Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5068: Fusion of time and space

"Ancestor, can I ask a question?"

The master of the first round suddenly asked.

"What's the problem."

The ancestor of reincarnation looked over.

"Ancestor, where is the body of your old man?"

The first reincarnation master boldly asked.

After hearing the question of the master of the first cycle, everyone's eyes were looking at the ancestor of the cycle.

Everyone is extremely curious about the answer to this question.

"My body..." The ancestor of the reincarnation heard the question of the first reincarnation master, and couldn't help but look into the distant time and space, seeming to be lost in memory.

"Back then, after my ontology left the sea of ​​absolute space, it never came back, nor did it send any information back.

I don't know where my body is, even if it is dead or alive.

So, this question, I cannot answer you. "

Said the ancestor of reincarnation.

"Ancestor, why did your body leave the sea of ​​absolute space?"

The first round dominates curiously asked.

"Follow the path of detachment.

Beyond everything in the world, out of reincarnation. "

Said the ancestor of reincarnation.

"Beyond everything in the world, get rid of samsara, jump out of samsara?"

All people were taken aback when they heard the words of the ancestor of reincarnation.

Especially the sentence jumping out of reincarnation made everyone even more surprised.

You know, the ancestor of Samsara, as the founder of the cycle of Samsara, passed down the energy of Samsara and the law of Samsara in the sea of ​​absolute space, but he wanted to run out, wanting to jump out of Samsara! "The ancestor of Samsara, want to get rid of Samsara and out of Samsara?"

Lin Fei was also a little surprised.

"That's it."

Among all the people, only the Heavenly Spirit is thoughtful and seems to understand something.

"The ancestor, that is to say, the body of your old man is still alive?"

The master of the first round asked again.


It may be alive, or it may have fallen, and this clone of mine is also unclear. "

The ancestor of reincarnation nodded.

"The ancestor of reincarnation may still be alive!"

After hearing the words of the ancestor of reincarnation, all people were refreshed.

The people present are all high-level members of the Reincarnation Alliance, originally with the reincarnation line as the core. Now I heard that the ancestor of reincarnation might still be alive, so I was naturally very excited.

The ancestor of reincarnation, in the sea of ​​absolute space, it belongs to the ancient barbarians, and even belongs to the ancient characters when the sea of ​​absolute space was just opened! If such a character is still alive, it would be amazing! "Well, you guys can do it for yourself. I hope that the reincarnation line can continue to be passed on."

Said the ancestor of reincarnation.

"Integration of time and space!"

The ancestor of reincarnation stretched out his hand and rumbling, the cycle of reincarnation rose into the sky, and the two ends continued to stretch and began to merge into time and space.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, the two ends of the cycle of rebirth have stretched into the depths of time and space.

The whole cycle of rebirth is also completely integrated with time and space.

Then, the reincarnation began to slowly become invisible.

From a distance, one can only see a vague cycle of reincarnation in time and space, looming, extending in time and space, making people unable to see the beginning or the end.

Moreover, only these high-level members of the Reincarnation Alliance can see that there is a vague reincarnation circuit hidden in time and space.

Because these high-level members of the Reincarnation Alliance are all gods.

If a mortal comes here, one cannot see the cycle of rebirth.

The hundreds of millions of mortals in the world only know the existence of the cycle of rebirth, and cannot see the cycle of rebirth.

Only after death can the souls have the opportunity to embark on the cycle of reincarnation and reincarnation.

This is the original face of samsara! After the cycle of reincarnation was fully integrated into time and space, the body of the ancestor of reincarnation began to slowly disappear.

"Ancestor, rest assured, your old man, we will work hard to revitalize the line of reincarnation! We will definitely not let down your old man's expectations."

The three reincarnation masters all said loudly.

Soon, the ancestor of reincarnation disappeared completely.

At this time, all people's eyes are looking into the distant time and space, the cycle of reincarnation that is fused and hidden in time and space.

"Everyone, the reincarnation is finally successfully rebuilt!"

The master of the first round said excitedly.

"Yes, finally successfully rebuilt the cycle of rebirth!"

"The overall strength of our Samsara Alliance will be greatly increased!"

…Other people are also very excited.

"Lin Fei, thank you for your contribution to rebuilding the cycle of rebirth over the years."

The first reincarnation ruler looked at Lin Fei and said.

"Yes, the reincarnation circuit can be successfully rebuilt. Lin Fei's contribution is the greatest, followed by Po Meng."

The second round of master also said immediately.

"You are in the same line of reincarnation, it is envious that you can produce such an excellent heir."

Huang Zhongnian smiled.

"Senior Huang, don't laugh at me."

Lin Fei said quickly.

"Lao Baidi, your disciple can achieve the current achievements, you couldn't think of it back then."

Huang Zhongnian looked at Baidi Shenjun and said.

"Indeed, I took Lin Fei as a disciple back then, it was just a coincidence, and it was just a coincidence that he was good at heart. I wanted to give a chance and try to cultivate. I didn't expect him to achieve what he has achieved today. It surprised me."

Baidi Shenjun said.

"Lao Baidi, I don't accept you for other things, but I really convinced you about the training of disciples.

You can cultivate even a wicked genius like Lin Fei. In the sea of ​​absolute space, in terms of cultivating disciples, absolutely no one dares to compare with you. "

Huang Zhongnian said with a smile.

"Yes, for this, I am completely convinced by the Baidi Shenjun."

The master of the first round also laughed and said.

"In fact, Lin Fei is able to achieve today's achievements, and your efforts are not less than mine. On the contrary, it may be more than mine.

So, strictly speaking, you are all Lin Fei's masters.

Lin Fei's achievement today is not the credit of me alone.

It’s the work you all cultivated together. "

Baidi Shenjun said.

"Well, everyone don't fight, just take it as everyone's credit."

Huang Zhongnian smiled.


At this moment, a spy hurriedly came to the front of the three samsara masters.

"What's the matter, let's talk about it."

The master of the first round said.

"Just received the news that several of Hei Ba's friends have arrived and are now in the first dark lair.

The black bully let out a word, ready to start a war, kill all the people in our reincarnation alliance, and break the cycle of reincarnation again. "

Said the spy.


Those friends of Hei Ba have arrived! "

Hearing what this spy said, everyone was shocked.

Although, everyone has known for a long time that Hei Ba has already contacted a few friends and will come to Absolute Space Sea sooner or later. He has already prepared a certain amount of psychological preparation. "A black bully is already difficult to deal with, plus a few friends who are similar in strength to him, it's even harder to deal with."

Huang Zhongnian couldn't help but frowned and said.

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