Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 807: witchcraft

"Be prepared, after half a day, go out to the Heavenly Cang Pavilion. "Wen ΔΩ study fan..."

Lin Fei spread the voice to the master of Dacheng.

Then, Lin Fei took out four hundred holy crystals again and placed them in front of him.

Then, release the soul tree and absorb the aura in these holy crystals.

Now that the soul tree is integrated, Lin Fei intends to start to accelerate his divine consciousness cultivation.

Now, Lin Fei can basically crush the warriors at this level of the Void Realm cultivation level, and even if the Void Realm is advanced, Lin Fei is sure to kill.

However, the strong man in the ying robbery realm was much stronger than the warrior in the virtual realm, and Lin Fei was not sure to win.

That day, the Supreme Master of Cang Pavilion was the elementary strength of Yingjie Realm, and the unicorn thunder beast could barely deal with it, but it might not be able to win.

Therefore, Lin Fei planned to use his own divine consciousness attack and cooperate with the unicorn thunder beast to deal with the Supreme Master of Cang Pavilion that day.

In this way, the odds of winning may be greater.

Just now, Lin Fei's divine consciousness has doubled, and it must be much stronger than the divine consciousness of the elementary powerhouse in the catastrophe realm.

Moreover, in order to be more secure, Lin Fei intends to raise his divine consciousness to a higher level as soon as possible.

At that time, dealing with the Supreme Master of Cang Pavilion that day, the chances of winning will naturally be greater.

Three hours later.

The spiritual energy contained in the four hundred holy crystals was completely absorbed by the soul tree.

Then, it was transformed into Lin Fei's divine consciousness.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness has once again been greatly improved!

After gathering the soul tree into the sea of ​​knowledge, Lin Fei walked out of the room.

"Start now, head to the headquarters of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion!"

Lin Fei talked to his servants and the two sisters with a sense of power.

After a while, more than 30 servants, as well as sisters Ying and Yan'er, were all concentrated in the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

Lin Fei controlled the city's teleportation power to teleport all the people into the city.

Then, Lin Fei left the Sixth Repair City, started a thunderous step, dragged an afterimage, and flew towards the direction of the Cang Pavilion headquarters that day.


After half a day.

Lin Fei came to the sky above a mountain range.

Below, there are eighteen green hills towering, surrounded by light fog, and each mountain peak has a waterfall, splashing thin smoke, and green water flowing around the mountain.

At a glance, it is lush and beautiful.

The gurgling spring water and blooming flowers gave this beautiful place an extra breath and a hint of agility.

There are many buildings on the eighteen green hills, and the temples are misty and lined between the green hills and green waters.

"At the headquarters of Tiancang Pavilion, the scenery is pretty good."

Lin Fei looked around for a moment and exclaimed.

Lin Fei released his divine consciousness and shot down below, feeling the peaks one by one.

Lin Feixian's current divine consciousness perception ability is much stronger than before.

Every mountain peak, every place, fell into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge clearly, and the details were clear.

Soon, on one of the tallest peaks, in an underground chamber, Lin Fei felt a figure with a terrifying aura.

That was a black-clothed old man who was about fifty years old, meditating cross-legged, cultivating some techniques.

Judging from the fluctuations in the vitality that spread out from his body, it is precisely the strong man in the Yingjie Realm!

"It seems that this is the Supreme Master of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion."

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Fei's mouth.

As long as this person beheaded, the entire Sky Cang Pavilion would be useless.


Just when Lin Fei's divine consciousness glanced over from the underground secret room, the old man in black.

The black-clothed old man's expression moved, his eyes that had been tightly closed suddenly opened, and a look of uncertainty appeared in his eyes.

"The god-consciousness just now is extremely powerful, who is it that spy on me with the god-consciousness?

Could it be that a strong man has come to our Heavenly Cang Pavilion? "

There was a trace of jealousy on the face of the old man in black.

