Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5049: Subdue slaves

"You can try it."

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel moved after hearing Po Meng's words.

"If most of the dark race can be taken into slaves, that would be really fun."

Lin Fei said.

"At that time, on the battlefield, the armies of both sides are rushing to kill. With your order, most of the dark races will turn their guns and join the side of our reincarnation alliance.

Such a scene will definitely catch those guys in the Thirteen Dark Alliance by surprise. "

Po Meng said.


Okay, after collecting all the reincarnation fragments, I will do this, and use the puppet thread to control as many dark people as possible. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"Not only the Dark Clan, but the thirteen forces of the Thirteen Dark Alliance, you can try to control it.

This is tantamount to adding a hole card for our reincarnation alliance.

However, this matter must be carried out in secret and should not be made public.

Well, this matter is only known to the two of us for the time being, don't let the third person know, because the more you know, the easier it is to leak it out. "

Po Meng said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded.

"Furthermore, you don't have to wait until all the reincarnation fragments are collected before you do this. When we enter the 59th lair, you will be able to conquer all the dark races you encounter.

The more dark people you conquer, the easier it is for us to move in this lair. "

Po Meng continued.

"Senior Mengpo, you make sense.

Okay, let's go to Lair No. 59 now! "

Lin Fei replied.

Next, Lin Fei and Meng Po entered into the space magic weapon of one of the lower gods, and let the lower gods of the five dark races return to Lair No. 59.

These five lower gods naturally followed Lin Fei's words.

After a while, the five lower gods returned to Lair No. 59, and without any interrogation, they directly entered the Lair No. 59.

After successfully entering Lair No. 59, Lin Fei and Po Meng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, you first find a secluded place and let us out."

Lin Fei asked the five lower gods to come to a very remote space, and then came out with the magic weapon of Meng Po's space.

Boom...Lin Fei took out the six reincarnation portals, Meng Po took out the Naihe Bridge, and began to sense the position of the reincarnation fragment in this lair.

Soon, the six reincarnation portals and the Naihe Bridge all pointed to the same direction.

That position is where the reincarnation fragments are! "You five lead the way!"

Lin Fei said to the five lower gods.

So the five lower gods of the Dark Clan led the way, and Lin Fei and Meng Po followed behind and headed towards that direction.

After a while.

"Didn't you five guys say you are going to do something?

Get things done so quickly? "

After a while, the five lower gods met three acquaintances and started talking.


Shoo...a lot of long lines came across the sky, rushing directly into the sea of ​​consciousness of these three lower gods, and entwined towards their soul bodies.

"What are these things!"

The three lower gods were all shocked and desperately resisted.

However, their strength is too weak, and there is no ability to resist at all.

After a while.

"See the master!"

The three lower gods walked to Lin Fei's body and said respectfully.

As a result, Lin Fei had three more slaves of the dark race.

Next, Lin Fei let the eight slaves clear the way in front.

Lin Fei and Meng Po used the law of time and space, hiding their traces, and quietly following behind.

"See the eight gods!"

Soon after, I encountered a team of dark people, the strength of this team was relatively weak, not even an ordinary god.

Shoo... Lin Fei was not polite, and directly released a large number of puppet thread secret techniques and threw them at the team.

After a while.

"See the master!"

This group of dark people came to Lin Fei and shouted in unison.

"Well, you stay in this lair first and live the same life as before.

At that time, if I need you to do anything, I will send someone to notify you. "

Lin Fei said.

"Follow the master's order!"

This team of dark people all replied.

Next, Lin Fei continued to let the eight lower gods clear the way in front.

Along the way, Lin Fei kept making moves, and conquered all the dark people he encountered.

Lin Fei found that with his current level of divine consciousness, he could easily subdue ordinary lower gods, middle gods and upper gods, as well as lower gods and true gods.

It's a bit difficult to subdue the true **** when it comes to the middle god.

After all, when a creature has cultivated to a true god, the soul body is already very advanced, and it is difficult to control external forces.

Gradually, Lin Fei conquered more and more slaves of the dark race.

Later, there were thousands of ordinary lower gods, middle gods and upper gods that Lin Fei had subdued.

Those dark people who are weaker, the number is even greater, at least tens of thousands! "Master, here we are."

The upper **** of the dark clan in front suddenly said.

I saw that a vast mountain area appeared in front of him.

In the depths of this mountainous area, there is a strong reincarnation energy and the law of reincarnation released.

Obviously, that piece of reincarnation fragment is in the depths of this mountain range.

"You stayed outside."

Lin Fei said to the slaves.

"Yes, master!"

The slaves of the dark race replied respectfully.

"Although the soul race is a relatively weak race, this kind of puppet thread secret technique is really terrifying. It can control the soul body of others and make others willing to be slaves."

Po Meng looked at the slaves of the dark race and couldn't help sighing.

"Yes, everything in the world has its own beauty."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Let's go in first and collect this piece of reincarnation fragments."

Lin Fei said to Po Meng.

Then, Lin Fei and Meng Po rushed towards the depths of this mountain range.

After a while, I came to the depths of the mountains.

I saw that in a valley was inlaid with a piece of shimmering reincarnation fragments.

"Found another piece!"

Lin Fei was a little excited.

Then, Lin Fei used his magical powers to successfully collect this piece of reincarnation fragments.

"Okay, Senior Meng, let's continue.

There are the last seven dollars! "

Lin Fei said to Po Meng with a smile.

"There are the last seven dollars! We made it!"

Po Meng was also a little excited.

Next, Lin Fei and Meng Po began to move towards the entrance and exit of this lair, preparing to leave.

Along the way, Lin Fei continued to make moves, taking all the dark people he encountered into slaves.

Of course, during the whole process, Lin Fei seemed very low-key.

If they met the dark race that could not be subdued, Lin Fei and Meng Po both restrained themselves and did not take action.

Because, once shot, it may alarm the masters of the dark race in this sea of ​​space.

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