Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5075: The queen is coming

However, Lin Fei found that the formations and mental powers he had set up could not cause any harm to the four old posters, but they could restrain them! You know, these four old posters are top masters at the same level as the three dark masters. Lin Fei can use formations and mental power to contain them. This shows that Lin Fei's combat power is not worse than them. Too far! Lin Fei now barely has the power to fight even if he faces four old landlords and three dark masters! This makes Lin Fei a little excited! "Four old guys, die!"

Lin Fei let out a loud roar, and displayed the secret technique of transforming one Qi into three clears. Three identical Lin Fei rushed towards one of the old posters.

"Old stuff, die!"

One of them, Lin Fei, held a long sword in his hand and cut out with a single sword, a mighty sword light that instantly traveled through time and slashed towards the old host.

This is Sword Slashing Ten Thousand Realms! "go to hell!"

The other Lin Fei was holding a war knife, using the sword technique, and from the other direction, he killed the old host.


The third Lin Fei was to use the Tai Last Zhoutian Induction Chapter, killing it from another direction.

Suddenly, the three Lin Fei were murderous and surrounded the old host to fight each other.

"Lin Fei, you are so arrogant that you dare to fight me head-on. Your death date is here!"

The old poster saw that Lin Fei dared to fight him head-on, and couldn't help being furious.

In his eyes, this is a very serious provocation.

He has always regarded himself as the top master in the absolute sea of ​​space. Unexpectedly, a junior kid now dares to attack him frontally with such a posture.

Boom... This old host made crazy moves to fight the three Lin Fei.

"Come here all, hit me to death this old guy!"

During the battle, Lin Fei waved his hand and summoned all the more than a dozen new worlds that had just been created.

A dozen new worlds move together, releasing terrifying energy.

"Get out of here!"

The old poster was furious and hit one of the new worlds with a punch.

It broke through a hole in this new world! I have to say that the combat power of this old poster is very terrifying.

However, those other new worlds also hit at the same time.

"Blast me!"

Lin Fei suddenly shouted.

Boom...At the same time, six new worlds hit the old poster's body and exploded together.

Rumble...The energy pressure released by the explosion of the six new worlds was extremely terrifying. It instantly filled this piece of space and time, and drowned the old host violently.


The three Lin Fei also seized this opportunity, and at the same time launched a violent attack on the old host.

Suddenly, the old poster was actually forced to retreat again and again.

boom! One of them, Lin Fei, stepped forward and used the Induction Chapter of Last Week. All the human gods in his body rushed out, swarmed up, and started a hand-to-hand fight with the old host.

The old poster couldn't avoid it for a while, and was hit by dozens of human spirits at the same time, and his body flew out upside down.

As a matter of fact, Lin Fei’s own transformation has already been done by Lin Fei’s own version of the Induction of the Last Week.

Incorporated into many new laws of body refining! The power is much stronger than the previous Tai Lun Zhou Tian Sense article! "How can it be!"

The old host was blasted out and roared unwillingly.

He couldn't believe that he could not beat a junior kid! "Nothing is impossible, old stuff, go to hell!"

The three Lin Fei roared together, rushed up again, surrounded the old host, and carried out a frantic fight.

After a while, the old host was bombarded again! "Come here and deal with Lin Fei together!"

The old poster finally got a little panicked, and shouted at the other three old posters.

He found that he could not beat Lin Fei.

At this time, the other three old posters were trying their best to crack Lin Fei's formation and mental power world.

Every old poster is separated by Lin Fei's formation and the world of mental strength! It's just that the three old posters are indeed powerful. At this time, the formation and the world of mental power that shrouded them are almost completely destroyed! "die!"

Three Lin Fei frantically besieged the old poster, trying to kill him.

boom! After a while, the old host was bombarded again.

However, Lin Fei found that although his combat effectiveness was slightly stronger than the old host in front of him, it was not easy to kill him.

"Lin Fei, Hugh succeeded!"

At this time, the other three old posters had already cracked all the formations and the world of mind and power that had shrouded them, and rushed over.

"Come here, kill Lin Fei together!"

Upon seeing this old host who was working with Lin Fei, he shouted in surprise.

The four old posters besieged Lin Fei together.

Rumble... Lin Fei waved his hand, once again arranged thousands of formations and mental power worlds, and shrouded the four old posters.

"We get closer together! Don't be defeated by Lin Fei's every opportunity!"

An old host yelled.

As a result, the four old posters moved closer together in an instant.

In the next moment, thousands of formations and mental powers once again enveloped the four old posters.

Just now, these four old posters were trapped by the formation method and the mental power world, but now they are close together.

"Take hands to break these formations and mental power worlds!"

The four old posters worked together and began to crack the formation and the world of mind and strength.

"Lin Fei, dare to come over for a fight!"

The old host who was bombarded by Lin Fei several times just now looked at Lin Fei and shouted.

"Old fellow, are you embarrassed, why didn't I see you say such a thing just now!"

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

"Lin Fei, you **** it!"

Hearing the words, the old poster couldn't help but blushed and roared.

"Stop talking nonsense, break these formations and mental powers together, and then kill Lin Fei.

I believe in how many formations and mental powers he can deploy.

As long as we persist, his array energy and mental energy will be exhausted sooner or later! "

An old poster said.


The other three old posters were all refreshed when they heard this.

As a result, the four old posters are all crazy to break the formation.

Lin Fei frowned when seeing the four old posters close together.

If it is against one of them alone, Lin Fei is confident of winning.

But at the same time against four old posters, Lin Fei knew that he would definitely not be able to fight.

"Lin Fei, I'll help you."

At this moment, the four figures came from afar.

The queen of the dark elves came with a few masters of the elves! "Lin Fei, let me help you and kill these four old guys together!"

Said the queen.


Lin Fei couldn't help but refreshed.

This queen of the dark elf clan is a master at the same level as the three dark masters.

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