Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5061: Ancestral land

At this time, Lin Fei and Meng Po were constantly rushing back towards the Samsara Palace under the cover of those senior reincarnation alliances.

Finally, before Lin Fei and Meng Po returned to the Samsara Palace, they rushed into the Samsara Palace.

Immediately, a large number of reincarnation gods appeared, surrounded Lin Fei and Meng Po, and headed towards the depths of the reincarnation palace.

At the same time, those senior leaders in the reincarnation alliance have also returned to the reincarnation palace.

"No need to chase!"

Those senior leaders of the Thirteen Dark Alliance saw this scene and knew that it would be useless to chase it down.

Lin Fei had returned to the Samsara Palace and was tightly protected by the Samsara Alliance.

If they rushed into the Samsara Palace, they would go to war with the Samsara Alliance, and it would be hard to say whether they won or lose, let alone kill Lin Fei.

As a result, the senior officials of the Thirteen Dark Alliance left dejectedly.

at this time.

"Well, our mission is complete, let's go back first."

The first reincarnation master said to the other two reincarnation masters.


The other two samsara masters nodded their heads and began to fight and retreat.

"Roar... Damn, this time, I failed to kill Lin Fei again!"

The three dark masters were all extremely angry, constantly roaring, and seemed very unwilling.

"Could it be that we can never kill Lin Fei?"

In the hearts of the three dark masters, they couldn't help thinking.

It can be said that Lin Fei has left a serious shadow in the hearts of these three dark masters.

Time and time again, they were unable to kill Lin Fei, which made them a little broken! After a while, the three samsara masters unfolded their figures and headed back towards the samsara palace.

The three dark masters did not chase.

The three masters of darkness and the three masters of reincarnation are similar in strength to each other.

at the same time.

"Haha... This battle was too fun!"

The Heavenly Spirit Master showed great power and forced the black tyrant to retreat again and again.

The strength of the Heavenly Spirit Master is slightly stronger than that of the Black Tyrant.

As the fighting progressed, the Heavenly Spirit Master gradually began to gain the upper hand.

"Heavenly Spirit, you wait, you insist on opposing our dark clan, you will regret it!"

After a while, Hei Ba suddenly backed away, gritted his teeth and said to the Master of Heaven.

Then he turned around and left.

Hei Ba has clearly perceives everything clearly.

He knew that Lin Fei had returned to the Samsara Palace, and it was already very difficult to deal with Lin Fei.

So, I simply chose to go back.

As a result, the Darkness took the three Dark Lords and the high-level members of the Thirteen Dark Alliance, all of them went back.

And soon after the Heavenly Spirit Master and the three reincarnation rulers, they all returned to the reincarnation palace.

"Haha...Okay, great! Lin Fei, Meng Po, you immediately worked hard to collect all the reincarnation fragments!" The first reincarnation master laughed and said.

"Now, we can try to reorganize the cycle of rebirth.

As long as the reincarnation circuit is successfully reorganized, the strength of our reincarnation line will be greatly improved! At that time, we will be able to defeat the Thirteen Dark Alliance and win this war! "

The second round dominator said loudly.

"Three masters, these are the reincarnation fragments that I and Senior Mengpo collected during this time."

Lin Fei took out all the reincarnation fragments and suspended in front of the three reincarnation masters.

Looking at these shattered reincarnation fragments, all the senior leaders of the reincarnation alliance are very excited.

The cycle of reincarnation back then was the entire sea of ​​absolute space, called the core of the cycle of reincarnation! If the reincarnation can be successfully reorganized, then this war, the reincarnation alliance has a great possibility of winning! "Well, everyone, we are ready to reorganize the cycle of rebirth."

The first reincarnation master waved his hand, and also took out a large number of reincarnation fragments.

These reincarnation fragments were previously collected.

Some of them were collected by Lin Fei, and some were collected by other members of the reincarnation line. All of them were handed over to the first reincarnation master collection, and now they are all taken out.

"This is Naihe Bridge."

With a wave of her hand, Po Meng took out the Naihe Bridge and placed it with the reincarnation fragments.

Naihe Bridge is also part of the cycle of rebirth! "Well, everyone, we are ready to reorganize the cycle of reincarnation!"

The First Reincarnation Master looked at these reincarnation fragments in front of him, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice.

"In the process of reorganizing the cycle of rebirth, it may be necessary for everyone to help."

The first round of the master then said.

"The three reincarnations dominate the adults, so let's talk about any help you need.

Now, we and your reincarnation line are on the same front. Reorganizing the reincarnation circuit is good for our entire reincarnation alliance, and we will naturally try our best to help. "

Huang Zhongnian said loudly.

The other senior leaders of the Reincarnation Alliance also nodded one after another.

"Thank you guys!"

The master of the first round said.

"Everyone, please follow us."

The master of the first round said.

Then, the first reincarnation master waved his hand, collected all the reincarnation fragments, and headed towards the depths of the reincarnation palace.

In order to reorganize the cycle of rebirth, the three reincarnation masters have long been prepared.

Everyone followed behind the three reincarnation rulers and headed towards the depths of the reincarnation palace.

Soon after.

Come to a huge time and space portal.

The first reincarnation master took the lead to walk into this space-time gate, and the second reincarnation master and the third reincarnation master also walked in.

Then all the others walked in.

A huge transmission energy struck, enveloping everyone, and then began to transmit.

After a while, the transmission ends.

Everyone took a closer look.

I found that I came to a strange world.

Every foot and every inch of this world is full of rich reincarnation energy and the law of reincarnation.

"Everyone, this world is the world created by the ancestors of our reincarnation line.

It is also the ancestral land of our reincarnation line. "

The master of the first round said to everyone.

"Our ancestral land of reincarnation?

No wonder, the energy of reincarnation and the laws of reincarnation here are pure and extremely ancient! "

Lin Fei listened to the words of the master of the first cycle, felt the breath of this world, and couldn't help but secretly said in his heart.

"The ancestral land of reincarnation!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words of the ruler of the first cycle.

Then, the three reincarnation masters led everyone towards the center of the world.

Finally, came to a huge continent.

This is a continent full of the breath of ancient years, and the existing reincarnation energy and laws of reincarnation are more concentrated! In the center of this continent, there is a grand temple! On the door plaque of this temple, looking at the four Cangsang characters, the reincarnation ancestral temple! "Everyone, we will reorganize the cycle of rebirth in the ancestral temple."

The master of the first round said.

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