Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5081: Forced so miserably

After listening to this old host, the other two old hosts were silent.

Although they were full of anger and wanted to fight Lin Fei desperately, they all knew in their hearts that Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen would not be able to fight together.

Before, the four of them played against Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen, not only did not win, but one was killed. Now there are only three remaining. If they continue to fight, I am afraid it will be even worse.

Once the three of them really have an accident, then the time building will be over! "Let's leave first! We will find Lin Fei later!"

The last three old posters decided to escape first! "Work together to break these formations and mental power worlds!"

The three old posters suddenly broke the formation in one direction with all their strength, ready to break out.

At the same time, a large number of Chaos Gods of the Years Tower were rushing here at full speed.

"Lin Fei, these three old guys want to escape!"

The dark elf queen found out immediately and said to Lin Fei.

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!"

Lin Fei sneered.

kill! The three Lin Fei rushed over.

The dark elf queen also rushed over.

"Let's burn the original divine power together, let's leave first!"

The three old posters were a little anxious when they saw Lin Fei and the dark elf queen reluctant, and one of them suddenly said.


The other two old posters nodded in agreement.

Boom...The next moment, the three old posters burn the source of divine power together to stimulate temporary potential.

In the state of burning divine power, the energy held by the three old posters instantly skyrocketed.


The three old posters ran into one direction together.

Suddenly, they smashed through all the formations and mental power worlds, and broke through, and then these three old posters fled at full speed, constantly traversing time and space, and they were already gone in the blink of an eye.

The strength of the three old posters is very good. They flee at full speed while burning their original divine power. Even Lin Fei and the dark elf queen, it is difficult to catch up with them for a while.

"The three old posters all escaped!"

In the sea of ​​absolute space, countless creatures saw this scene, and they were all dumbfounded.

Four old posters fight against Lin Fei and the dark elf queen.

As a result, one old landlord was killed, and three old landlords burned their supernatural power to escape.

It was a complete failure! "No! How could this happen!"

Those people who lived in the past were very unwilling to be reconciled.

You know, the four old posters have always been the spiritual support of all members of the Suiyuelou, but now they find that their spiritual support seems to fall! "Queen, let's go to support other battlefields and try to kill as many enemies as possible!"

Lin Fei said to the dark elf queen.


Said the dark elf queen.

"Get rid of the men and horses of these years!"

The dark elf queen looked at a group of Chaos Gods in the Years Tower.

Just now, these chaotic gods of the Years Tower wanted to rush over to help the three old posters, but now those three old posters escaped, and there are still these chaotic gods.

"Okay! Kill them first!"

Lin Fei nodded.

Among the thirteen forces of the Thirteen Dark Alliance, the strongest is the dark clan, followed by the time tower.

If you kill the Chaos Gods of these Years Towers, then it will be a huge blow to the strength of the Thirteen Dark Alliance.

"All are going to die!"

Lin Fei moved, and rushed towards the Chaos God of those years.

Rumble...Lin Fei first displayed thousands of formations and thousands of mental worlds, and smashed the chaos gods of those years.

The dark elf queen also rushed over, the pink ribbons, like giant dragons, roaring and rushing towards the chaotic gods.

"Run away!"

The Chaos Gods of those Years Tower saw Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen rushing towards them at the same time, their faces turned pale in fright, and they turned and fled one by one.

You know, Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen just defeated four old posters, how could they be opponents! However, in the next moment, the formations and mental power worlds fell from the sky, besieging the Chaos Gods of these time buildings.


"where is this place?

I just seemed to be on the battlefield. Why did I suddenly come to this strange world? "

Many Chaos Gods found that the environment around them had changed, as if they had come into a completely strange world.

This is because Ye Yunfei's mental power world contains very sophisticated illusion energy, which can create many illusions and illusions.

These ordinary Chaos Gods could not resist at all! "Queen, I can kill these guys without you."

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile as he looked at the chaotic gods who were unable to extricate themselves in the illusion.

"Lin Fei, your mind power world contains brilliant illusion energy. Combining mind power and illusion energy into one, such a method is simply unheard of."

The dark elf queen couldn't help exclaiming.

"The empress has praised it!"

Lin Fei smiled.


Lin Fei looked at the chaotic gods of Suiyuelou who had been trapped in the siege, and said coldly.

Rumble...All the formations and mental power world launched a violent attack.

Ahhh... immediately, the Chaos Gods who were trapped in the siege screamed one by one.

Array energy, illusion energy and heart energy, the three kinds of energy burst out together, the lethality is very powerful.

puff! The head of a chaotic **** was poured into the sea of ​​knowledge by endless illusion energy. In a moment, his head was forced to explode, becoming a headless corpse! "Flee! Run away! The farther away from that kid Lin Fei, the better!"

Beyond the distant time and space, the three old landlords stood still, looking back at this scene, their eyes were almost splitting, and they all roared in grief and indignation.

However, the Chaos Gods of the Years Tower have been besieged by Lin Fei using formations and mental power, and they can't escape even if they want to escape.


"Lin Fei little beast, you are killing people like hell!"

"Lin Fei! You killed so many people in my Suiyuelou, I swear, our Suiyuelou will never die with you!"

"Lin Fei, **** you! I'm going to kill you myself!"

The three old posters were so angry that they yelled at Lin Fei.

However, they had just escaped from Lin Fei, where they dare to come back to save people.

"Lin Fei is terrible! He actually forced the time-honored Tower of Absolute Space Sea to such a point!"

In the sea of ​​absolute space, countless creatures watched this scene with trepidation.

For a long time, in the sea of ​​absolute space, Suiyuelou has been regarded as a superpower second only to the dark race, dominating the endless years.

But now, there is a young man who has forced Suiyuelou so miserably! It's just unbelievable!

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