Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5077: Hurt the old host

At this time, Lin Feizheng had a fierce fight with one of the old posters.

Three identical Lin Fei groups surrounded the old landlord to fight.

In addition to the three Lin Fei, there were dozens of human spirits and three huge dragons, together besieging the old poster.

The three Lin Fei, one representing the past, one representing the present, and one representing the future, were all Lin Fei's ontology, so that would be equivalent to three Lin Fei's shots together.

Although the old poster's combat power was very strong, but under the siege of the three Lin Fei, he couldn't take advantage of it for a while, and he was inextricably fought with Lin Fei.

"Damn it! Your combat power has caught up to me!"

This old host, as an old antique who has lived for a long time in a sea of ​​absolute space, is now even tied with a younger generation boy, how can he accept it, while fighting and roaring at the same time.

"Old stuff, do you think you are great?

Get ready to die! "

The three Lin Fei sneered together, and the attack became more intense.

"Lin Fei, although your combat power is good, it is impossible to kill me!"

The old poster roared.

"Haha... nothing is impossible!"

Lin Fei laughed.

Rumble...Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and he displayed a lot of mental energy, and he smashed into the body of the old host, and began to frantically destroy his internal organs.

Mental energy is irresistible! Ahhhhhhhhh... this old host is always upset and irritable. Under such circumstances, he is most susceptible to the influence of mental energy. Unpreparedly, he screamed.

"Old stuff, go to hell!"

Three Lin Fei rushed forward and started a close hand-to-hand fight with the old host. One of them, Lin Fei, directly hugged the old host's body.

With the continuous improvement of Tai Zhou Tian's induction chapter, Lin Fei's physical strength is getting stronger and stronger, and his physical repair energy is also very terrifying.

Therefore, Lin Fei was not afraid of physical injury at all, and directly used this kind of hand-to-hand combat method to fight.

All the human gods also rushed forward, all hugging the old host's body tightly.

Ahhhhhhhh... the old host yelled frantically, the energy in his body was unreserved, pouring out mightily, trying to shake Lin Fei and the human gods away.

However, Lin Fei's physical strength is so great that this old host could not shake Lin Fei and the human gods apart for a while.

Boom...The other two Lin Fei took advantage of the opportunity to perform all kinds of lore, and they kept attacking on the body of this old poster.

Ah ... the body above the old landlord was beaten bruised, soon injured.

It's just that this old host is indeed extraordinary in strength. The energy he possesses is too strong, and the energy in his body keeps pouring out, actually blocking most of Lin Fei's attacks.

Although Lin Fei could hurt him, it was a bit difficult to kill him for a while.

"Youngest, hold on, let's come to rescue you!"

Seeing this, the other three old posters were shocked and angry, and they all yelled.

"You have no chance to save him!"

The dark elf queen sneered and attacked forcefully, with one enemy and three, actually forcing the three old posters to keep retreating.

These three old posters had already been trapped by Lin Fei's formation and mental power world, and now the dark elf queen is doing her best to deal with them again, it is a bit difficult for them to get out of trouble.

"Lin Fei, drag him into the new world you created, it will be easier to deal with him!"

At this time, Lin Fei suddenly received a voice from the Heavenly Spirit Master.


Lin Fei couldn't help but refreshed when he heard the words.

Therefore, the Lin Fei who hugged the old landlord and the human gods worked together, and dragged the old landlord into a nearby plane abruptly.

This plane is one of the new worlds that Lin Fei created not long ago! So after entering this new world, Lin Fei immediately felt that he could control everything.

The main laws of heaven and earth in this new world were also created by Lin Fei himself.

"Old stuff, come to my site, you are dead!"

Lin Fei laughed.

Boom...All the energies of heaven and earth in this plane violently violently suppressed the old host.

Wow...the chains of laws manifested like dragons entwining towards the old host.

The entire plane is suppressing this old host! This is the power of heaven and earth! "Lin Fei, it turns out that you created this world!"

The old host exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, I created this world, and this is your grave!"

The three Lin Fei yelled together, and once again launched a crazy attack on the old host.

"What about the new world you created.

I will also explode this world! "

The old poster was forced to retreat by the three Lin Fei. After a while, he was hit by one of Lin Fei's punches.

Boom... While speaking, this old host displayed space energy and time energy, applied to his fist, and blasted out with a punch, actually punching a hole in this plane! "Haha... just hit it! Break this world and I won't lose anything!"

Lin Fei laughed.

Although this new world was created by Lin Fei, even if it was broken, Lin Fei would not be affected in any way.

Next, the three Lin Fei rushed up again, surrounded the old host, and fought fiercely.

In the course of the battle, the old poster took action from time to time to destroy this plane.

Soon after, this plane was broken to pieces.

However, this had no effect on Lin Fei at all, and would only waste the energy of the old poster.

Rumble... After a while, this plane was finally completely shattered with a punch by the old host.

boom! The three Lin Fei took advantage of this opportunity and swarmed up, hitting the old host respectively.

Puff... This old host spurts blood repeatedly, and the injury is even more serious.

"Old guy, you broke this world, and there are more new worlds waiting for you!"

The three Lin Fei rushed along with all the human gods, abruptly dragging the old host into another new world! "Ah... Damn, Lin Fei, you created this new world too!"

The old poster screamed in horror.

He found that in the new world that Lin Fei created, his combat power was suppressed, while Lin Fei was even more powerful and his combat power improved! call out! The old poster became a little scared at first, and turned around and fled.

"Old guy, do you want to escape now? It's a pity that it's too late!"

The three Lin Fei laughed together, rushed up suddenly, stopped the old host, and started a fierce battle again.

Ah... After a while, this old host was blown away by one of Lin Fei's punches.

"Old man, your end is here!"

Lin Fei sneered, full of killing intent.

"not good!"

The other three old posters were shocked.

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