Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5071: The two armies meet

Seeing the thirteen dark alliance army marching violently, countless creatures in the sea of ​​absolute space feel heavy.

The Thirteen Dark Alliance and the Reincarnation Alliance, both of which are behemoths.

Now, these two behemoths are going to war, and many innocent spaces and creatures will definitely be affected.

This is called a Yan Wang fight, and the little devil suffers! At the same time.

In the time and space outside the Samsara Palace, the people of the Samsara Alliance have also assembled.

At a glance, in this time and space, there are densely packed creatures everywhere, and there is no end in sight.

"Report! The army of the Thirteen Dark Alliance has set off and is coming towards us!"

A spy rushed back and came to the front of the Heavenly Spirit Master and the three samsara masters to report.

"Okay, let's find out again! Find out all the actions of the thirteen dark alliance army, and report back in time!"

The first round master nodded and said to the spy.


The spy turned and left.


The first reincarnation ruler opened his mouth to speak, and under the blessing of spiritual power, the voice turned into a rolling sound wave, spreading vigorously in this space and time, and clearly passed into the ears of every creature.

As a result, all the creatures fell silent immediately.

The eyes of all creatures are to look at the dominator of the first cycle.

"The final war is finally about to begin!"

The master of the first round said slowly.

"Our line of reincarnation was in ancient times, and we also experienced a tragic war.

In that war, our cycle of reincarnation was defeated, and even the cycle of reincarnation was broken! It's just that our reincarnation line is not discouraged, and we haven't given up! In the long years, we have been quietly accumulating strength. Now, our reincarnation line is finally back, and we have successfully rebuilt the reincarnation circuit! Everyone, our reincarnation line has stood up again! Once again it's time for a decisive battle with the Dark Clan! I believe that as long as everyone is united, there is hope to win this war! Now, we have no retreat. There are only two results before us, first, win, second, die! I hope we can win! "

The ruler of the first round said loudly.

"Win! We will definitely win!"

After hearing the words of the Domination of the First Reincarnation, countless members of the Reincarnation Alliance surged in war spirits, and one by one they opened their throats and screamed.

"Okay, now I announce, let's go!"

The first reincarnation master waved his hand and shouted.


All the army of the Samsara Alliance roared in unison.

Then, the army began to set off! I saw that a line of armor and blood, and a neat line of men and horses began to set off.

All of them drew out their weapons and held them in their hands, bursting out with astonishing fighting spirit.

Time and space passages are constantly being opened up, and a large number of people continue to enter these time and space transmission passages for long-distance transmission.

"The war has finally begun!"

Lin Fei followed behind the Master of Heaven and the Lords of the Three Reincarnations, his face solemn.

Lin Fei understood that this war had a decisive effect on the future and destiny of the reincarnation line.

Once the reincarnation line is defeated, it will definitely be devastated by the dark race.

With the experience of the ancient war, this time, the dark race will never give the reincarnation a chance to make a comeback! "Lin Fei, you are good at formation and mental power, so you have to be ahead.

Because the formation and the world of mental strength are very suitable for collective combat and can play a huge role. "

The Heavenly Spirit turned his head and said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded.

"Also, during the battle, you can use the magical powers to unfold the world of innovation and create a dozen new worlds, which are also very powerful."

The Heavenly Spirit Master exhorted.

"Okay, I remembered."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Lin Fei, on the battlefield, once the black tyrant and the three reincarnation masters, and the four old masters of the Years Tower find you, they will definitely take action against you.

So, you have to be careful.

Once the situation is not right, you will notify us immediately and we will go to help you. "

The first round dominates a little worried about Lin Fei's safety.


Don't worry, Lord Master.

I am not so weak either. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Anyway, it's okay to be careful.

Lin Fei, you are the best talented among the younger generation in our reincarnation line. You must not have an accident! "

Said the second round master.

Soon after.


In the first round, the master waved his hand to stop the army.

Rumble...In the distant time and space, a huge army is rolling in.

The army of the thirteen dark alliance! "Stop!"

In the distant time and space, a shout sounded, and the army of the Thirteen Dark Alliance also stopped.

Then, a huge figure appeared more and more from the army, and two sharp gazes looked at the army of the Samsara Alliance.

"It's a black bully!"

The lord of the first round looked at the huge figure and said solemnly.

"Unexpectedly, your line of reincarnation has gone through a war that year, and you can live to survive until now.

However, the day of your reincarnation line is over. From now on, I will slaughter all the creatures in your reincarnation line, and there will be no one left! "

The black bully stared at the army of the reincarnation alliance with forceful eyes and spoke.

His voice was terrifying, every word was like a chaotic thunder, which shook the ears of countless creatures, and even the soul body was shaking with it.

"What a terrible strength!"

Many creatures are secretly surprised.

"Huh! Heiba, is it useful to speak big words?"

This war is not over yet, whoever wins is too early to say! You dark clan have always been cruel and innocent, bullying the weak with the strong and full of evil deeds. The so-called heaven has reincarnation. I think you dark clan will lose in this war! Your dark people will be annihilated! "

The Venerable Heavenly Spirit stepped forward, spoke, and every word he uttered was like a heavy hammer, lashing towards the formation of the Thirteen Dark Alliance, causing countless members of the Thirteen Dark Alliance to turn pale and shake their bodies. Shaky.

"Master Heaven, do you have to stand on the side of the reincarnation line! I now give you one last chance! If you join our thirteen dark alliance immediately, then you will be my guest! Otherwise, I will definitely Kill you!"

Hei Ba's face sank, his eyes sharp as a knife, staring at the Master of Heaven, and shouted.

"Haha... Hei Ba, with all due respect, you can't kill me with your strength.

I killed you almost. "

The Heavenly Spirit laughed loudly.

"Don't be ashamed! Wait, I will tear you to pieces with my own hands."

At this moment, a creature behind Hei Ba stepped forward, staring at the Master of Heaven with indifferent eyes, and said coldly.

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