Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5083: Killing Chaos God

Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen are too strong. Except for the three Dark Lords and Black Overlords in the Thirteen Dark Alliance, the other masters cannot stop Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen's joint attack.

And now the three dark masters are fighting with the three reincarnation masters, and the black bully and a few of his friends are besieging the heavenly spirit master, there is no time to slow down to deal with Lin Fei and the dark elf queen.

Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen swept across battlefields with the Princess of Reincarnation and the others. Every battlefield they came to was almost an offensive like a ruin and quickly achieved victory, beheading a large number of thirteen Dark Alliance men and horses.

During the battle, Lin Fei specifically picked the Chaos Gods of the Thirteen Dark Alliance to do it, because the real fighting power of both parties lies in the masters of the Chaos God level.

If the Chaos Gods of the Thirteen Dark Alliance can be killed in large numbers, it will be of great benefit to the Reincarnation Alliance.

"We specialize in dealing with the chaos gods of the Thirteen Dark Alliance! For the time being, don't worry about the ordinary people.

As long as the chaos gods of the Thirteen Dark Alliance are killed, it will be much easier for our Samsara Alliance to win this war. "

Lin Fei spoke to everyone.

"It makes sense!"

After listening to Lin Fei's transmission, everyone was refreshed.

In the next time, everyone specifically picks the chaotic gods in the thirteen dark alliances.

Among Lin Fei's team, the strongest are Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen, who can kill an ordinary Chaos God with just a few moves.

Although the strength of the Princess of Reincarnation, the Chaos Swallowing Beast, the Fire Source Beast and others are not as strong as Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen, they are also much stronger than the ordinary Chaos God.

"You guys don't resist anymore, just take it to death!"

During the battle, the fire source beast laughed loudly and released a billowing flame, transforming into a terrifying sea of ​​fire, trapping a chaotic **** in this sea of ​​fire.

The fire source beasts released all these divine fires with terrible power, which had terrifying lethality for ordinary Chaos Gods.

"Ah..." The Chaos God who was trapped in the sea of ​​flames was lit all over, burned ragingly, and was cooked in a moment, with bursts of barbecue smell and screams.

"go to hell!"

As soon as the fire source beast stretched out his hand, the rolling divine fire condensed in his palm, turned into a flame spear, and threw it out abruptly.

This flame spear directly hit the head of the Chaos God.

With a bang, the head of this Chaos God exploded directly, and the appearance and spirit were destroyed.

"The three of us besiege that guy together!"

The three ice source beast brothers stared at a chaos **** of the dark race, rushed up, surrounded the chaos **** and started fighting.

The strength of the three Iceborne Beast brothers is much stronger than that of the ordinary Chaos God. After a while, the Chaos God of the Dark Clan began to be unable to resist.

"Disgusting thing, go to hell!"

The boss raised the big wooden stick in his hand, and smashed the chaotic **** of the dark race with one stick.

However, the vitality of the Dark Clan is notoriously tenacious and difficult to kill.

After the body of the chaotic **** of the dark race was shattered, it was directly reorganized.

"This disgusting race is really hard to kill, let's have another stick!"

As soon as the chaotic **** of the dark race successfully reorganized his body, the second child wielded a big wooden club and hit his body with one stick.

With a bang, the body of this chaotic **** exploded again, turning into a black blood mist.

But this chaotic **** of the dark clan reorganized his body again and appeared in front of the three brothers of the ice source clan.

"This guy's vitality is really too tenacious! Everyone works hard, I'll see how many times he can regroup!"

The boss is a little angry.

Next, the three brothers of the Bingyuan Clan scrambled to take action, repeatedly smashing the body of the Chaos God of the Dark Clan.

Finally, after the body of the Chaos God of the Dark Clan was shattered more than ten times, he could no longer recombine and fell straight away.

"Finally dead! Go, there is also a chaos **** of the dark race over there. Our three brothers will go and kill him!"

The boss stared at a dark chaos **** in the distance and said in a loud voice.

Then, the three Bingyuan clan brothers showed their starting method and rushed towards that side.

At this time, the Chaos Swallowing Beast was fighting with a Chaos God in the Suiyuelou.

The strength of this Chaos God in the Years Tower is very good, stronger than those ordinary Chaos Gods.

However, under the fierce attack of the Chaos Swallowing Beast, the Chaos God was forced to retreat again and again, and began to be at a disadvantage.

Rumble...During the fierce battle, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast suddenly accelerated, and its huge body directly slammed into the Chaos God of that Years Tower.

One of the talents of the Chaos-Swallowing Beasts is power.

After breaking through to become the Chaos God, the Chaos Swallowing Beast already possessed the complete combat power of this race. This collision displayed its power talent. Wherever his huge body went, time and space were directly knocked to pieces and disappeared.

"What a terrible power!"

The Chaos God in the Years Tower felt the terrifying power emanating from the body of the Chaos Swallowing Beast, his face turned pale with fright, and he didn't dare to resist it, so he turned around and fled.

"Hahaha...can't escape!"

The Chaos Heaven Swallowing Beast laughed loudly, getting faster and faster, and finally caught up with the Chaos God of the Years Tower and directly smashed him to pieces.

In other places, the Princess of Reincarnation, Yao Tianmiao, Zhu Junyu and others have also exerted their powerful combat power, continuously beheading the chaotic gods of the Thirteen Dark Alliance.

"Very good, everyone has really grown up and they are very strong."

Lin Fei was chasing and killing the chaos gods of the Thirteen Dark Alliance, while paying attention to the fighting situation of the chaos swallowing beasts and others. He couldn't help but feel very pleased to watch them show their power and kill enemies repeatedly.

Now these friends of Lin Fei have grown up one by one. Although their strength is not as strong as Lin Fei, they are enough to stand alone.

"go to hell!"

Suddenly, the dark elf empress was all dressed up, and she waved her hands forward, and the pink silks and satin lines rushed toward a chaotic **** like a pink dragon.

This is a chaotic **** of the dark race.

"No! This lady is the Queen of Dark Elves, I can't be her opponent!"

The chaos **** of the dark clan was shocked when he saw the dark elf queen act at him, turned around and fled.

But he was watched by the Dark Elf Queen, where he could escape.

Strips of pink ribbons came from across the sky, catching up with the chaotic **** of the dark race, rushing up, and entwining him tightly.

Bang! The body of this chaotic **** of the dark race was directly torn to pieces by those red ribbons, and his body and spirit were destroyed.

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