Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 802: Kick into meatloaf

Soon, the father of the Great City Lord, Lu Zhen, walked into the hall with dozens of people. "Ω text Δ" "Δ school fan. ㄟ.

"Well, did you call a helper?"

Lu Zhi saw thirty or forty people following Lu Zhen and was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, the corner of Lu Zhi's mouth evoked a sarcastic smile.

This city of six repairs is now my territory, and no matter how many people you bring, it will not help.

"Hahaha, my eldest brother, you are welcome.

Good brother, we are going to be good relatives again soon.

I was so excited when I thought of this! "

Lu Zhi sat on the high chair in the middle of the hall, did not stand up at all, and laughed.

"Huh, Lu Zhi, I didn't expect you to be so awkward. If you knew that, you should have been killed back then.

It was my momentary softheartedness that I let you leave the Sixth Repair City, which caused today's disaster!

Lu Zhi, your brutal son Lu Feng, don't want to marry my granddaughter! "

Lu Zhen cursed at Lu Zhi.

Before coming, Lin Fei had clearly told Lu Zhen that he was going to kill at the City Lord's Mansion tonight.

Therefore, in this case, Lu Zhen also completely saved himself.


Lu Zhi was furious.

"Lu Zhen, keep your dog eyes open and see the situation clearly.

Do you think that this six repair city is still in the era when you were the lord of the city!

Lu Zhen, that **** Lu Chan tonight must give my son Lu Feng a wife.

You have to be willing if you don't want it!

Lu Zhen, I advise you not to offend me.

Otherwise, as long as I give an order, the people in your room will die immediately! "

Lu Zhi never thought that Lu Zhen, who had endured for four or five years to avoid conflicts with him, dared to criticize himself so strongly tonight.

The anger in the heart, madness breeds.

"Come on!

A clan meeting was held to announce the marriage of my son Lu Feng and Lu Chan in the name of the clan association.

If Lu Zhen dared to disobey the decision of the Clan Association, immediately and permanently expel the Lu Family from Sixth City of Repair! "

Lu Zhi's face was slightly distorted.

"Lu Zhen, I see how you fight with me!"

Soon, members of the Lu clan entered the hall one after another.

In the hall, rows of tables and chairs have long been placed.

At Lin Fei's gesture, Lu Zhen took everyone and found a row of seats to sit down.

In a moment, there was a flood of people in the hall.

From this number alone, it can be seen that the Lu clan in the Sixth City is indeed one of the best.

"Hmph, Lu Feng, unexpectedly, you still have a face in front of me!"

Lu Zhen stared at a gray-robed old man in the opposite seat.

It turned out that this gray-robed old man was Lu Zhen's own brother, but he also took refuge in Lu Zhi.

Lu Feng flushed, lowered his head, not daring to look up at Lu Zhen.

Soon, all members of the Lu clan were seated.

Lin Feixian, besides Naluzhi, the seats of the eight old men are the most protruding, in conspicuous positions.

It seems that these are the eight elders in the Lu family.

Immediately afterwards, Na Lu Zhi stood up and stared at Lu Zhen first, with a happy expression on his face.

Then he cleared his throat and said.

"Everyone, what is the main reason for holding a clan meeting tonight, I think everyone has already been clear.

So now, in the name of the patriarch, I announce that Lu Chan will be betrothed to my son Lu Feng as the wife of the ninth house.

I wonder if you have any comments. "

As soon as Lu Zhi's voice fell, there were countless gazes in the hall, and at the same time they looked at the people in Lu Zhen's room.

This is a gaze that contains ridicule, ridicule, irony, sympathy, pity...

"Our eight clan elders all agree with the patriarch's decision."

One of the clan elders said loudly.

"The eight clans are really wise."

"Okay, very good, haha, eight respected elders, you are very worthy of my dead father."

Lu Zhen stared at the eight clan elders and laughed furiously.

The eight elders blushed at the same time.

"Lu Zhen, now is different from the past, you have to see the situation clearly!"

One of the clan elders was always embarrassed and angry.

Lu Zhi was very satisfied, and nodded to the eight patriarchs.

Then, his sharp gaze shot at the rest of the people one by one.

This is a very obvious threatening look.

"We agree too!"

"I agree!"


The rest of the tribe had no choice but to express their opinions.

Everyone knows that against Lu Zhi's wishes, there is only one end, and that is, death!



"Hahaha, funny, it's so funny, haha..."

In the seat of Lu Zhen's room, a middle-aged man with ordinary appearance suddenly stood up and laughed.

Of course, it was Lin Fei.



"Lu Zhen, who is he, drive him out.

What qualifications does an outsider have to participate in our Lu family meeting! "


Suddenly, one after another anger sounded immediately.

"Oh, outsider, why are you not eligible to participate in your Lu family meeting?

This Lu Zhi, is the blood of the Lu family shed on him?

The chiefs of your Lu family are all made by outsiders!

Why can't outsiders come to participate in your Lu family clan gathering? "

Lin Fei pointed to Lu Zhi and said.

"You Lu family members everywhere help an outsider who doesn't have Lu family blood on them, to oppress and bully the true and upright members of your own clan.

This behavior is so disgusting!

I rely on, how can there be such disgusting beasts like you in this world! "

Lin Fei's words immediately made many Lu family members speechless, and many of them bowed their heads.

Because every member of the Lu family truly understands that nowadays, the head of the Lu family is taken by an outsider.

"Arrogant, too arrogant!

You're dead! "

Lu Feng, who was dressed in the red bridegroom's robe, jumped into a thunder, and rushed towards Lin Fei when he moved.

In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Lin Fei.


Lu Feng yelled violently, and a giant axe as big as a grinding disc appeared in his hand, as if the top of a mountain Taishan was pressed, he slashed at Lin Fei.

"You die!"


Suddenly, Lin Fei sprang up like a beast, his flesh tore the air, thunder rolled, grabbing with his right hand, directly grabbing Lu Feng's head, pulling it down, and his right knee slammed out like a lightning!


The bone crackling sounded.


That Lu Feng screamed like a heart-piercing scream, his face did not know how many bones were broken.

Of course, this is Lin Fei's control of his power.

Otherwise, with Lin Fei's 40 million jins of power, Lu Feng's can be blasted into blood mist all at once.

However, Lin Fei saw that Lu Zhi, Lu Feng and his son were too cruel, and planned to torture Lu Feng slowly and make him suffer.


Lin Fei's palm came out like the wind, drawing on Lu Feng's body.

Hit him to volley.


Lin Fei kicked out, and Lu Feng, who was about to fall, was thrown away again.

Lin Fei controlled his strength so as not to let Lu Feng die on the spot.


When Lu Feng was about to fall.

Lin Fei made another kick.

Between the sparks and the fire, Lin Fei stretched out more than a dozen feet, like stepping on a ball, tossing Lu Feng's body again and again.

Lu Feng made a sharp howling and screaming.


In the end, Lin Fei withdrew his right foot like lightning, breaking through the air, kicking Lu Feng's sandbag tens of meters away, directly smashing a wall of the hall.

Lu Feng's body had already been severely deformed and turned into a **** meatloaf!

It was only a blink of an eye from Lu Feng rushing to Lin Fei to Lin Fei stepping him into a meatloaf.

The rest of the people couldn't react for a while, and the collective was sluggish.

Na Lu Feng is a high-level cultivation base.

And just now, all of them clearly saw with their own eyes that the fluctuations in the vitality that radiated from Lin Fei's body were also high-level.

No one thought it would be such a result!

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