, Lin Fei, the wizards of our dark clan have been calculating your whereabouts. I didn't expect that you would dare to break into this place. Did you want to throw yourself into the trap?"

A chaotic **** of the dark race roared towards Lin Fei.

"Haha...I come and go freely in such a sea of ​​garbage space, so I can count as a self-inflicted trap.

In the face of your rubbish, even if I stand here and don’t move, you won’t be able to move half of my hair! "

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing.

Amidst the laughter, Lin Fei directly sacrificed six reincarnation portals, and rushed forward violently.

The first reincarnation master once said to Lin Fei that the six portals of reincarnation are above the reincarnation circuit, one of the most critical parts, and the power is terrible.


Lin Fei urged the six portals of reincarnation to blast towards the Chaos God who had just spoken.

"what is this!"

The Chaos God turned around in fright and fled.

But it didn't work.

puff! The six reincarnation portals pushed past, shaking the chaos **** into a cloud of blood mist on the spot.

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