He could naturally perceive that the power of God's consciousness just now was very powerful.

Even more powerful than the divine consciousness he possessed.

This shows that in the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters, there is likely to be a master whose cultivation base is much stronger than him.

The old man in black, no longer in the mood, continued to sit still.

So, when he moved his body, he left the secret room.


At this time, Lin Fei had landed on the tallest mountain among the eighteen peaks.

This mountain is the peak in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion where the high-level figures are located, and it is also the place where the entire Heavenly Cang Pavilion headquarters has the tightest defensive force.

As soon as Lin Fei landed, he was discovered.

"who are you?"

Immediately, there were hundreds of members of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, quickly surrounding where Lin Fei landed.

There are those with the cultivation base of the noble state and those with the cultivation base of the emperor state.

"It's just right, I will use you to test it, my current divine consciousness attack."

Lin Fei wanted to test how strong his current spiritual consciousness is.

So, with a movement of mind, a flying spear of divine consciousness broke into the sea of ​​consciousness of an imperial martial artist and blasted towards his divine soul body.

That imperial martial artist suddenly realized that there was a flying spear spreading the coercion of the god-consciousness in his sea of ​​consciousness, and he couldn't help being horrified, and wanted to use his god-consciousness to resist.



The energy of the flying spear of God's Sense is too powerful.

Without any suspense, in an instant, the soul body of the imperial martial artist was blasted into pieces.

Soul flies away!

The eyes, ears, nose, and nose of that imperial warrior were constantly bleeding, and the expression on his face was astonished as if an ordinary person had hit a ghost.

Then, it became a lifeless corpse and fell to the ground.

Lin Fei once again released twenty divine consciousness flying spears and at the same time broke into the consciousness sea of ​​twenty imperial martial artists.


In the blink of an eye, there were a total of twenty imperial martial artists in the Celestial Pavilion, all of them were shattered into pieces, turned into corpses, and slowly fell to the ground.

This scene is extremely strange.

Because the attack of divine consciousness is invisible and silent.

In the eyes of other people, these imperial martial artists were running, and suddenly their bodies slowly fell to the ground, becoming a dead body.

"What exactly is going on?"

Everyone in Tiancang Pavilion only felt their scalp numb, and they slowed down one after another.


"Well, a flying spear of divine consciousness can kill an imperial martial artist in seconds.

Then, try the noble martial artist again. "

Lin Fei stood on a **** with his hands on his shoulders, his clothes fluttered, and his whole person looked ethereal and dusty, with a masterful attitude.

With a movement of mind, a flying spear of divine consciousness suddenly rushed into the sea of ​​consciousness of a nearby noble martial artist.


The noble martial artist immediately fell to the ground, holding his head, and screamed.

In the sea of ​​his consciousness, a flying spear of divine consciousness was continuously chasing his divine soul body.

Because the magical consciousness flying spear contained extremely powerful magical consciousness energy, he was not unable to resist it at all.

The soul body had to run around in the sea of ​​knowledge.

In a moment, it has been hit several times.

After screaming for a while, the voice became weaker and weaker, and gradually became quieter.

Finally, his body lost its vitality and became a corpse.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, his soul body has been shattered and turned into nothingness.

"Well, it seems that a flying spear of divine consciousness, for a noble martial artist, can't achieve the effect of a second kill, and it will take a while to kill its divine soul body."

In general, Lin Fei was quite satisfied with his current spiritual consciousness.

"Who are you, why trespass into the headquarters of our Heavenly Cang Pavilion? Why do you use magic techniques to kill our people in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion!"

A group of people from the Heavenly Cang Pavilion had gathered around Lin Fei and asked Lin Fei.

Although these members of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion did not see Lin Fei take action, everyone could guess that those who died suddenly must have been killed by the strange middle-aged man in front of them.

Moreover, most of the members of the Celestial Pavilion who witnessed this weird scene suspected that Lin Fei was using black magic to kill people!

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