Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5085: Dark Ancestral Temple

After listening to this mage, the expressions of the other mages were a bit ugly.

Because, in the process of deduction, the other mages also deduced some scenes of the failure of the dark race.

"Judging from our current deductions, the situation of this war does not seem very good for our dark people."

Another mage said.

The other mages nodded.

"Everyone, think about it carefully, according to the current situation, what else can we do if the dark people want to win this war?"

Heba Master said with a gloomy face.

For a while, the mages in the palace were silent, thinking about them one by one.

These mages are not only good at deduction, but also good at making suggestions.

Usually the three dark masters, and even the black tyrants, would come to these mages to discuss what happened.

"Originally, Lord Blackmaster returned, and also brought back a few powerful friends, which is a huge advantage to the dark race.

But unexpectedly, the cycle of reincarnation actually rebuilt the cycle of reincarnation, allowing the cycle of reincarnation to reappear in the world.

Now, the Heavenly Spirit Master, relying on the cycle of rebirth, was able to persevere undefeated in the face of the combined attack of Lord Black Tyrant and a few friends.

This makes the advantage brought by the return of the black bully to be hedged.

And the three masters of reincarnation are also inextricably fought with the three masters of reincarnation.

Therefore, the two sides are still in a stalemate in this war.

Judging from the current strengths of the two sides, it is almost the same. It is impossible for this war to be a winner or loser in a short period of time. "

A mage analyzed and said.

"Yes, this is the current situation."

The other mages nodded one after another.

"If we the dark race want to break this stalemate and win, we must have a strong master, or a group of strong men and horses."

The mage said again.

"Everyone understands this truth, but the question is, where do we dark people go to find a powerful master and a group of powerful people."

The black bar master replied upon hearing the words.

"Master Heba, why not do this, let's deduce the whereabouts of the ancestor together.

Because the ancestor is still alive.

If you can find the whereabouts of the ancestor, communicate, and let the ancestor come out and face the line of Fu reincarnation, it will definitely be easy. "

The mage continued.

"Find out the whereabouts of the ancestor?

It's easy to say, but where to find it. "

The black bar master said suspiciously.

"Yes, the ancestor is definitely not in the sea of ​​absolute space, and no one knows where his old man has gone.

Where do we find it.

Moreover, with our strength, I am afraid it is difficult to deduce the ancestor. "

The other mages shook their heads and said.

"Have you forgotten the Dark Ancestral Temple?"

The mage said suddenly.

"Dark Ancestral Temple?"

Hearing this mage mentioned the Dark Ancestral Temple, the other mages were all taken aback.

"Master Heba, you forgot, many legends about the Dark Ancestral Temple have been passed down from generations to generations by the ancestors of our dark race.

One of the claims is that the Dark Ancestral Temple is actually a space magic weapon refined by the ancestors, and it contains the darkest laws and dark energy of our dark people. If the Dark Ancestral Temple can be activated, the power that erupts will be equivalent to that of the old. Zu's full blow! There is also a saying that the Dark Ancestral Temple can communicate with the ancestors and allow them to return. "

The mage continued.

"Among our dark people, there are many legends about the Dark Ancestral Temple. How can you be sure that these two statements are true.

In fact, many of the various legends about the Dark Ancestral Temple are falsely spread, completely fabricated indiscriminately, and are not credible. "

The Dark Archmage frowned and said.

"The reason why I think these two legends are true is that there is a basis."

The mage replied with a slight smile.


What's the basis? "

After hearing this mage's words, the Dark Archmage and other mages were very curious and asked quickly.

"During the deduction, I vaguely saw that the Dark Ancestral Temple was suddenly activated, exploding with terrifying power and attacking the enemy.

Then, I also saw the scene of the ancestor returning from the dark ancestral temple, and that scene was extremely real.

These two scenes made me think that among our dark people, some legends about the dark ancestral temple might be true. "

The mage said in a loud voice.

"So that's the case!"

The other mages were all in a sudden.

"However, it is very difficult to truly activate the Dark Ancestral Temple.

In fact, we have tried many times before, wanting to activate the Dark Ancestral Temple, but each time is not a real activation. "

A mage said.

"From the current perspective, the Dark Ancestral Temple may really be the key to our reversal of this war.

The cycle of reincarnation has reincarnation, and we dark people have dark ancestral temples! Okay, next, let's go to the ancestral temple together. In the next time, we will no longer deduct the direction of this war. We will do our best to deduct how to really activate the dark ancestral temple and see if the dark ancestral temple will bring us surprises! "

Heba Master thought for a while, gritted his teeth, and made a decision.

"Okay, let's do it like this. We will not deduct this war for the time being, but will deduct how to truly activate the Dark Ancestral Temple!"

The other mages nodded in agreement.

"Go, let's go to the Dark Ancestral Temple."

The Great Master Heba waved his hand, and then led these mages to leave the dark palace, toward all the mages, and toward the Dark Ancestral Temple together.

At this time, Lin Fei and the dark elf queen were in this second lair, and quickly rushed towards the dark palace.

Lin Fei had been here once before, and knew the location of those masters' collective deduction, so he went straight to the palace.

Lin Fei knew that during the course of the war, the wizards of the Dark Clan must always be deducing this war.

Soon after.

"That's it, the wizards of the Dark Clan should be in that black palace!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw a tall black palace in front of him, with a weird shape.

Before, Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master had broken into that black palace and killed many wizards of the dark clan, so they were very impressed with this place.

"Let's go straight in!"

Lin Fei said.


The queen nodded.

Soon, Lin Fei and the empress rushed into the black palace and found that there was no one inside! "Where are the mages?"

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

"They were here just now.

Just left. "

The dark elf queen felt it for a while and said.

"Yes, they were here just now, let's go after them!"

Lin Fei felt it for a while and nodded.

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