Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 811: Goblin is about to break through

"Who the **** are you and where do you come from?"

At the bottom of a few hundred meters of deep pit, the faintly breath of Heavenly Cang Pavilion Supreme Headmaster, extremely weak, his eyes were angry, unwilling, and helpless. Wen ΩΩΩ school fans.ん.

He knew that with his current state, he simply didn't have any ability to resist.

It's just that, he is a strong man in the tribulation realm who wants him to submit to a person with a respectable cultivation base, and there is a strong unwillingness in his heart.

"Oh, do you want to know my origin?

Well, it’s okay if I tell you. "

To be honest, in Lin Fei's heart, he hoped that he could be accepted as a servant.

A servant who should be a catastrophe realm cultivation base can greatly enhance his strength.

"My name is Lin Fei. I think you, as a powerhouse at the level of catastrophe, you should have heard of my name."

Lin Fei spoke to the Supreme Master of the Spiritual Sense.

"Lin..., Lin Fei!

You are Lin Fei, who has obtained four waste tools in the Da Neng Mansion in the middle sea area? ! "

Master Supreme Master listened to Lin Fei's divine consciousness transmission, he was slightly taken aback, and immediately reacted.

With an expression of extreme shock, he stared at Lin Fei with unbelievable eyes.

During this period of time, Lin Fei's name has been spread throughout Nanda 6 in Yuanwu Realm.

The Supreme Master of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, naturally he had also heard of it.

Even this Supreme Master had once had the idea of ​​going out in person to find Lin Fei and seizing the waste weapon.

Unexpectedly, now, Lin Fei came to the door and severely injured himself.

"Yes, it's you, indeed you...

That unicorn thunder beast, just now, I should have thought that you belonged to Lin Fei. "

The Supreme Master suddenly thought of the unicorn thunder beast that had fought fiercely with him for most of the day.

The Supreme Master finally confirmed that the man in front of him was the legendary Lin Fei.


"Well, you already know who I am.

I will give you ten breaths.

You choose.

If you do not submit to me, you will undoubtedly die. "

Lin Fei stared at Supreme Master Teacher, the killing intent grew stronger in his eyes.

After ten breaths.

"Well, Lin Fei, I am willing to submit to you.

You are such a villainous character, I submit to you, it is not wronged. "

Finally, the Supreme Master of Tiancang Pavilion chose to submit.

Lin Fei was overjoyed and quickly let the Supreme Master Master condense the imprint of the soul and hand it to himself.

Then, Lin Fei was one more servant of a strong man in the catastrophe realm!

At this point, all the high-levels of Tiancang Pavilion had become Lin Fei's servants.

"The entire Tiancang Pavilion headquarters is sealed off. No one is allowed to disclose what happened here today."

Lin Fei gave the order.

Then, the entire Tiancang Pavilion headquarters was heavily guarded.

The Supreme Master was seriously injured, Lin Fei asked him to retreat and heal his injuries, and also gave him some Sea God water.

I believe that with these sea gods water, the injuries of the Supreme Master Teacher should heal soon.


Next, Lin Fei passed on the order and dispatched personnel to clean up the traces left by today's battle.

Then gathered all the high-level figures of the Tiancang Pavilion in the conference hall of the headquarters, and asked about the overall situation of the Tiancang Pavilion in detail.

The strength of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion was indeed much stronger than that of the Blue Wolf Gang.

There are more than 30 people with the strength of the Void Realm cultivation base, more than 200 people with the Noble Realm and Emperor Realm cultivation bases, and there are a total of two to three thousand people with the cultivation base below the Heaven Realm.

This kind of strength, even if it gets into the three holy kingdoms, is equivalent to a middle-strength sect.

Lin Fei was very satisfied with the strength of Tiancang Pavilion.

Lin Fei has already planned to display some of his own forces.

Now, the Azure Wolf Gang and the Heavenly Cang Pavilion are all controlled by their own hands.

After sorting out the affairs of Tiancang Pavilion one by one.

Lin Fei asked the thirty or so senior members of the Tiancang Pavilion to continue to manage the Tiancang Pavilion in the same way as before.


Next, Lin Fei came to the treasure house of the Tiancang Pavilion under the leadership of the master of the Tiancang Pavilion.

In the treasure house, piles of primordial gemstones, elixir, elixir, magic weapons, martial arts secrets, and all kinds of heaven and earth treasures are dripping.

The strength of the Sky Cang Pavilion is stronger than that of the Blue Wolf Gang, and the wealth it possesses is naturally much more than that of the Blue Wolf Gang.

Lin Fei took about two thousand pieces of holy crystals and a small amount of other wealth from the treasure house of the Tiancang Pavilion.

Most of the wealth remains intact.

Because Tiancang Pavilion will continue to operate, these wealth are the roots.

Next, Lin Fei temporarily lived in the headquarters of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

Tiancang Pavilion is here, with green mountains and green waters, and the scenery is extremely beautiful.

Very suitable for resting.

There are still about eight days left before the Black Rock City auction.

At this time, Lin Fei planned to recuperate in the headquarters of Tiancang Pavilion.

At the same time, Lin Fei asked the big city lord to go back to the Sixth City, telling the current city lord of the Sixth City, Lu Zhen, after the Tiancang Pavilion, he is a friend and not an enemy.


Tiancang Pavilion headquarters, among the eighteen peaks, each peak has many secret rooms for cultivation.

the next day.

Lin Fei found a secret room on a relatively remote and quiet mountain peak and began to retreat.

First, Lin Fei took out almost 1,000 pieces of holy crystals and placed them in a circle.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged in the middle.

Then, release the soul tree in the sea of ​​knowledge.

The soul tree showed turquoise rays of light, falling on the holy crystals, and began to absorb the spiritual energy contained in the holy crystals.

As more and more holy crystal auras were absorbed, Lin Fei could clearly feel that the soul tree was slowly growing.

Moreover, his divine consciousness is slowly and quietly beginning to increase.

Two days later, more than 1,000 holy crystals were completely absorbed by the soul tree.

Lin Feixian, the soul tree has grown by half a centimeter!


A thousand holy crystals only grow so little.

Suddenly, Lin Fei was a bit speechless.

It seems that last time, the soul tree suddenly grew from the size of a little finger to a height of half a meter.

That was because the energy contained in the dozen or so soul trees left by the ancestors of the Lu family was too huge.

It seems that in the future, if you want this soul tree to live forever, you have to pay a huge price.

Lin Fei felt very helpless.

However, the benefits are also very obvious.

After the soul tree absorbed a thousand pieces of holy crystals, Lin Fei's divine consciousness was once again greatly improved!

Next, Lin Fei began to practice the Sun Jinjing Law.

Now, Lin Fei's strength and divine consciousness are far more vigorous and cultivated.

It can be said that the cultivation of vitality has dragged down Lin Fei's overall strength.

Become a shortcoming of Lin Fei.

Therefore, Lin Fei has already begun to tighten his own vitality cultivation base, intending to try his best to improve his vitality realm.


"Master, after taking the sea **** water, the goblin is now in a state of breaking through!"


Lin Fei received Azi's divine consciousness transmission.

"Oh, the goblin is about to break through!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

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