Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5066: The strength of the ancestor

"From now on, our world has a complete rebirth order, and it is indeed endless! Since the reincarnation line has successfully reorganized the reincarnation circuit, then this time the war between the reincarnation line and the dark race is likely to happen. Reincarnation will win!"

Heavenly Moon God Venerable said in a low voice.

He didn't dare to say such words out loud, if it were to reach the ears of the dark people, it would be a big trouble.

At this time, in the depths of the Samsara Palace, inside the Samsara Ancestral Temple.

The ancestor of reincarnation sits in the sky above the cycle of reincarnation, still chanting the mantra of reincarnation.

"Go, project the heavens and worlds!"

Suddenly the ancestor of reincarnation stretched his hand to the phantom of the second reincarnation circuit.

Rumble...This phantom of the cycle of reincarnation suddenly rushed out, heading towards the distant time and space at an astonishing speed, and then crossed into the time and space, and disappeared.

In the next moment, the phantom of this cycle of reincarnation appeared in a certain small world in the sea of ​​absolute space.

Although the scale of this small world is small and its strength is very weak, there are many kinds of creatures living in it, and it is prosperous and prosperous.


Rumble... The whole small world began to shake violently, as if sifting chaff.

Then, a huge road began to drill out of time and space and appeared in the starry sky of this small world.

Shoo...a group of figures continuously rushed out from various places in this small world, leaping into the air, and inspecting them.

Then, these creatures saw the phantom of the huge road in the starry sky.

"what is that?"

All the creatures are dumbfounded.

This small world is small in scale, weak in strength, and almost closed to the outside world, which seems very calm.

The warriors who live in this small world have very little knowledge, no one has seen such a scene.

A large-scale road suddenly appeared in the sky above the world, traversing an endless distance! This is so scary! Even in this small world, the most powerful top masters do not know the origin of this path.

"Hurry up and ask Pangda Master, please do the calculation, whether this path is good or bad for our world."

Many creatures in this world have been guessing that path for a long time, but they can't guess the result. So some people think of the great master who is best at calculating in this world! Immediately there were creatures who went to invite Pangda teacher.

Soon after, a gray-haired old man, supported by two little Taoists, came to this starry sky.

"That is?"

Looking at the huge road traversing the starry sky, this huge teacher couldn't help but shrink his eyes.

"Master Pangda, please make an estimate, what is the origin of this road, and its appearance, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing for our world!"

Everyone stepped forward and said respectfully.

"Okay, then I will figure it out."

Master Pang Pang sat down in the starry sky, and a Taoist boy took out an old table from the magic weapon in his portable space. On the table were placed tortoise shells, old copper coins, rice bowls, red threads, and various talismans.

The two Taoist boys shot together and quickly set up the table as an altar.

Then, Great Master sat in front of the altar and began to use the calculation technique he had cultivated, and the calculation began.

After half an hour.

Puff puff puff... Suddenly, Master Pang Da hurriedly spewed out a dozen mouthfuls of blood, his face instantly paled, and his breath became very sluggish.

"Master Pangda, how are you doing!"

Everyone was shocked, and the two Taoists rushed to help.

Master Da Pang took out a yellow pill, stuffed it into his mouth, and began to take refining.

It wasn't until a moment later that Master Da Pang opened his eyes slowly and sighed.

"Don't push, don't push! This is a secret!"

Pang Da Master said.

"Master Pangda, what is going on?

Have you figured out something?

What is the origin of this road? "

The people around asked one by one.

"You only need to know that this is the way for all souls in the world to die.

For other things, don't ask.

I don't know if I asked.

I don't dare to calculate this path anymore, it will kill me.

However, one thing is certain. The emergence of this road is a good thing for our world, not a bad thing. You can rest assured. "

Pang Da Master said.

"Okay, let's go back."

Master Pang Da said to the two Taoists beside him.

The two Taoists immediately packed up the things quickly, and then assisted the Great Master, and left quickly.

Everyone knew that Master Pangda had already suffered a lot of energy in order to calculate this path, and they were too embarrassed to ask anything more.

"The way for all souls in the world to die?"

Many warriors remembered the words of the Great Master, staring at the road in the distant starry sky, muttering to themselves.

at the same time.

In the depths of the Samsara Palace, in the Samsara Ancestral Temple, the ancestor of Samsara stretched his hand towards the third reincarnation phantom, and with a bang, the third reincarnation phantom flew out, and soon escaped into the distant time and space. ,Disappear.

Soon after, this third cycle of phantom was projected on one of the worlds in the sea of ​​absolute space.

It caused the alarm of the creatures in this world again! Next, the ancestors of reincarnation cast one after another phantoms of reincarnation into the worlds one after another.

More and more creatures in the world have seen the phantom of these rebirths.

As a result, in the sea of ​​absolute space, each world was a sensation.

"The cycle of rebirth is really amazing!"

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing when he saw this scene.

"What is the strength of this ancestor of reincarnation?

The cycle of reincarnation was built by him himself, and he can build such a magical road, and through this road, control the order of the reincarnation of the undead of the heavens and the world. Such a method is really amazing! "

Lin Fei looked at the ancestor of Samsara, who had been sitting on the top of the cycle of reincarnation, looked at the tall figure, and couldn't help but admire it.

"The first master, what realm is the ancestor of reincarnation?"

Lin Fei finally couldn't help it, and quietly asked the first reincarnation master voice transmission.

"I'm not too sure either.

It's just that I once heard Master mention the strength of the ancestor.

According to the master, the strength of the ancestors has surpassed the Chaos God, belongs to a higher level of masters, and is also the real master of everything in the world! However, I am not very clear about the specifics.

Anyway, the ancestor was too strong. "

The master of the first round said to Lin Fei.

"More than Chaos God! Doesn't that mean that the strength of the ancestor is a **** of creation!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked when he heard the words of the first reincarnation ruler.

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